Robotics Club

A lot of kids went to this club called robotics club. At this club we programmed sphroes, Marty and Mrs Marty and we also programmed microbits. At the end we invited parents to come and see what we have been learning about and we gave them a shot of programming. We learned that there was a site called microsoft teams witch we used to take quizes. First we took one to see how well we knew about robots and at the end we took another one to see how we have inproved. We had a go at useing lego boost and if you don’t know what lego boost is we will tell you. Lego boost is lego that you can code and play about with. If it is a club next year we are sure it will be even better than this time. Hopefully if it is a club next year everyone has lots of fun. Drew says “I have learned alot of things and I found it very intresting”. I said “It is something I have not done anything like this in my life so I found it hard but I had fun”.

By Scott, Drew



Dear Fishermen,

I am 12 years old and have been learning about plastic pollution in class. I know that this problem is speedily growing and can become worse than it already is. We did a beach clean and made surveys beforehand to see what one to use. When we went and did the beach clean we found out after that nets and rope was the most common amount of plastic found on the beach we cleaned.

The amount of rope we found was in-between three hundred and fifty to four hundred pieces. This means that fishermen have been dumping rope overboard and a lot of it as well. Rope can easily choke fish, choke seals and starve and choke literally all sea creatures. Rope and all plastics can be dangerous to animals and even turn and kill us. As a fisherman you rely on fish to catch. If we don’t sort the problem there will be no fish that are clear of plastic or in a long time no fish there. Would you like the food chain to be corrupt with plastics? Would you like to get poisoned by plastic waste? Would you like innocent creatures to die because of it?

As a fisherman that catches fish you want your fish to be somewhat edible and so it won’t poison your buyers or yourself if you decide to eat some of your catch. What you need to do is have a bag, a box or something like that to store your ropes so there’s no need to toss them overboard and so that they can be either re- used or dumped. Which is better than floating in the sea for animals to eat.

By Ciaran


Dear Reader,

My name is Rhys Gairns and I am 11 years old. I am writing this letter to inform you/the community why people should stop using plastic bottles. In school I am doing a topic of how harmful plastic is to the ocean and the environment. Every day over 60 million plastic bottles are thrown in the ocean, and over 2 billion plastic bottles are thrown away every year. We found 14 plastic bottles in the beach outside the co-op alone, which could be washed into the ocean, harming the underwater wildlife. I feel that writing this letter might persuade some people to try to stop using plastic bottles, which would help the environment.

Over 100 thousand aquatic animals are killed every year because of plastic, and lots of those could have died because of plastic water bottles. Plastic never decomposes, which means every bit of plastic ever made is still here to this day. When a plastic bottle is thrown away, it breaks down into micro-plastics after around 10 years. As a micro-plastic fish can eat it, and when they do they think they are not hungry, when they are actually starving. Whenever an aquatic animal eats a bit of micro-plastic, when we eat the animal, we also get the plastic in our bodies. The plastic is not as dangerous for humans as it is animals, but would you like to get plastic in your body?

What I would like you, the reader, to do is stop using plastic bottles. You could use tin or metal water bottles, or a flask. After all, even one person stopping using plastic bottles could make a major good impact on the environment.

Yours Sincerely,

Rhys Gairns


Dear Reader,

My name is Holly, I go to Port Ellen Primary and I am writing to you about the large amount of plastics found on beaches around Islay. We have been learning about the impact of plastic on the sea and how it affects it. This letter is about trying to make everybody aware of the damage that is being caused to the sea and help prevent it.

Plastic can be devastating towards our seas. Marine mammals can get plastic bags stuck around their heads and suffocate, plastic bags can get stuck in some of the animal’s bodies and so much more. Do you think it’s fair for the animals to suffer because of us? Here are some sad but true facts about plastic.

  • Did you know that more than 1 trillion pieces of plastics are already floating in our oceans.
  • Worldwide more than 73% of beach litter is plastic.
  • World plastic production has increased exponentially from 2.1 million tonnes in 1950 to 147 million in 1993 to 406 million by 2015.
  • As of 2015, more than 6.3 billion tonnes of plastic waste had been generated. Around 9 percent of that was recycled, 12 percent was incinerated, and 79 percent put in landfills or the environment. 

It’s horrible to think that this is what plastic does to the environment and even worse to think that things will just get worse, but that won’t happen if everybody comes together and makes a stand against plastic. Just little changes could help save our environment and the animals that live in it. If you want to start making a difference start small like only using reusable bottles and bags. These little things will make a big difference and help save our planet.

