Strone Primary win illustration prize!

When our P1-3 pupils at Strone Primary School attended the Scottish Book Trust Awards in Glasgow earlier this year, our school was entered into a competition to win an original illustration from one of the nominated books, and to our surprise and excitement we won! Here are some of our P1-4 class showing off the prize. The illustration is by Ben Cort, from the book Jumblebum by Chae Strathie, one of the pupils’ favourite reads.

One thought on “Strone Primary win illustration prize!

  1. Well done Strone! We also attended the awards and loving seeing the authors and illustrators. We were actually reading a book yesterday in class when one of the class mentioned that the pictures were similar to those in Jumblebum. It turned out the the illustrator of that book was also Ben Cort! He is a very talented illustrator.

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