Category Archives: Communities

Parent and Toddler Group

Lochdonhead PS Parent Toddler GrpIn January we started a Parent and Toddler Group at Lochdonhead Primary School. We have around 6 toddlers who come and enjoy playing and meeting with their friends, every Friday afternoon at the school. We asked the parents what they thought of the arrangement and they said, ‘Brilliant’, ‘There is a good variety of toys for them. Different things every week’, ‘It’s a lovely bright space for them to play’. Hopefully in the warmer weather, the toddlers will enjoy growing seeds in our greenhouse and making use of our lovely Gaelic Story Glen. It is great to have young members of our community enjoying the facilities of the school. Many thanks to Alison MacKenzie, Principal Teacher of Early Years, for providing a rich and interesting variety of resources to support our group.

Kirn’s P6/5 are Leaders of Learning at the Science Centre

Kirn Leadership and Learning 1Primary 6/5 visited the Science Centre today – but not just as a fun and educational day trip. We were there as Leaders of Learning as part of our Children in Scotland project with other schools and educational groups and the Minister for Learning, Science and Scotland’s Languages Alasdair Allan (Primary 6/5 were the only Primary school children there!)

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Luing and Easdale pupils enjoy a trip to Oban Airport!

Luing and Easdale VIist to Oban airportEarly level pupils from Luing and Easdale decided to visit Oban Airport as part of their transport topic. They enjoyed looking around the air traffic control tower before watching the Colonsay plane land! They were even allowed to sit on the plane. The firemen at the airport then showed the children their special fire engine and let them sit in the driver’s seat with the flashing lights on. The firemen also demonstrated how far the water shoots out from the hose. The children were excited to watch a helicopter landing. We all had a wonderful day!

‘Red Nose Day’ Comic Relief Fundraising at Dalintober PS

Dalintober PS red nose day SAL 1Pupils, staff and parents of Dalintober PS gave their full support to the school’s fundraising efforts for Comic Relief. Red Noses were sold by P7’s and pupils and staff paid a small donation to wear non-uniform and to ‘make their faces funny for money’. Other fundraisers included a Pre-5/P1 Bake Sale, quiz and various stalls/competitions. A grand total of £775.31was raised for the charity – thank you!

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Chick-tastic P1 Assembly

Rosneath chicks assembly 1Primary 1 pupils at Rosneath Primary School treated pupils, staff and families to a bright and wonderful assembly. The theme for their assembly was, of course, chicks! The children worked very hard to learn songs, poems and other speaking parts. To add a splash of colour the children wore yellow t-shirts and made chick masks. Two of our very own chicks, Joey and Chicky, even made an appearance at the assembly. Can you see how much they’ve grown?

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Comic Relief at Bowmore!

Bowmore comic relief 2015 newThere was a very relaxed feeling about Bowmore Primary today as children and staff supported Comic Relief by dressing down and wearing funny faces! There were quite a few red noses going about and for once, it wasn’t down to the cold! Onsies, princess dresses, pyjamas and hoodies were part of our special ‘uniform’ today as well as some crazily painted faces. We managed to raise lots of smiles as well as £234.00!
A huge thank you goes out to our parents and friends for supporting Comic Relief through our school. Well done Bowmore!

Fairtrade Coffee Morning

Port Charlotte Fair Trade Coffee Morning (19)On Friday the 6th of March we had a coffee morning to raise money for Fairtrade. All week, each class have been learning about Fairtrade so that we would know what Fairtrade is all about. P1/2 went down to the Co-op to hunt for Fairtrade products and P3/4 studied the journey of a banana. P5/6 wrote a persuasive piece text encouraging others for or against supporting Fairtrade and P6/7 made a Fairtrade cookbook. Every class also baked a cake using Fairtrade products.

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Chick, Chick, Chick!

Rosneath chick 1Primary one pupils at Rosneath Primary School have been lucky to have the Living Eggs experience in their classroom. The children watched 9 fluffy little chicks hatch and cared for them for over a week. An amazing experience that we would highly recommend!
In order to fund this Miss McLean and Primary 1 organised a Toy and Cake Sale for pupils, staff, families and friends. A fantastic total of £250 was raised!

Continue reading Chick, Chick, Chick!

P3 The Big Bake Off at Dunoon Primary!

DPS Big Bake Off 1On Friday 20th February P3 held a Bake Sale in Dunoon Primary’s GP room. Having decided a few weeks previously that they wanted the opportunity to see a production of ”The Boy and the Bunnet’- a musical story they had studied last term, being held at the Queen’s Hall, funding the visit was a problem. £160 was needed to pay for the tickets. Hannah suggested we hold a Bake Sale and so the plan was hatched.