Yours truly,

Holly Mckechnie.

Takeaway the Plastic!

Dear Editor, 

I am an 11 year old boy called Aaron Clarke from Port Ellen Primary school and I am very concerned about the use of plastics from around the Island, and I would really like if I could change your mind about your plastic use and make the world a better place. 

I am talking about Plastic Takeaway Boxes; this is a big problem because everybody loves a takeaway but the sea doesn’t. I know I love a takeaway and all the rubbish ends in the bin which end in a dump; did you know that 40% of the plastic that is used for packaging gets used once? If you think that’s the worse, a fifth of plastic doesn’t get recycled at all! Sea animals are accidently eating your plastic and dying because of it, and then it’s not just them consuming plastic because then their babies are eating it, then us as well so please stop. Would you like to choke and die on plastic takeaway boxes? Plastic doesn’t just disintegrate, as it takes over hundreds of years to break down; just break down not disappear. 

So I beg please stop using plastic. You can still have your takeaways, just please try not to get ones with plastic food packaging or at least reuse it. Or perhaps local business could find biodegradable takeaway boxes and cups rather than plastic ones.  So that’s all I ask for, ask for non-plastic packaging for your food; look up if they have a website and find out about their packaging before you buy. Thank you for taking your time to read this and I hope you can try this out. 

Yours Sincerely, 

Aaron Clarke 

Plastics; Friend or Foe?

Through a course of hundreds of years we have had a glorious yet destructive item, known as plastic. It is a durable material which is made from oil. It can be made into almost anything, from cups to cars. It is extremely common, and we even think that we could dump it anywhere with almost no consequences, but is that true?

Plastic is everywhere, which proves how reliable, cheap and popular it is. It could be used for packing, making anything inside a cardboard box safe from scratches or marks. And although people do say that oil is running out quickly, and it will be scarce sooner than we think, plastic doesn’t have much to do with that. Plastic only uses about 5% of oil in the world every year. It can’t hold anything, of course. A plastic bridge or a plastic skyscraper just couldn’t work, but as these things take years to make, and their materials are very expensive, it’s understandable why something as cheap as plastic wouldn’t be able to hold the weight. Plastic could also be used for transport. Plastic is lightweight, but strong with the right manufacturing. With it being light but strong, it is a perfect recipe for cars, to make them fast, durable and resistant to weak blows. Relating to its packing form, it can easily carry your shopping for only 5p most the time. You may complain that plastic bags break too often, but what do you expect for something that is 5p? Plastic is also extremely useful for power cords, as electricity cannot travel through plastic.

But, of course it has its disadvantages. Plastic probably has the biggest effect on the ocean out of everything it may damage. Plastic litters the street, the beach and most importantly the ocean. Plastics never break. The may decompose, but they only become micro-plastics, which is still dangerous to the environment and the sea life. If a sea creature eats a bit of plastic, it could harm its organs, and if it has children, its children would also have plastic in its body. Micro-plastics have this same effect. Plastic that is too big for an animal could either choke the animal if it tries to eat the plastic, or the plastic could get stuck around the animal, which could prevent it from eating, moving or it could tangle around the animal’s throat and choke it. If we eat something that has eaten plastic we would also be eating plastic, as fish can’t digest it. It’s not as dangerous for humans as it is for fish, but would you like to eat plastic?

In the end, plastic does have lots of benefits, and to stop using it altogether doesn’t seem like a good idea due to the amount of it we use and somethings would be impossible without it. But we should be wary on how much we use and what we do with our plastic and only use it where it is really necessary. Throwing it away is not a good idea and we should recycle as much as possible, and if people try to do things such as beach cleans to try to get rid of as much plastic as possible, I think we can live with plastic sustainably.

Dr Mark Glow Meeting

Yesterday we had a glow meet with Dr Mark Biddiss because of my endeavour. Endeavour is something that you do for half a year then show at the endeavour fair to the whole village. I wrote to him and he kindly gave the whole school one of his books but I got all of them. I felt it was very fun to meet him as he is really nice and clever and answers everything as everyone in P4-7met him through Google Meet.  I might be having another meeting with him near the endeavour fair for tips and then I am having a maths show to present to the school and I need to learn all the tricks for it in the easter break. Everyone got to take their books home with them and they get to keep them forever. The books costed lots and lots of money.  I felt very proud of this as Dr Mark was so kind.

