Bunessan War Memorial

The P5,6,7 class in Bunessan Primary have worked hard to raise money to refurbish the War Memorial which stands just outside their playground. The children have been completely overwhelmed by the support they received for this project and last week stage one of the refurbishment was completed when Oban Memorials were able to clean the stone and repaint the letters. Ross Kirsop kindly donated the scaffolding and the Fire Brigade made sure that there was enough water for the pressure washer.

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Roots of Empathy at Dunoon Primary

This session, Primary 3 have been involved in an exciting new initiative called Roots of Empathy. Throughout the year there have been weekly visits from the instructor Ailsa Dominic, Early Years & Family Support Worker and every three weeks a visit from a mother and baby, Kym and Harris Byron.
There have been nine key themes taught throughout the year. Continue reading Roots of Empathy at Dunoon Primary

Victorians in Rothesay

P5/6 have been studying the Victorians this term and we have found that Rothesay was very much developed by the Victorians. We worked with Paul Duffy from Brandanii Archaeology and Heritage to explore the town. We studied maps from as early as the 1350s to see the changes in Rothesay. We all went out for a walk around town with Paul to see all the Victorian influences. Continue reading Victorians in Rothesay

Champions Campbeltown Pupils Visit Dalintober PS

Campbeltown Pupils’ Manager Norman Thomson visited Dalintober Primary last week with two of his squad members, John McCallum and Stuart Crossan, to take part in a Q & A and coaching session with the school football players and referees. They also brought along the League Trophy they recently secured and their medals. Everyone thoroughly enjoyed the visit and we look forward to welcoming them back for future coaching sessions. A big thank you from Dalintober!

Playground Art At St. Mun’s

P.6. pupils have been using their art creativity skills to enhance the school fencing with old inner tubes woven into the mesh to make fun images. Bicycle inner tubes are a waste product which can be difficult to dispose of, so recycling is a great solution.
The pupils have also been working in groups across the school and have lots of ideas about what to do next. So watch this space for next session! They are ‘tyred’ out after all this effort and are all looking forward to a great break!

Generation Science visit Barcaldine Primary

The children of Barcaldine Primary School recently had the Generation Science team visit them to do a workshop. The Marvellous Magnets workshop was thoroughly enjoyed by all the children. We were transported into the mysterious world of magnets and we had fun being the scientist and being able to learn about magnetic attraction and repulsion as well and fields and poles. We explored how magnetic forces have an effect on our world like the magnetic Poles and the Northern lights.

Strone Primary win illustration prize!

When our P1-3 pupils at Strone Primary School attended the Scottish Book Trust Awards in Glasgow earlier this year, our school was entered into a competition to win an original illustration from one of the nominated books, and to our surprise and excitement we won! Here are some of our P1-4 class showing off the prize. The illustration is by Ben Cort, from the book Jumblebum by Chae Strathie, one of the pupils’ favourite reads.

Barcaldine Primary and Stramash

Last week the children from Barcaldine Primary School had two excursions with Stramash. On Tuesday the children enjoyed a hiking adventure and went along to Ben Lora in Benderloch. The weather wasn’t kind to us but we managed to reach the viewpoint without too much mud on our wellies. On Thursday we were taken along to Loch Creran where we went canoeing. The children had a ball and we even found a starfish! Thanks very much to Stramash for two amazing days.

QUEEN’S BATON RELAY: flowers on the route, information and quiz!

To celebrate the Commonwealth Games the Queen’s Baton will be coming through Argyll on Sunday 13th July. Primary schools surrounding the main stopping off points, (Oban, Lochgilphead, Inveraray and Dunoon) have been asked to encourage their pupils to make paper flowers of a single different colour for each town. Schools are asked to send the flowers home this week so the pupils can take part and bring their flowers on the day to line the streets. The whole relay is being live streamed on-line HERE as well as BBC coverage. Click HERE to try out the Queen’s Baton Quiz. Continue reading QUEEN’S BATON RELAY: flowers on the route, information and quiz!

