Category Archives: Communities

Big Book Bash at Dalintober

To celebrate Scottish Book Week Dalintober Primary 1 children held a Big Book Bash. The children decorated biscuits and served these to their parents and grandparents along with some juice. The parents and grandparents enjoyed reading the books and looking at the activities the children had been working on. The children voted “Jumblebum the Monster who loves mess!” as their favourite book.

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Kilmartin Early Level Class Meet the Bookbug!

Everybody loves the Bookbug and the children in the early level class at Kilmartin P.S. had the opportunity to meet the fellow himself at a special event organised by Argyll & Bute Early Years Team. The children travelled to Lochgilphead Joint Campus in the yellow school minibus, an exciting event in itself, to take part in the singing and storytelling session.

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Scottish Hydro Christmas Card Design Winner for Dalintober PS

The Scottish Hydro shop, Campbeltown recently held a Christmas Card design competition for Primary 1 pupils and Gregor’s design was chosen as the winning entry, judged by Miss Mary McMillan. As well as receiving his own prize, Gregor also won a new CD system for his class, and all entrants also received a small treat for their efforts. Thank you to Anne and the team at Scottish Hydro from Dalintober!

Grandparents Day at Port Charlotte

Primary 1/2/3 pupils waited eagerly for the arrival of their very special guests. The children were looking forward to sharing what they had found out about family structures then and now. Lots of activities were planned and delivered by the children. Through interviewing grandparents they found out lots of information about the past. The day began with a ‘Grandma Rap’ which was so well received it had to be sung twice. They presented a portrait, painted by themselves, of a grandparent and delivered a first class talk about their grandparents’ memories of the past. Continue reading Grandparents Day at Port Charlotte

Luing Primary School’s Holly Tea

On Thursday the 28th of November we had our Holly Tea. We sold lots of crafts like slate dominoes from slate collected on Luing. We also sold bunting, button garlands, glass tea lights, Christmas cards and much more. All the things were hand made by the pupils (with help from staff.) Parents and members of the community donated cakes for the baking stall which raised a lot of money. We had games like nail in the bale and guess how many sweets are in the jar. Continue reading Luing Primary School’s Holly Tea

Windy Work for Pupils

Whitelees Wind Farm in Ayrshire was the ideal windswept moorland setting to learn about renewable energy for Rhu Primary 6 pupils. The youngsters traveled to the wind farm to take part in a workshop and tour of the wind farm. They were able to find out about how the towering turbines actually work as well as getting to see the 215 turbines in action. Continue reading Windy Work for Pupils

Cardross Primary Mugdock Park Cross Country Success

Cardross Primary recently competed in the Mugdock Park Cross Country Championships. The pupils from P6 and P7 were accompanied and trained by Mrs Girling. All of the runners were impressive on the day but a notable mention must be given to the P7 boys team who came in first place with some excellent individual performances. This was a fantastic achievement for the boys who were up against some stiff competition from some very large Glasgow schools.

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School Grounds Day at St Joseph’s

Friday 22 November 2013 was a fantastic day at St. Joseph’s in Helensburgh as parents, pupils and staff joined forces to clean up and plant new life in the school grounds. Everyone from Pre-5 children to adults was involved in various activities throughout the morning. The Pre-5 and infant children were involved in sweeping leaves, picking up litter, weeding and planting flowers and trees whilst the eldest of these children (P3) cleaned up the outdoor classroom and got involved in raking and creating hanging baskets.

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Southend Gift to Library

Southend Primary 2 and 4 have recently been visiting Campbeltown Library where they met the puppet ‘Sage’ from Enchanted Learning. Pupils decided to use school funds to buy a pal for Sage, so they bought ‘Onion’. Sage and Onion are now living happily together and this picture shows Caroline Corr from Campbeltown Library visiting the children at school to collect their gift to her.