Easter Egg Competition

On Thursday 28th March there was an egg competition for all members of the school including the nursery. Lot’s of people decorated their eggs with faces, patterns e.t.c and took them in. After first break the entire school went down to the hall where the eggs would get judged. All of the eggs were beautifully decorated and looked amazing and it showed how much time and effort was put into the designs of the eggs.

  • In pre5 Robbie won.
  • In p1 Alfie won.
  • In p2 Hugh won.
  • In p3 Chloe won.
  • In p4 Maya won.
  • In p5 Phoenix won.
  • In p6 Caitidh won.
  • In p7 Aidan won.

Every one of the winners was given a lovely big Easter egg that looked delicious. The winners were given 100 points each that were then given to their house. Everyone that participated in making an egg was given a little creme egg and 20 points for their house. Overall Orsay placed 3rd, Texa 2nd and Nave first with over 700 POINTS!

Well done to everyone who competed in the competition and took part!!

Beach Clean 2019

On Thursday 21st March the whole of Port Ellen Primary School went down to the co-op beach for a beach clean.  There was also people from high school to help, they where the John Muir group, and also ReJIG.  Before everyone went we got put into groups of 5. There was 10 groups. I got paired with Chloe, Katy, Christopher and Phoenix.  P67 had created a survey so we could find out what the different types of plastic were that we foundon the beach.  There were lots of small bits of plastic between 2.5 and 50cm long, but the biggest plastic pollutant was ropes and nets from fishing boats.  You can see the results in the graph below.  We collected 2 bags full of rubbish, lots of it was plastic. Altogether the school got 900 bits of plastic rubbish off the shore. When we left all the beach had was sand and seaweed.




Aloha Hawaii!

On Wednesday 13th of March Port Ellen Primary school met and chatted with 2 marine conservation scientists- streamed live from Hawaii!  Port Ellen is currently doing a whole school project on Marine Plastics and primary 4-6 have been designing their own Marine Rescue and Education Centres, and wanted to find out more about them from real life experts. The aim is to make links with lots of islands around the world who are also affected by the impacts of plastics in the seas, so their teacher Kate Brown emailed contacts in Hawaii.  Dr Gregg Levine is a veterinarian who works on Oahua with marine animals and lectures at the university, while Cameron Dabney is an education officer on Big Island and works for Dolphin Quest and they both joined up to answer lots of well researched questions from the children about their jobs and the impact of marine plastics on the environment-even though it was midnight in Hawaii!  The whole school were so engaged and really enjoyed the opportunity to discuss issues they care about deeply with others who are affected.  Thanks to Gregg and Cameron for taking time out to talk with us.

P7 Trip to High-School

On Wednesday 13th March, All the P7’s from Islay went to the High-School for a science day. There were three classes split up between all the P7’s. Mr Harrison’s class: chemistry, Mrs Moran: biology, Mr Kitching: Science.

In chemistry we had flasks with acid water stuff and different liquids and mixed them, we timed them the more high concentrated liquid the faster it changed colour. At the end there was a big glass vase with water and when we mix it it changed colour.

In Science we used Bunson Burners we connected them to a pipe then turned on the gas and fire came out. We got cabbage and water and put them on top of the Bunson Burners and got the dye and added it to other colours to mix.

In Biology we got taught about algae and made little green balls of algae  and put them in the dark and the light where they grew; the ones in the light grew and the ones in the dark didn’t

Over all we all enjoyed it and can’t wait to go to High School.

Comic Relief

On Friday the 15th of March it was Comic Relief.  We got to wear red or spots and nearly everyone was wearing red and we sold all our red noses.  The first thing we did was a dance-a-thon using Just Dance; it was really fun and tiring. After break we did Catherine Ryans favourite cupcake challenge and sold baking to raise money, as well as a panda treasure hunt.  The day was organised by a P7 for her Endeavour.

We raised ÂŁ300 for Comic Relief and had a great time doing it.

Books From Dr Mark Biddiss

For my endeavour I am doing magic maths and I wanted to find out more about interesting maths facts and maths tricks to play on my friends.  I plan to do a maths magic show.  I found this really great book called Magical Maths by Dr Mark Biddiss so I decided to write to him and ask some questions.

Dr Mark Biddiss was very kind and got in contact with the school.  He offered to send us lots of lovely books he had written and also sent me my own personal signed copies, which was fabulous.   Dr Mark does science as well as maths because he is a mathematician and scientist. I felt very happy about this and now I have lots of ideas for my magic maths show. I am also going to talk to Dr Mark via a video conference using Google Meet via Glow which will be great.


