On the 6th September 2012 the P4-P7s from Lochgilphead Primary took part in the orienteering event organised by Stramash. The day was held in Kilmory Gardens and attended by many schools from across Mid Argyll. The four different courses challenged all the children, the longest being 3.6km for the P7 girls and boys.
When you weren’t taking part in the orienteering, there was a natural art competition and a scavenger hunt. The winners of the natural art competition were Tayvallich Primary. The fabulous day impressed everyone and Stramash is thanked for the spectacular day and we hope that there will be more to come!
The final results came as; in third place were Craignish Primary, 2nd place Tayvallich Primary and in 1st place Lochgilphead Primary!!
We would especially like to thank the Lochgilphead High School helpers, Jillian Gibson and the teachers.
By Caitlin, Sinead, Beth, Alistair and Joe P7