Category Archives: School trips

An “otterly” brilliant day at the Sea Life Centre

As part of their topic about the sea, Lismore Primary School children spent a very enjoyable day at the Oban Sea Life Centre last week.  The two Pre Five children also joined them for the day. The children began their visit with a tour through the various aquaria with aquarist, Innes. They saw all sorts of water animals which live around the local shores including sea urchins, starfish, lobsters and jellyfish.

A large pool contained many different species of flat fish which were well camouflaged on the sandy bottom. There were also cod and coley in the pool and the children were able to get up very close to them!  A rather large conger eel caused great excitement as did a number of different sharks and a very active octopus.

Continue reading An “otterly” brilliant day at the Sea Life Centre

Kirn Primary 3 visit Julia Donaldson at Dunoon Library

Primary Three from Kirn Primary were excited to meet world famous Children’s Laureate Julia Donaldson at Dunoon Library. 

We sang our version of “The Loon on the Moon” by Chae Strathie for Julia.  We chose this because we remembered it from when Chae came to our school.  We joined in with her play of “Room on the Broom”.  We also sang along with her songs, asked some questions and had our own books signed!  A great morning!

Dunoon Primary Learning Centre meet Julia Donaldson

On Monday 17th September the Learning Centre children went to Dunoon Library to meet Julia & Malcolm Donaldson.  Mrs MacDonald put the children forward for this event as they had been so interested in Julia’s books and were delighted to be invited to take part alongside children from other local primaries. 

The children of DP Learning Centre performed the Gruffalo’s child for the Donaldson’s and in turn they performed Room on the Broom for them.  Lucky James Ballantyne was picked to be the bird in Julia & Malcolm’s performance.  What a superb day out, the children loved every minute!

Thank You RHET For A Farmtastic Day at Duchlage!

As part of our Food and Farming work P6/5 from Garelochhead Primary visited Duchlage Farm on Luss Estate.  It was a fabulous day and we all had such a great time and learned a lot from all the experts there.  We were able to milk ‘Mable’ the fibre glass dairy cow, make butter, look at various pieces of farming machinery, investigate biodiversity, make delicious venison burgers, learn more about Scotch beef and Scotch lamb. Thank you so much for such a great event!!

Continue reading Thank You RHET For A Farmtastic Day at Duchlage!

Mid Argyll Orienteering 2012

On the 6th September 2012 the P4-P7s from Lochgilphead Primary took part in the orienteering event organised by Stramash.  The day was held in Kilmory Gardens and attended by many schools from across Mid Argyll.  The four different courses challenged all the children, the longest being 3.6km for the P7 girls and boys.

When you weren’t taking part in the orienteering, there was a natural art competition and a scavenger hunt.  The winners of the natural art competition were Tayvallich Primary.  The fabulous day impressed everyone and Stramash is thanked for the spectacular day and we hope that there will be more to come!

Continue reading Mid Argyll Orienteering 2012


On Friday, 7th September Bunessan Primary went to Tobermory to the local mod.  Some people sang a solo and some people were in the choir which came second.   Byron came first in the chanter.  Everyone got a certificate.  We liked seeing other people singing and everyone had a good time.

At An Tobar we looked at leaves which we had made at school as part of the Forest Partners project.  They were made from clay, glass and bronze.  There was a film that the P5, 6, 7 class were in.  We wrote our names on leaves and they were put on the floor of the exhibition.  The whole exhibition looked really cool and amazing.  There were lots of leaves hanging down with fairy lights shining.  It looked like an enchanted forest.  We had lots of fun and got goody bags.  By Claire, Iain & Amy – P4

Intrepid campers on Lismore!

Friday 7th September was Camping Day at Lismore Primary School.  Following the disappointing cancellation of last term’s planned camp due to high winds, everyone was determined that  this one would go ahead – even if there was a little rain!  The children arrived at school with tents and sleeping bags.  Some were a little apprehensive as this would be their first night away from home or in a tent.

During the morning, the children learned a bit about survival skills, finding out about equipment they would need to survive in the wild for the night, and what to do if they were lost or injured in the wild.  They then pitched their tents and made a fireplace before going home. Continue reading Intrepid campers on Lismore!

Salen Primary Pupils Baliscate Visit

On Monday 3rd September Salen Primary pupils went to the Baliscate site in Tobermory which is being excavated by Argyll Archaeology and Mull Museum (sponsored by the Nati­­­­­­­­­­­­­onal Lottery and others).   At the site we met Olive and Hylda. Once we were there we saw archaeologists digging for evidence of an old chapel (7th C).   Luckily enough we were able to see the artefacts found in the chapel such as: teeth, the Bullen stone and the Leacht that the cross would stand on, and lots more fascinating and interesting things!   