Dunoon Primary P7s Leavers Dance

P7s at Dunoon Primary have been very busy in the last few weeks planning and organising their “Summer” themed Leavers Dance. Working in small committees the children took everything into consideration: invites, advertising, decorations, music, food and photography. A great night was had by all and the children should be extremely proud of themselves, the hard work really did pay off! Well done P7. Continue reading Dunoon Primary P7s Leavers Dance

St. Mun’s Pupils Interview Queen’s Baton Bearers

With the recent announcement of the local Queen’s Baton Bearers for the final leg of its journey in Argyll, the Primary 7’s at St. Mun’s Primary School decided to invite some of them along to share their stories. Gillian Purdie and Pev McChlerey were the first to be put through their paces as the children conducted a question and answer session, which they filmed and later edited. Gillian, whose son Graham is a pupil at the school, said she was very honoured to have been nominated. Continue reading St. Mun’s Pupils Interview Queen’s Baton Bearers

Strone Primary Commonwealth Sports Day

On Thursday 19th June we held our very own Commonwealth Games in fantastic sunshine at Grahams Point, hugely supported by our parents, carers, families and the local community. The four house teams each chose a Commonwealth country and made flags, decorated t-shirts, and made food to represent their country, which added to the carnival atmosphere. The winning team were Trinidad and Tobago and all the pupils received a medal for their efforts on the day.

Continue reading Strone Primary Commonwealth Sports Day

News from Furnace and Minard

Joint sports day at Minard
The children at Minard and Furnace Primaries enjoyed a lovely afternoon of sporting activities at Minard Primary school on Wednesday the 18th. Organised by our PE teacher, Mrs Floyd, the children were split into four teams and took part in a variety of events including ‘Jimmygymnastics’ ‘water archery’ and the space hopper relay!

Continue reading News from Furnace and Minard

Small Isles Primary win Community Archives and Heritage Group award

On March 26th Small Isles Primary heard that the school had been nominated (as part of the Jura Lives project) for the Community Archive and Heritage Group Inspiration Award. On 12th June, it was announced at the annual conference of the Community Archive and Heritage Group that Jura Lives has been named Community Archives and Heritage Group Overall Winner 2014, and that Small Isles Primary’s Community Cafes received the ‘inspiration’ award.

Continue reading Small Isles Primary win Community Archives and Heritage Group award

Cycling proficiency success Small Isles

Small Isles is proud to announce that our P7s successfully completed their cycling proficiency training on Thursday 19th June. It has taken two terms of regular training to get to this point, and to those of you who think that learning to ride a bike competently would be easy on Jura, we would say think again; a single track road has it’s own challenges, especially in tourist season. Well done P7s and a big thank you to Dorota, our instructor.

Achaleven Primary sponsored walk

Achaleven Primary raised a fantastic £198.95 at their recent sponsored walk from Dunbeg to Ganavan and back. Some of the incoming primary one pupils also joined them for the event to help raise funds for the school garden. The sun shone and they had a wonderful picnic with the toddler group at Ganavan beach to rejuvenate them for the journey back.

Continue reading Achaleven Primary sponsored walk

Rockfield Learning Centre ‘Scottish Art Gallery’

Rockfield Learning Centre Art Gallery
Pupils in the learning Centre class have been learning about our school, our town and our country.
We were so inspired by the artwork of Scottish artist JoLoMo that we decided to try our hand at creating works for our own art gallery! We think they look wonderful and really cheer up the corridor at school.

Continue reading Rockfield Learning Centre ‘Scottish Art Gallery’

P6 Cycling Success at Dalintober PS

P6 Cycling Proficiency success at Dalintober PS

All P6 pupils in Dalintober PS completed and passed their Cycling Proficiency theory test and practicals. The class and their teacher, Miss Brown, would like to thank June and Kay and all the volunteers and parent helpers who gave up their time to help with training.

Robert Miller Baton Bearer Visits Dunoon Primary!

Robert Miller, a 4th year pupil at Dunoon Grammar School recently visited Dunoon Primary School to talk about his recent nomination as Baton Bearer in the Queen’s Baton Relay. During his enthusiastic presentation he said he was surprised to hear he had been selected from so many community nominations as up to 4000 Baton Bearers from 34 local authorities will take part in the relay.

Continue reading Robert Miller Baton Bearer Visits Dunoon Primary!