Category Archives: Outdoor Learning

‘Dare to be Different’

At the end of August, 19 Park Primary School girls from Primary 6 and 7 attended Dare to be Different at Knockhill Racing Circuit. It was an event organised by Susie Wolf (an ex pupil of Park Primary) to encourage girls into motor racing and to promote the message that gender doesn’t limit your choices. We made a hover craft, experienced go-karting, learned how to do a pit stop, participated in a fitness routine and took part in an interview with Sky Sports and some of us even got on the STV news. It was an amazing day that we will never forget.

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Right on Track at Rockfield Primary!

rps-scotrail-workshops-1Pupils from Primary 6 and Primary 7 in Rockfield school recently took part in active workshops, which focussed on being safe around trains, train stations and railway tracks. These safety workshops were provided by Scotrail and encouraged the pupils to think about all of the issues surrounding rail safety. The workshops included discussion work and drama activities, which the pupils really enjoyed.

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Salen PS Eco-committee Brave the Weather

salen-ps-sps-eco-comm-1Despite the wind and rain on Tuesday the Eco-committee managed to start a very important task. Many of the shrubs need pruned so the pupils took the opportunity to take soft wood cuttings and pot them up. If they root successfully the shrubs will eventually be planted out in the school grounds and at the school’s planned pond area. The photos show our blueberry and raspberry cuttings.

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Dalintober P4 visits Beinn Ghuilean

dalintober-beinn-g-forest-3As part of their forest topic, Dalintober Primary 4 visited Beinn Ghuillean. They spoke to Wildlife Ranger Kevin McKillop and beat Ranger Barry Bruce. Both men told the children about their jobs in the forest.

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gold-for-arinagour-swimming-trip-sept-2016Pupils and staff are delighted that the school has won this award from Sportscotland for a second time. The award is recognition of our school’s achievements in putting physical education and sport at the heart of the school. We are committed to ensuring that there are opportunities for every pupil to engage in physical education, school sport and ultimately go on to enjoy life long participation in sport and physical activity.

Eco brambling

salen-eco-1-sept-2016The Eco-committee, Gill and Caroline harvested some brambles which will be used to make jam. Later in the week the whole school will get to sample the jam. We can’t wait.

An unusual helper popped up in the shape of 11 year old tortoise, Humphrey. He lives near the school and loves company.

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Castlehill Primary 6 Beach Clean

castlehill-beach-clean-sept-2016Primary 6 from Castlehill Primary School took part in a beach clean with Wayne Dixon and his dog Koda.
Wayne is currently walking the coast of Britain picking litter as he goes. He hopes to complete his journey over the next 3 years.

Primary 6 worked extremely hard and in only one hour collected 16 large bin bags of rubbish, along with crates, welly boots, clothing and even a picnic bench and table!

Inverness 10k

Salen PS Inverness 10k June 30th 2016SPS Runners
Ellen and Gemma MacRae of Salen Primary School raised £570 for Cancer Research UK by running the Inverness 10k. Well done girls! You ran an amazing distance and collected a phenomenal amount of money.

They are so keen on running and sports. They also achieved a 1st and 2nd place at the Tiree Fitness Kids Event.

First Harvest from Strachur Polytunnel

First Harvest from Strachur PS 1Pupils have been busy picking perfect potatoes, enormous cabbage and delicious cherry tomatoes from our polytunnel – all the hard work has paid off! Thank you to Mr Burke for his expertise and commitment to our school. Also thank you Mrs Speirs in the kitchen for preparing the vegetables to serve in the lunch hall.

What will we plant next?

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Cowal Inter Sports Winners !

DPS Sports Winners 8 31 Aug 2016Cowal Highland Gathering Stadium was the venue for the Active Schools Sports Day. This year they decided to change the format of the annual sports event to increase participation within the local primary schools.

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Olympic success for Team Kiribati

Salen Kiribati Olympics 2Salen Primary School was proud to represent the island nation of Kiribati for Island Sports Day. The pupils researched the competing nations before deciding to adopt Kiribati who had only one competitor travelling to Rio. Staff and pupils joined in the opening ceremony parade dressed in Kiribati colours.

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