John Logie Baird Learning Festival

John Logie Baird PS Success Again
Recently John Logie Baird PS invited all children and their families to school in the evening to celebrate in the style of a Learning Festival. Many families attended, with our children very obviously proud of their achievements and learning over the course of term one. Stimulating and exciting learning experiences, designed to make parents and children think, were evident in all classrooms. Congratulations to everyone for another successful event!

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John Logie Baird Primary Red, White and Blue Day

John Logie Baird Primary recently held a ‘Red, White & Blue Day’

The ‘Red, White and Blue Day’ is a campaign that goes towards supporting military benevolent societies, for those in need whose families are serving in our country.

Children made a donation and wore red, white and blue clothing instead of school uniform Continue reading John Logie Baird Primary Red, White and Blue Day

Park Primary Apple Day

Park Primary School celebrated their second Apple Day since the creation of the school orchard which was funded by Grounds for Learning and Heritage Lottery Fund.
Both pupils and staff showed great imagination dressing up for the theme of the day ‘British Grown Fruit and Vegetables’. And what a variety it was: blueberries, broccoli, apples, tomatoes, strawberries, potatoes, carrots and even a runner bean (school janitor) that did laps around the hall and put smiles on everyone’s faces. Continue reading Park Primary Apple Day

Islay’s Success at the Royal National Mod

On Sunday 13th October the Islay school’s choirs and solo competitors travelled to the National Mod in Paisley with high hopes for another successful year at the Mod. Monday 14th was the day for the children’s competition for Gaelic learners, and Islay was extremely well represented in all the medals, with Port Ellen Primary children achieving lots of success. The Gaelic Choir won all their competitions; the Badenoch & Strathspey Area Trophy for the Rural Primary Choral Unison, the Olive Campbell Trophy for the Choral Puirt-a-beul and the Caledonian MacBrayne Trophy for the 2 part harmony. Continue reading Islay’s Success at the Royal National Mod


At Rosneath we were delighted to welcome Alanna from ZooLab for an Animals of the Rainforest Workshop (P3/4) and an Eco Investigators Workshop (P6/7) linked to our Interdisciplinary studies.
Alanna commented how knowledgeable the children were and the majority were quite delighted to say hello to their new pals – especially the two rats who took great delight in sitting on Alanna’s shoulders!! Continue reading ROSNEATH MAKES SOME NEW “FRIENDS”

Author tours Argyll & Bute secondary schools.

Scots author Alan Bissett visited most of our secondary schools recently, delivering readings and hosting workshops.
The author of Boyracers, Pack Men, Death of a Ladies’ Man and The Incredible Adam Spark, who was brought up in Falkirk, spoke to S3-S6 pupils about what had inspired him to write his books. Alan, born in 1975, had his first novel published in 2001, and has also written two solo plays, a one-woman show and a short documentary, as well as numerous projects in collaboration with other artists. Continue reading Author tours Argyll & Bute secondary schools.

Outdoor learning at its simplest!

We often reflect on how fortunate we are in Argyll to have a rich outdoor environment on our doorstep. At Dalmally Primary this is literally true- yesterday 28 pupils from P3-7 took their bikes for an adventure in the forest. We cycled from school through the forest, stopping for lunch on the way finally making the summit of the Duncan Ban MacIntyre (Gaelic poet) monument. At the top we managed to find a geo cache and as you will see the children had great fun jumping from a rock down the hill!
Continue reading Outdoor learning at its simplest!

St Joseph’s Pre-5 Unit Open Day

A wonderful day was had by all as St. Joseph’s Pre-5 Unit opened their doors to all the parents of the school as well as the Pre-5 Unit last week. The recent new development to the school comprises a lovely, brand new, state-of-the Art Pre-5 Unit and all the local parents are delighted with this new service being provided on the school premises. The modern, ‘natural look’ theme is obvious throughout with beautiful new resources for the very lucky children who attend here.