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Tobermory High School Fundraising Breakfast for Typhoon Haiyan

Moved by the images of Typhoon Haiyan, pupils and staff at Tobermory High School swung into action to organise a fundraising breakfast. Our event on Wednesday raised over £600 for the Disasters Emergency Committee Philippines appeal. Pupils from P1- S6 got together in the canteen to share bacon rolls, and the canteen made a cauldron of delicious porridge. The Traditional Music group provided a rousing accompaniment to the event, and there were games to take part in.

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Last Thursday Kilcreggan Primary and Pre-5 pupils took part in an Eco Day. Parents and friends were also invited along to help. Activities included; weaving where pupils cut strips from old carrier bags and weaved them through the School fence, kite making, a treasure hunt in the School garden where pupils had to find leaves, insects, plants that matched a colour chart, decorating bird nesting boxes, amking bird feeders and listening to the sounds around us. As you can see from the pictures we all had a great day, despite the weather!


Children In Need at Dunoon Primary

Mrs MacDonald and P6/5 of Dunoon Primary School organised activities to raise money for Children In Need. The children sold raffle tickets to win a’ Pudsey in his Onesie’ from Build a Bear, they made and sold bookmarks and organised an art competition. Entrants had to design a ‘Onesie’, for Pudsey. On Friday the 15th November everyone in school was asked to wear a ‘Onesie’, something spotty or something yellow and to give a donation of 50p to Children In Need.

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Christmas Carpentry at Sandbank Primary School

Primary 3 (Mainstream and Gaelic) and GM 6/7 from Sandbank Primary School are using their woodwork skills to transform a square of wood into a star with the minimum of wasted material. GM 6/7 have proved themselves to be responsible and trustworthy therefore they are making their stars as an independent mini-topic whenever they have a spare moment of the day. The younger pupils get their instruction during their Friday afternoon activity lessons.

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Technology Exhibition at Cardross

Last week Cardross Primary hosted a ‘Technology Through The Ages’ Exhibition in association with Glasgow Museums. The exhibition was part of a launch day of our very own Space Adventure 2 game. The game was designed and created by the pupils themselves on the school ipads! Many of the pupils acted as Apple expert, in the evening, presenting and showcasing their work to parents and the local community.

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Southend Children In Need

On Friday, pupils and staff from Southend Primary and Pre-5 Unit raised £100.38 for Children in Need by dressing up in their onesies and pyjamas, organising a talent show and setting up a variety of stalls. Headteacher, Mrs Ronald, particularly enjoyed throwing wet sponges at the big boys in her class! The school cook, Mrs Campbell, made us some lovely Pudsey biscuits too. Great fun was had by all. Later on Friday night, Mrs Bannatyne took the school choir to perform at a local charity concert. Well done everyone for such a good effort. Continue reading Southend Children In Need

Children in Need – £972.04 raised by Rothesay Primary

Rothesay Primary School and pre-5 Centre dressed in their pyjamas yesterday and sold Pudsey wrist bands and keyrings. The Primary 7 class organised a Bring & Buy Sale, Pudsey Raffle and did Pudsey Face Painting all day and the total we raised for Children in Need was an impressive £972.04! (Some people donated today as we had a few wristbands left!)

We are all very proud and look forward to tuning in tonight 🙂
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Rockfield Primary visit Oban Lifeboat Station

P2s from Rockfield had a fantastic trip to Oban Lifeboat Station on Friday 8th November. Working in 3 groups, the children got to find out more about the work of the lifeboat, what the crew wear when they are on a rescue and, most importantly, they got to climb aboard the lifeboat for a tour. The children have been learning about People Who Help Us and they were very keen to learn about the work of the RNLI as part of their topic work.

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Peace Assembly at Colgrain Primary School

The Primary 6 and 7 pupils at Colgrain Primary School presented a beautiful assembly to coincide with Remembrance Day. The pupils talked about the Scottish Poppy Appeal with great knowledge and told the stories of service men and women who have been an inspiration to them. Many pupils at Colgrain are children of Service men and women and know first-hand what it is like to have family members in areas of the world where there is conflict. The pupils spoke very confidently about the history of the Scottish Poppy Appeal and encouraged the children in the school to donate and wear a Poppy with pride.