Category Archives: School trips

“Lochgilphead Brass Band”

Argyll Brass is a band started up by Mr Tarn in January last year. The band is made up of primary 7’s to S5’s: Fiona cupples, Matthew Tanner, Gavin Johnson, Amy Lockhart, Eilish Malcolm, Carys Macpherson,Sean Doogan, Fergus Langlands, Sam Barker, Hollie MacGregor,Eden Mikula, Alister Cupples, Sinead Pow and Freya Corner and pupils from other schools. Continue reading “Lochgilphead Brass Band”

EU winners

A team of pupils from Hermitage Primary have won the Argyll and Bute heat of the Euro Quiz and will be traveling to Edinburgh to compete in the final. This is the first time Hermitage has won the regional heat and the pupils are very excited to be representing Argyll and Bute in the debating chamber of the Scottish Parliament. The qualifying quiz consisted of 4 rounds testing their knowledge on geography, languages, culture, institutions and lots of other aspects of the EU. Continue reading EU winners

A Hearty Thanks from P.7 at St. Joseph’s!

Primary 7 children thoroughly enjoyed their Outdoor Residential Week at Ardlui. Not only did they thrive in the great outdoors but they have returned with a qualification in first aid training! They learned about the skills required, from dealing with minor cuts to responding to emergency situations. This was carried out in a very practical way with the children being involved in role play scenarios. The staff from Loch Lomond Outdoor Centre were delighted to put their own recent first aid training into practice.
Continue reading A Hearty Thanks from P.7 at St. Joseph’s!

Going Potty!

On the 5th of February 2013 Ardchattan Primary School went to Argyll Pottery to learn about making clay pots. They went because the topic they are looking at this term is “Change”.
When they got there, Hugh showed them how to make a jug. Then they threw pots, which doesn’t mean we chucked them around the room, it means that we made pots out of clay on the potter’s wheel. They turned out pretty good even though Jacob pressed a bit too hard and the top of his flew off!
Continue reading Going Potty!

Easdale and Luing trip to Aviemore

P5,6 and 7 children from both Easdale and Luing traveled to Aviemore last week for two days of outdoor activities. Children experienced lots of new things, taking part in canoeing, sailing and mountain biking. They even had to brave hailstones and snow for the last activity! A great time was had by all children involved.

Continue reading Easdale and Luing trip to Aviemore


With the proposal in our local area, P6/5 decided to investigate wind farms further.

Most people have an opinion of some sort on the topic and even in P6/5 everyone had their own personal thoughts and feelings. We decided to visit Whitelee Windfarm in East Renfrewshire to learn more.


Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons

In spite of the weather and the cancelled boats our 3 intrepid travellers had a great time on their recent trip to the Royal College of Physicians & Surgeons. They undertook keyhole surgery (I hope none of them actually have to operate on any of us in the future because they kept dropping things), watched a live operation online, attended a lecture on dentistry and learnt about the dangers of mosquitoes. They also enjoyed dining out, a little bit of shopping and a large hot chocolate.

Continue reading Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons

Gaelic Pupils Explore for Dragons at Dunollie

Children in Oban’s Gaelic-medium P1 and P2 classes experienced a fabulous day of exploration and outdoor learning recently, organised by Stramash. The activities were linked to the children’s Knights and Castles topic, and the day started at Dunollie Castle with a scavenger hunt. The natural materials the children collected were used to make special crowns, and other activities included creating dragon potions and exploring the castle itself.

Continue reading Gaelic Pupils Explore for Dragons at Dunollie

St Joseph’s P.3 visit to the Fire Station

Primary 3 of St Joseph’s Primary enjoyed a visit to Helensburgh fire station as part of their interdisciplinary topic, “Emergency Services.”
The crew were very welcoming to us, allowing the children to see their training buildings, spray water from the hoses, try on real uniforms and sit in the fire engine. The children enjoyed every moment of their visit and we have the photographs to prove it!
Continue reading St Joseph’s P.3 visit to the Fire Station

Cardross Primary School Visit to the Royal College of Surgeons and Physicians, Glasgow

Last week, Mr Henry and four lucky pupils from his class were invited to the Royal College of Surgeons and Physicians in Glasgow to see some of the amazing things that they do. They were able to watch and perform keyhole surgery (on a dummy!) and learned about travel medicine and dentistry. It was a fantatstic experience!