Continue reading St Joseph’s Pre-5 Unit Open Day

Denominational Schools Working In Partnership

This year was the Year of Faith in the Catholic church where many opportunities were created to celebrate our faith worldwide. The four denominational schools in Argyll and Bute of St. Andrew’s Rothesay, St Columba’s, Oban, St. Mun’s Dunoon and St. Joseph’s Helensburgh collaborated on a project to create the Argyll and Bute children’s year of faith prayer as follows:
Continue reading Denominational Schools Working In Partnership

Achaleven Adventures

We had heard that an amazing plane was coming to visit Connel Airport. As it was just along the road, we decided to go for a visit. Not only did we get a visit inside the Catalina, we also learned some fantastic facts from members of the crew. We were also very surprised to see vintage cars parked around the plane. We had so many questions about the plane and the cars that we decided to tackle a topic on Transport – Then and Now.

Continue reading Achaleven Adventures

Dalmally Fair Trade Café

Primary 3. 4 and 5 of Dalmally Primary school recently organised and hosted a “Fair Trade Café” for friends and family in the community.
The children had been learning about “Fair Trade” and what it means for farmers and producers. The children then made their own fair trade items for sale, costing out their materials and jointly deciding on a “fair” price.
They also baked their own home made cakes using fair trade ingredients and served fair trade tea and coffee.
Continue reading Dalmally Fair Trade Café

Lochdonhead Community Cafe

On Monday the 7th of October, we held our second Community Café at our school. It was a huge success and many members of our community came to visit us. We sold lots of our handmade crafts including books, bookmarks, calendars and Christmas cards. The parents generously provided an abundance of cakes and biscuits to accompany the tea and coffee and it was lovely to catch up with the people who have supported us on our journey to becoming a successful business. Hopefully it will be just as busy next time when we will be holding our first community bingo game!

Port Ellen Pre Five, Our trip to the finlaggan

This term at Port Ellen Pre Five Unit Christopher, Caillin, William, Connor, Katyn, Robyn, Phoenix and Dylan have been reading the fantastic Katie Morag books by Mairi Hederwick. They say;
We love the books and have decided to learn about floating and sinking, ferry boats and we’ve been comparing our lives on Islay to Katie Morag’s on Struay. We have even made our own ferries with help from Caillin’s dad Donald.

Continue reading Port Ellen Pre Five, Our trip to the finlaggan

Cardross Primary Football Winners

Cardross Primary came out on top at the recent HALCO schools Ardencaple Cup Football Tournament. The Tournament was played over two consecutive Friday nights with boys and girls from all of the HALCO school able to participate. It was a great event run by Ardencaple in association with Active Schools.


P6/7 at Rosneath held their Team Captain Election on MONDAY 7TH OCTOBER. The children had worked very hard on their individual campaigns and Jackie Baillie, MSP kindly came to school to watch the Election process from START to FINISH. Jackie commented very positively throughout the morning. The whole school was involved in the process. Some Candidates made a grand entrance to music, one had a trumpet fanfare, one had a drum roll! Then the ALL IMPORTANT campaign speeches.


Islay and Jura Schools Stramash

The P6/7 children from Islay and Jura had a fantastic four days from 24th – 27th September with the Stramash Team, in and around Oban. A brilliant range of activities including coasteering, archery, dinghy sailing and climbing, challenged everyone (including the staff!). The Stramash staff supported us all to do our best, and the team at the Oban YHA looked after us brilliantly. New friendships were made and others rekindled after the Stirling Trip in May. We’re looking forward to lots of shared learning over the rest of this session.

Continue reading Islay and Jura Schools Stramash

3 new ipad training courses at Cardross in 2013

iPads for Beginners
Date: Wednesday 23rd October 3:45pm-5pm Location: Cardross Primary
Places: 30
This course is designed for teachers interested in using an iPad within the classroom but are unsure where to start.
It will cover the very basics of iPad use, such as notes, safari and the camera. This course is not suitable for teachers that are already familiar with this device. Continue reading 3 new ipad training courses at Cardross in 2013

Senior art & design pupils are CAST ACES!

ACES is a major widening participation project at The Glasgow School of Art, funded by the Scottish Funding Council. It encourages S4 – S6 pupils from 90 target schools in the West of Scotland to make informed choices about degree level study in Art & Design and Architecture. Pupils from Campbeltown, Tarbert, Oban and Helensburgh attended two ACES sessions held in Argyll & Bute last week. The ACES team (Dawn and Leanne) delivered an informative day Continue reading Senior art & design pupils are CAST ACES!