My Teacher Mrs Clark took a photo of me with all the books on the floor (I was also on the floor) and at least it was clean!

Robotics Club

At Robotics Club you work with robots and you code them and I feel it is really fun. There are a lot of robots like Sphero, Micro-bit, Marty, Lego Boost and more. At the club you have to be resilent and keep on trying and if you complete it the robot will be so cool and you’ll be succcessful. Here is some things about the robots, you can make rock paper scissors and a banana keyboard with the Micro-bit, you can program spheros to draw a shape and the Logo Boost can be made into a remote control car.  We use Scratch to program the robots and some people are even building their own Marty the robot from the start!

World Book Day!

On Thursday 7th March 2019 was World Book Day and it was really fun.  In the morning P6/7 went down to the nursery and read their favourite books to them.  I had to read to Niamh and Hannah. I had fun reading to them.

Later that day in the afternoon we went down to the hall to have a chat to parents and read some books. Then we did some fun quizzes and all tables/houses went up against each other! I was on a table with Caitidh, Millie, Millie’s Mum, Aiden’s Mum, Aiden, Mya, Millie’s Granny and Alfie. We were called team tigers! For the quiz we had to guess the author, guess the book by the cover, guess the book by a character and guess the book by its first line.  After the quiz had finished Mr. Shakespeare had added up all points and the winning team was the Texans! I really enjoyed World Book Day and want to do it again!

Heart Start!

Today at school a lady came  for P6/7 to teach us about heart start.  When we all walked in to the hall we were all confused when we saw all the dummies. Once we had got all the mats out on the floor, the lady got Mr Shakespeare to be a  demonstration.  After that she put a video on about what to do if someone is unconscious but are still breathing. After the video we got a partner to practise the recovery position on, Millie was my partner. We also watched a video on if someone unconscious ,or bleeding, having a heart attack or choking.   For the choking one we all got a dummy each. Once we got the dummies we all named them me and Millie called ours Jeffrey and we had to press them with the heel of our hands and do abdominal thrusts. Then the lady told us that we had to do mouth to mouth and  you should of seen everyone’s faces !  The first person to do it was Ellen .Then Millie’s mouth was too small. I finally I got Millie to do it. Once we got up stairs we got a certificate.  I am glad I know how to help someone in an emergency!

By Caitidh

Fair Trade Tuck

From Monday to Thursday  P6/7 Texa house were making Fair Trade tuck. The reason we where doing fair trade  and using Fair trade chocolate is because the people who make the chocolate get paid hardly any money and we wanted to raise peoples awareness.  Also the money we raised is going to the basketball hoops in the playground.

On Monday we were making cracknel and it was really yummy. The next day which was Tuesday me and Donald made coffee brownies. At first I thought I wouldn’t like the taste but I loved them. Then on Wednesday Evie and Jack made hot chocolate and put mini marshmallows I didn’t have any but Evie said it was delicious. Thursday was the last day it was chocolate chip cookies and they were good.  So remember to buy Fair trade chocolate to help farmers around the world!


  Today our school had a visit from AFRIS, Astronomy for Rural and Island Schools.  We got to learn all about space, constellations, light, robotic telescopes and space exploration which was really interesting.

P123 learned about night and day.  P456 learned about the stars adn we learned about Light.  The fun part was when Alexander had to hide behind a container of cola and then the man from AFRIS used a special infra red camera to show that you could see Alexander through tht ecoke on the camera when you could not in real life.

Chris also showed use some beads that reacted to ultra-violet light from the sun. If they change colour it means you need sun cream.

I felt amazed beacuse it was fantastic and it was magic.  After school their was another meeting and parents came in and did you know JK Rowling got Harry Potter names from constellations.  Thanks AFRIS!

Eco Committee

This year we have got 8 Eco monitors in our committee. We have a chairperson and 4 other groups which are:

1 Chair person – Charlie

2 Litter – Mara Rhuraidh and Evie,

3 Global – Katie, Callie, Mya,

4 Biodiversty – Caitidh, Alexander,

5 – The Nursery – Findlay and Neil.

We last had a meeting on the 24.1.19. That meeting was just the Managers and Mrs Harrison to discuss what we were going to do. Charlie has just done a PowerPoint to tell all the children and adults to remember the Eco Code.

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