Dalintober PS Police Station Escape!

Dalintober P3’s flee Police Station!
Primary 3 pupils of Dalintober PS recently visited Campbeltown Police Station as part of a topic looking at ‘Emergency Services’, although as you can see from the photo they managed to make a quick getaway! The pupils thoroughly enjoyed their visit and have written letters to Inspector Harper to thank him and his team for demonstrating many aspects of police work to the class.

Rothesay Pre-5 Eco Campaign

Rothesay Primary Pre-5 eco group recently visited their local newspaper, The Buteman to ask for help with their latest campaign. With the help of Alex Robertson, they are going to build an eco greenhouse made out of 2 litre clear plastic bottles. Only its not 10 clear bottles they need, but 2000 which is a very long sing indeed! The Buteman very kindly printed the appeal and with a poster campaign as well, the bottles are flooding in. We have counted 800 so far.

Continue reading Rothesay Pre-5 Eco Campaign

Southend Lifeboat Visit

The P1 and P3 class are learning all about lifeboats, lighthouses and the sea in their IDL project, The Lighthouse Keeper’s Lunch. One of the many activities this week was visiting the Machrihanish Seabird Observatory and the Campbeltown Lifeboat Station. Last week we had a splendid afternoon in the company of Mr Hector Lamont, who was a lighthouse keeper at the Mull of Kintyre Lighthouse. Mr Lamont and his wife were stationed at the Mull of Kintyre Lighthouse about 6 miles from Southend School.

Continue reading Southend Lifeboat Visit

Tarbert Primary 7 Visit to Clydebank Museum and Art Gallery

Recently Primary 7 visited Clydebank Museum and Art Gallery as part of their WWII topic. It was a very enjoyable day when the class dressed up and had some hands-on experience with gas masks, gas rattles (very noisy), shells made in Clydebank (without the explosive content on this occasion), etc. The story of the Clydebank Blitz was very interesting and we visited the actual command centre at the time, a basement room in the library, where we made an electrical light circuit and passed morse messages to each other.

Continue reading Tarbert Primary 7 Visit to Clydebank Museum and Art Gallery

Lochgilphead High School: S2 Outward Bound Trip

Outward Bound 2013

Eighteen S2 pupils along with two S4 mentor pupils attended The Outward Bound Trust Loch Eil Centre which is just outside Fort William from Monday 25 February until Friday 1 March 2013. Their first task was to jog from the centre to the nearby Loch Eil and then take a dip in the dark cold water. Every student and one of the accompanying staff as well as their instructors all met the challenge. Continue reading Lochgilphead High School: S2 Outward Bound Trip

Castlehill Primary School Visit to Kintyre Recycling Ltd

Children from P5/6 recently visited Kintyre Recycling Ltd as part of their current Topic. They were shown what happens to the items that they collect in school to be recycled. They thoroughly enjoyed their tour of the plant and once back at school they worked in their cooperative groups to create models of the various recycling machines. These were then displayed in the classroom. Recycling is a large part of the Eco activities at Catlehill Primary School.

Luing primary Storms Carnasserie Castle

Luing primary Storms Carnasserie Castle.
As part of the study on Scottish Castles, Luing primary went to Carnasserie Castle. The children had the castle to themselves so we had a magical day.
We investigated the castle and made sketches of what we found. We were able to use our own charcoal that we made in the fire pit at school.
Continue reading Luing primary Storms Carnasserie Castle

Colgrain Primary 7 trip to Stirling Castle

On Monday the 4th of February, Primary six and Primary seven went to Stirling Castle to take part in a workshop about their topic on world war two.
During their visit they experienced a WW2 workshop and looked around the WW2 museum which housed a variety of artefacts related to the war. Continue reading Colgrain Primary 7 trip to Stirling Castle


Primary 7 children from Rosneath Primary School recently had a week away at Ardeonaig Outdoor Centre. We had rain, sleet, snow and sunshine – just a typical Scottish week!
We had such a great time taking part in so many outdoor activities as you can see from our photos – challenges, teamwork, problem solving, exploring – and we were delighted to complete our John Muir Award. Continue reading OUTDOOR LEARNING IS GREAT FUN! ROSNEATH HEAD TO ARDEONAIG, PERTHSHIRE