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p7 Beetle Drive at Dunoon Primary

DPS Beetle Drive 1Dunoon Primary School P7 pupils organised a Beetle Drive to raise funds for their Benmore Transitional Weekend.
The children organised everything from collecting raffle prizes, selling tickets, costing and making smoothies which involved the pupils visiting local shops to price local produce. They took a great pride in organising this event themselves.

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Bowmore Primary Salutes Mrs MacDougall.

Bowmore PS Florence RetiralThe whole school, along with parents and friends turned up on Wednesday 11th February at Bowmore Primary to say a huge thank you to their retiring head teacher, Mrs MacDougall. She has been head teacher there for 16 years and we all wanted to say thank you and good luck! From Pre 5 to P7, we all had a special message, card, poem and song to share with Mrs MacDougall. Also, our choir sang beautifully, our Highland Dancers were very light on their feet (thanks to Breagh and Rowan for organising the repertoire) and our ensemble played with passion. It was quite an emotional morning. Mr McNulty, our minister, finished off with a special prayer. We then all enjoyed tea and cake (baked by Mrs Swarbrick, our secretary) and a fantastic buffet, prepared by our wonderful kitchen gals! We all wish Mrs MacDougall a long and happy retirement!

Wear It Beat It Fundraising Day at Strath of Appin

Strath of Appin Wear it Beat it Fundraiser 1Pupils and staff at Strath of Appin Primary School supported British Heart Foundation’s Wear It Beat It day, on Friday 6th February, by wearing red to school. Fundraising activities organised by Clan Leaders and Deputies, included the preparation of red fruit salads, skipping, red nail painting and a red-themed quiz.

The school also organised and ran a Beetle Drive, which saw a great turnout of children, family and friends. Continue reading Wear It Beat It Fundraising Day at Strath of Appin

St. Joseph’s host event for Strathclyde University’s Post graduate VIP experience

Friday 16 January saw 7 postgraduate students and their tutor from Strathclyde University visit St. Joseph’s in Helensburgh to begin their VIP (Vertically Integrated Project) approach, focussing on schools’ Science, Technologies, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) subjects. This new pedagogy, adapted from that which originated in Georgia Institute of Technology in the USA, is an approach used to further students’ authentic STEM study in Higher Education.

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Beach Schools

Clachan and Skipness Primary School have recently taken part in a six week block of Beach Schools with the Grab Trust. They carried out a beach clean and had a treasure hunt. The children made mobiles using different types of shells which they learned to identify. They also listened to a brilliant story-teller and made pictures on the beach. They really enjoyed building shelters, making fires, having hot chocolate made in a kelly kettle and toasting marshmallows!

Carol Singing and Maths in Morrisons!

Strone Primary P5-7 pupils were invited by Morrisons to go carol singing in the Dunoon store and entertained their customers over lunchtime with some traditional Christmas tunes. The pupils were raising money towards transport costs for their outdoor residential next April. Pupils from Strone Primary School also went shopping at Morrisons for their Christmas Party food, and used their Maths skills to work out the best deals for their budget. Continue reading Carol Singing and Maths in Morrisons!

Festive news from Dalmally

The children at Dalmally Primary have been busy preparing for Christmas. At the beginning of Christmas the children organised and sold a number of homemade Christmas craft items and raised an amazing £500 for school funds. This week the children took part in a hilarious musical production called “A Midwife Crisis” to a packed hall. Our youngest nursery children not to be outdone entertained their parents with a selection of Christmas songs. Continue reading Festive news from Dalmally

Lochgilphead P5’s History Mystery

Lochgilphead Primary 5’s have been learning about life in 1914 and the First World War. They planned to turn their classroom into a museum for a day, but due to its success, it remained open for a second day! In the collection, there was some amazing memorabilia from home, alongside wonderful models made by the children. There was even a World War I trench dugout complete with bed and cooking stove. During the topic the pupils were learning to ask good questions, make notes and use their notes to create all the information panels for the museum. Continue reading Lochgilphead P5’s History Mystery

Dunoon Primary present ‘Bells Ring Out’

All at St.John’s Church were delighted to have Dunoon Primary’s fantastic choir sing for them on Sunday 14th December at the evening service. The children were beautifully dressed in Nativity costumes and led the service with ‘Bells Ring Out’, a selection of songs and linking narrative. The confident, enthusiastic speakers told the Christmas Story to a packed audience of parishioners, parents and friends. The choir soloists sang beautifully and their voices filled the church and left the audience in awe of their talent! Continue reading Dunoon Primary present ‘Bells Ring Out’