Category Archives: Primary schools

Wildlife Watch Group at Innellan Primary

The Royal Horticultural Society and Keep Scotland Beautiful presented Innellan Primary pupils with a 2014 “It’s Your Neighbourhood Award of Level 4: Thriving”.  Councillor Mike Breslin presented the pupils with this prestigious award in recognition of their hard work in their school community.  Obtaining this award would not have been possible without the commitment and dedication of Eleanor Stevenson and Vicky Walkingshaw who worked tirelessly with the children.  Congratulations to everyone involved.

RNLI sale at North Bute Primary School

Primary 6,7 at North Bute Primary School organised a Bring and Buy sale to raise money for the RNLI. They had a wonderful day and parents and members of the local community came to support the event. We had a book stall, a toy stall, bric-a-brac RNLI souvenirs, nail painting, loom band creations, face painting and competitions. All of the pupil’s enterprising ideas and efforts were rewarded with a grand total of £800 for the RNLI.

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Achahoish Primary visits Bank of Scotland

Pupils from Achahoish P.S. had a wonderful visit to the Bank of Scotland in Lochgilphead, on 6th November. They were given a well-planned and very informative tour round the Bank by Lynn and Claire. Both the adults and the children enjoyed the visit and we all learned about the role a Bank plays in keeping money safe.

The most popular area of the Bank was the Safe! Lynn and Claire were very patient and answered all the children’s questions!

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Barcaldine Pupils help fell the Oban Christmas Tree

Last week pupils from Barcaldine Primary School were in Sutherland’s Grove setting up their Sgoil na Coilltean (School in the Woods). While they were surveying the woodland with Rory MacLean (Forestry Commission Scotland) for trees that could be felled, they were invited to assist with the Health and Safety operations for the felling of the Oban Christmas tree with Rory and Argyll and Bute Council.

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Friday Fourteenth Fundraising at Dalintober PS

Pupils, staff and parents of Dalintober PS donated generously for two charities on Friday 14th November. A ‘Superhero’/Non-uniform day took place for ‘Children In Need’, with several classes holding additional individual fundraisers, including a P7 Talent Show won by the Boys’ Macarena Movers.

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Pudsey Fun for Children in Need at Kirn

The Assembly Hall was the place to be to take part in Pudsey Day activities and raise money for Children in Need.

Kirn School was bursting with Super Heroes! Some you may have heard of like Wonder Woman, some you may not have, but Super Swimmer, Brainy Girl and Rugby Boy are all definitely Super.

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Third Green Flag for Dalintober PS

There was great news for Dalintober Primary School last week when an Eco-School Scotland assessor visited and, following thorough inspection, awarded the school our third Green Flag. Obtaining the flag would not have been possible without the commitment and enthusiasm of all our pupils, staff, parents and the many partner community organisations who all take great pride in our school and its locality. We are so pleased that this has been recognised by Eco-School Scotland and their efforts rewarded.

Indian Food Tasting at Kirn Primary

Well done to Kirn Primary’s P2 class who tried a range of delicious Indian foods, prepared by our talented catering team. P2 have been studying India as part of their topic, and what better way to find out about Indian food than to come and taste some.

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Children in Need

Primary 7s at Rothesay Primary organised a Bring and Buy Sale, held a Pudsey raffle, sold popcorn and Pudsey merchandise, raising a whopping £1060.50! This is the most money we have raised for Children in Need! Well done to the pupils of Primary 7 and all the adults who helped on the day. We also appreciate all the items that families donated to the sale, thank you!

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‘Colgrain’s Cosmic Landing’

Colgrain P1 and nursery pupils have been learning all about how to be safe when crossing the road. We have learned all about the importance of looking, listening and holding hands. We have also learned about the safest places to cross. Ziggy heard about all our hard work and he flew down in his rocket to visit us. We shared our learning with him and asked him lots of questions. What a cosmic time we had!

Sushi for Afternoon Tea at Kirn Primary

Our Japan topic really came to life today as we went to the kitchens to make our own Sushi.

Sushi is a Japanese food made from sticky rice, which is rolled up in a seaweed sheet around vegetables or fish, then cut into short lengths. We also tasted some yellow and red Miso Soup, made from soya beans.
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Strone Primary Schools pupils receive Sports Prize

Active Schools Co-Ordinator Lindsay Mitchell presented Strone Primary School pupils with a bag of sports equipment for having the highest percentage of pupils taking part in the Commonwealth Passports scheme last year, which rewarded pupils participating in extra-curricular sports activities both in and out of school.

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Remembrance day

All of the pupils in St Columba’s Primary School and Rockfield Primary School were invited to create or design a flower in memory of someone or something special to them. Some of the designs that came in were very creative and they were used to create a Garden of Remembrance within the Assembly Hall. Both schools also came together for a Remembrance Day service which was led by Rev Dugald Cameron.

Jump Rope for Heart challenge at Strone Primary School

As part of an action packed Health Week at Strone Primary, pupils took on the British Heart Foundation’s Jump Rope for Heart sponsored skipping challenge and raised a fantastic £260!

The week long programme also included taster sessions in yoga, karate and zumba, wildfire cooking and outdoor learning activities.

Halloween At St. Mun’s

Thursday 30th October was not a good night to visit St. Mun’s Primary with all manner of spooks and weird looking people lurking about….. not to worry though it was only the pupils of Primary 4-7 who had turned up for the Halloween Disco, which was organised and run by the Primary 7s as part of their Enterprise project.
The children enjoyed a night of dancing, games and fun while they feasted on snacks including cakes which had been iced by the pupils who attend the Cake Decorating, afterschool club. Mmm!
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St. Mun’s Election Results

After long hard-fought election campaigns and a lot of research, interdisciplinary learning and even a visit to the Scottish Parliament building in Edinburgh, the polls opened for the pupils and staff at St. Mun’s to vote for the new head boy and girl and their deputies and representatives for each class for the pupil council. Continue reading St. Mun’s Election Results