Category Archives: Communities

Christmas Tree Decorating

Pupils of St Andrew’s Primary hand-made Christmas tree decorations to take part in the United Church of Bute’s Christmas Tree Decorating Competition. The theme for the tree was ‘The Stars in the Bright Sky Looked Down Where He Lay’. Decorations included stars made from dough, painted white and silver; silver paper snowflakes strung on white wool and pasta painted silver with smaller stars strung together. Figures of the Nativity were hand-crafted out of dough and sat beneath the tree, with a hand-made angel on top. Continue reading Christmas Tree Decorating

It’s the most wonderful time of the year! Cardross Primary Nativity

Cardross Infants presented ‘Baubles’ to their friends, families and some of the oldest and youngest members of the community. P3 narrated, P2 formed the school band and P1 were cast in the principal roles!

Continue reading It’s the most wonderful time of the year! Cardross Primary Nativity

Winter Woolly Wackiness at Achaleven

The pupils and staff at Achaleven Primary had a wonderful time raising awareness and money for Save the Children on Christmas Jumper Day on 12th December.

Everyone brought in a jumper or t-shirt that could be decorated and after taking some time to perfect our designs, we glued, tinselled, glittered, painted and baubled, whilst singing songs and feeling very festive.

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Dalintober P5 Oxfam ‘Bring and Buy’ Sale

P5 pupils at Dalintober PS held their annual Oxfam ‘Bring and Buy’ Sale last week and raised over £300. The class sold goods and acted as personal shoppers for the younger children. One of the highlights was the nail bar that parent helpers and Campbeltown Grammar School pupils helped with.

> Continue reading Dalintober P5 Oxfam ‘Bring and Buy’ Sale

Southend Annual Christmas Concert

Last Thursday, Southend Primary held its annual Christmas Concert. Pre 5 children and Primaries 1-3 performed “Our First Nativity” and Primaries 1-7 performed “Aladdin.” There were also woodwind and chanter instrumental performances. This was followed by Coffee and Mince pies, then parents were invited into the classrooms where the pupils sold their Christmas crafts.

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A Very Merry Kirn Christmas

There was Christmas spirit aplenty at Kirn Primary School on Friday as the whole school and particularly Primary 6 pupils hosted the Annual Kirn Christmas Community Lunch.

Specially invited guests from the Kirn community were treated not only to the wonderful lunch prepared by Lynn Stirling and the incredible staff in the Kirn kitchen but to an even more wonderful Christmas Concert.

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An Early Christmas Present

Our p7 pupil, Colin, was delighted when a parcel arrived for him at school.
As part of his personal challenge work Colin has been researching ferries in the UK.
He recently wrote a letter to Caledonian Macbrayne asking for information on how to become a ferry skipper. He was very surprised to receive a package of goodies and a very detailed letter explaining the career path and even sharing some trade secrets!
We would all like to say a very big thank you to Cal Mac for this lovely early Christmas present.

Dalintober PS Allotment wins ACHA ‘Garden In Boom 2014’ Competition

Dalintober Primary School pupils and staff were delighted to hear that they had been awarded first prize in Argyll Community Housing Association’s ‘Garden In Bloom 2014’ competition, for a second year running. Members of the Mid Argyll & Kintyre Area Committee scored allotments independently and Dalintober’s allotment was judged the best. Members of the Eco-Group, staff and parent and partners have all helped to maintain the allotment, growing a wide range of fruit and vegetables which has been used in school meals and for ‘Green Days’. Dalintober PS would especially like to thank Chris Holden and Judy Martin for all their assistance.

A Very Special Visitor…..

Primary 1 pupils at Rosneath Primary school couldn’t believe their eyes when a very special visitor arrived in their classroom…it was Ziggy!! The boys and girls have been learning about road safety and how to stay safe at night when out and about in their local area. The children were very excited to meet Ziggy and share their learning with him

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‘Lots’ of News from St Andrew’s!

St Andrew’s Primary School’s Third Green Flag!
St Andrew’s Eco Committee met with Paula Love, the Eco Schools Assessor, and informed her of all the hard work put in by the pupils, staff, parents and community members to maintain the Eco School status. After an initial meeting to discuss what has been happening in our school, from weekly litter picking duties to organised days like UNICEF’s Day of Change, the Eco Committee sang our Eco Code; complete with the newly choreographed actions.
Continue reading ‘Lots’ of News from St Andrew’s!