Continue reading Salen Primary Pupils Baliscate Visit

Rosneath primary visits The Brooch of Lorn

A class from Rosneath Primary went to see the replica of the Brooch of Lorn in Helensburgh Library – absolutely magical. They were allowed to photograph it so the children were delighted to have their photo taken with a replica of ‘a little bit of history’. They are going to be looking at some Scottish battles in the future so this was very useful.

If you want to visit the Brooch of Lorn in your area, see the SAL article here Continue reading Rosneath primary visits The Brooch of Lorn

Na Seudan Tarbert Academy

Na Seudan, the fantastic folk group made up of pupils from Tarbert Academy, recently performed as part of The Edinburgh Fringe. From the Ross Bandstand, in Princes St. Gardens and in the shadow of the castle, they gave a stunning 1 hour concert to festival visitors.

The group perform mainly Gaelic songs in unique arrangements as well as including many traditional folk tunes.

Continue reading Na Seudan Tarbert Academy

Tarbert Academy Buskers

When the Paddle Steamer ‘Waverley’ docked at Tarbert Pier, passengers were greeted by Tarbert Academy pupils busking to raise funds for a school trip.  Tarbert Academy Music Department is organising an excursion to the musical ‘Phantom of the Opera’ and funds raised by the pupils help to make this trip more affordable for all pupils.  Visitors to Tarbert enjoyed the pupils’ performances and gave generously.

Catriona Hood HeadTeacher

Continue reading Tarbert Academy Buskers

Investigating Lismore by sea!

As part of their project about the sea, the children of Lismore Primary School took a boat trip around their island with Oban-based company, Coastal Connection. On a beautiful August afternoon, they made the short walk from the school down to Achnacroish slipway, where skipper Cameron was waiting with the twelve seater RIB craft.

After everyone had donned lifejackets and climbed aboard, the journey began. Soon, the boat was speeding north up the Lynn of Lorn and the children were excitedly pointing out each others’ homes and other local landmarks. Continue reading Investigating Lismore by sea!

Invitation to visit THE BROOCH OF LORN at your local library!

The Brooch of Lorn is one of the great medieval jewels of Scotland, with a charmstone in its centre which was believed to have magic powers.
As Robert the Bruce fled during battle against the MacDougalls of Dunollie in 1306, he left behind his cloak. Pinned to this was the Brooch. It has been a great prize for the MacDougalls ever since and is still held by the Clan Chief. Originally it would have been a simpler jewel but around the same time as Shakespeare it was transformed into a fabulous silver and pearl brooch. Continue reading Invitation to visit THE BROOCH OF LORN at your local library!


Every teacher in the country has a story concerning the class comic, but staff at Dunoon Grammar School can now boast about the entire class of comics who took the Edinburgh Fringe Festival by storm.

Fifteen pupils from the school sacrificed the final day of their summer holidays to attend a comedy workshop at the amazing BBC venue at the Edinburgh Festival on Tuesday, 14 August.


Dunbeg Primary – Seafari Adventure

On Friday 22nd June P5-7 pupils from Dunbeg Primary travelled to Easdale to go on a Seafari Adventure. First of all everyone got kitted up in waterproofs and lifejackets. After safety instructions we hopped onto the boats.

We were about to witness a world of wildlife … red deer galloping up hills, oyster catchers diving for food, huge salmon leaping out of the water and so much more!

Continue reading Dunbeg Primary – Seafari Adventure

Social Enterprise Award for Kilmodan Primary

It was an early start for pupils, parents and staff of Kilmodan Primary as they made their way to Edinburgh on Tuesday 19th June.  Mrs Hawkins and the P6 children were heading to The Hub to meet Mr John Swinney MSP who awarded them with the Social Enterprise in Schools Award.  The award is in recognition of our very successful tearoom venture which we have been running monthly in the school.  Only last week we attended The Scottish Education Awards at the Glasgow Hilton as finalists in the ‘Enterprise and Employability across Learning’ category, also for our successful tearoom. 

Continue reading Social Enterprise Award for Kilmodan Primary


Our Primary 1 class visited Ballagan Garden Centre and Birds of Prey Centre last week. Everybody had a fantastic time. The pupils were shown how to plant-up and each child was given a pot plant to bring home. They then went on to visit the Birds of Prey Centre where they met owls and falcons. What a great day!

We would like to thank Thomas Callaghan and his team at the Garden Centre and Stewart and his team at the Birds of Prey Centre for making our day so special.