P7 Dragons Den at Rothesay Primary 2014

Primary 7 pupils at Rothesay Primary wowed the ‘Dragons’ with innovative inventions at their Dragons’ Den event on Friday 5th of December. Each pupil designed a product, composed a pitch and made a model. These ideas were presented to a panel of ‘Dragons’ – local business people who gave up their afternoon to grill each pupil on their product, and choose the award winners.

Continue reading P7 Dragons Den at Rothesay Primary 2014

Hermitage Primary – Technology Challenge

Bringing their interdisciplinary topic to a close, Primary 7 pupils at Hermitage Primary School took part in their Technology Challenge presentation evening on Thursday 4th December.
Incorporating Technologies, Maths, Language, Science and PSD, the Technology Challenge required pupils to work in cooperative groups to plan and design a working electrical vehicle which was supported by a good business plan. Their progress had to be recorded in form of a booklet and Keynote presentation.
Continue reading Hermitage Primary – Technology Challenge

Colgrain Senior Citizens’ Christmas Party

On Wednesday 3rd December the Primary 7 and Primary 6/7 pupils at Colgrain Primary hosted a Christmas party for the senior citizens of Helensburgh. The pupils and staff organised Ceilidh dancing, Christmas presents and teas and coffees for their invited grandparents and other senior citizens in the community.

The ladies and gentlemen were then treated to highlights from the Primary 1 Nativity and Christmas songs from our pupils in the nursery. Continue reading Colgrain Senior Citizens’ Christmas Party

Lochgilphead Primary’s ‘Night at the Movies’

P7 and P7/6 pupils are shown here on the morning after a very successful ’Night at the Movies’ which was the final outcome for their Very Important Bear interdisciplinary learning topic. Pupils worked in groups of four to produce their own movies. They wrote the scripts, made props and then filmed using iMovie on our recently acquired iPads. Finally pupils edited their work, added titles, music and credits to produce the finished movie. The Assembly Hall was packed as parents and friends were treated to twelve very entertaining movies. The cakes and popcorn also went down well!

North Bute Primary Beach Clean

All of the pupils of North Bute Primary School were out at their local beach to clean it up and make their local community a litter free place to be. Beachwatch Bute got us organised and with some parent help, the pupils made a huge difference to the sea shore. We spotted local biodiversity whilst we cleaned, and yes, we did whistle while we worked!

Kilmartin P.S. Children Charity Success

Over recent weeks, the children at Kilmartin P.S. and Nursery have been working hard and having fun raising money for some very important charities. Porridge Day in the Woods raised £35 for Mary’s Meals, Wear Pink Day for Breast Cancer raised an amazing £86.69 and £65 was raised for the Earl Haig Poppy Appeal. Altogether that makes a grand total of £186.69 given to charities this term. Not bad at all for a ‘wee’ school! Thanks to all of the parents and members of our local community who gave so generously. Continue reading Kilmartin P.S. Children Charity Success

Wildlife Watch Group at Innellan Primary

The Royal Horticultural Society and Keep Scotland Beautiful presented Innellan Primary pupils with a 2014 “It’s Your Neighbourhood Award of Level 4: Thriving”.  Councillor Mike Breslin presented the pupils with this prestigious award in recognition of their hard work in their school community.  Obtaining this award would not have been possible without the commitment and dedication of Eleanor Stevenson and Vicky Walkingshaw who worked tirelessly with the children.  Congratulations to everyone involved.


Dunoon Grammar School song for War Child a hit on Social Media
Pupils in Dunoon Grammar School are celebrating the success of a song released to commemorate the centenary of World War 1. (see below to hear the fabulous song)
Arlene MacKechnie (15) and Abigail Pryde (17) from the Argyll and Bute school published a version of Eric Bogle’s iconic song ‘No Mans Land’ on Social Media on Remembrance Day, 11 November, 2014 – a version of the song that Eric himself has described as ‘truly truthful and emotive’.

RNLI sale at North Bute Primary School

Primary 6,7 at North Bute Primary School organised a Bring and Buy sale to raise money for the RNLI. They had a wonderful day and parents and members of the local community came to support the event. We had a book stall, a toy stall, bric-a-brac RNLI souvenirs, nail painting, loom band creations, face painting and competitions. All of the pupil’s enterprising ideas and efforts were rewarded with a grand total of £800 for the RNLI.

Continue reading RNLI sale at North Bute Primary School