Food Revolution Day at Luss

On Friday the children at Luss Primary tuned into a cooking live event with Jamie Oliver. They all worked together and each made a rainbow wrap .They all brought in graters and spent 20 minutes grating carrots, cabbage, radishes, pears and beetroot. They then made a yoghurt dressing with mint and parsley. Finally the wrap was ready to be topped with feta before being rolled up and eaten.

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Strone Primary gets adventurous with PGL.

The P5-P7 class at Strone Primary School have recently returned from a fantastic weekend residential at the PGL Adventure Centre in Dalguise. A variety of activities were on offer for the pupils including go-karting, archery, team problem solving, forest hikes and the biggest challenge, the high ropes course. A great time was had by everyone.

: P2 Open Afternoon at Castlehill

Primary 2 presented the story of ‘Little Moon’ to their parents at an Open Afternoon on Friday. All the children took an active part in this presentation and proudly showed their parents all that they had been learning throughout this Day/Night/Space Topic. Parents then had the opportunity to look around the classroom and open area at all the work covered in this Interdisciplinary Topic before sampling some of the Alien snacks the children had made.

Rockfield Egyptian Day

To celebrate the end of their topic, both Primary 3 classes in Rockfield Primary enjoyed an Ancient Egyptian morning which was packed full of activities. They tasted healthy Egyptian food, designed an Egyptian tunic, made a scarab beetle biscuit, had their faces painted and decorated Egyptian jewellery.
In the afternoon, the children had a book launch for their Egyptian adventure stories. Parents and carers came along to join in the fun and were extremely impressed with the children’s hard work.

: Food Revolution Day at Minard Primary

On Friday 16th May the children of Minard Primary helped Jamie Oliver in his quest to break a record by taking part in the world’s biggest cooking lesson! We watched Jamie via a live stream from TES and made delicious Rainbow Salad Pitta Pockets. A lovely way to end the week and all the children (and staff) enjoyed sampling the end results.

Continue reading : Food Revolution Day at Minard Primary

Kidz Fit at DPS!!

Today Dunoon Primary was treated to a day with Kidz Fit! The gym hall was filled with smiling faces and the skilful instructor Carl put the pupils through their paces! Kidz Fit sessions educate children about how to achieve and maintain a healthy lifestyle, how the human body works, as well as the importance of giving one hundred percent and being the best we can be! The ultimate goal is to improve Every Child’s self esteem, physical and mental well-being, confidence, and motivation, all combining For A Better Future.

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Shadowing the Kate Greenaway Award for Illustrations at Kirn Primary

P3 have been taking part in the Kate Greenaway Awards by ‘Shadowing’ the judges on this very prestigious prize for book illustration. Kirn’s PTA generously funded the purchase of the seven shortlisted books, and P3 are reading them, commenting and discussing each one then posting their thoughts on the national website, along with thousands of others.

The shortlisted books this year (maybe you have read some of them already) are:

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Onesies and Cake……The Perfect Day!

On Friday 16th May Rosneath Primary School held a Onesie and Cake Sale Day to raise money for the Sunday Mail Centenary Fund. This fund supports many worthy charities, such as: Breast Cancer Care, CHAS, Childline, Erskine, Shelter and many more.
All children arrived to school in their colourful onesies and laden with yummy cakes to sell. In class each all pupils took part in a ‘Design a Onesie’ competition, in which the winning designer from each class received a certificate and prize.

Continue reading Onesies and Cake……The Perfect Day!

Easdale Art Award!

Congratulations to Aaron MacLarty from P3 Easdale Primary who was awarded a Special Merit in the Tesco Bank Art Competition.
There were over 7,000 entries from all over Scotland so to be amongst the winners was a major achievement.
His winning entry, a collage of a soldier drumming, will be displayed at the Scottish National Gallery Edinburgh from 7th June – 28th October.

Jamie Oliver Food Revolution!

The children at Kilmartin P.S. today took part in Jamie Oliver’s Global Food Revolution. As part of Forest Schools, the children are already very familiar with what they can gather and eat from their local environment and have previously made a wild salad with sorrel, wood sorrel, dandelion leaves, wild garlic, golden saxifrage, primrose flowers and beech sapling leaves. Jamie Oliver’s Global Action Day gave us another excuse to forage and make our own food; this time, nettle and wild garlic soup. Continue reading Jamie Oliver Food Revolution!

Dalintober PS Support ‘National Onesie Day’

Pupils and staff of Dalintober PS supported this year’s Sunday Mail/Daily Record ‘National Onesie Day’, raising a grand total of £217 for several charities. Pupils and staff were invited to wear their onesies, PJs or non-uniform for a £1 donation. Whilst it was lovely to relax in our onesies after Sports Day, it was rather warm on our sunniest day in Campbeltown! ☺

Do you have a story to tell?

As part of schools’ projects commemorating the outbreak of World War 1, you may be interested in contributing to a project being organised in our libraries. Over the next four years of commemoration of the Great War, we would like to collect material relating to local people and communities affected by the war to add to our Local Collection. If you or your pupils have any photographs, family stories or memorabilia (including diaries, medals, papers) you would be willing to share, we would love to hear from you. Any original items can be scanned or photographed and returned. Continue reading Do you have a story to tell?

Egypt Topic Celebration in Rhu P4!

Rhu P4 recently celebrated the end of their Ancient Egypt topic with an open afternoon. Parents were invited and children dressed up in a variety of fantastic costumes. Mummies, pharaohs, farmers, craftsmen and even Egyptian gods could be seen! The children treated the crowd to their performance of the song ‘Amazing Egyptians’ before giving them a tour around the class to view the displayed work. The class also enjoyed a trip to the Ancient Egypt exhibition at Kelvingrove Art Galleries to enhance the topic and had fun acting out ‘Life After Death’ drama. Well done P4!

Continue reading Egypt Topic Celebration in Rhu P4!

Garelochhead Primary School Art Project

P6/5 have enjoyed visits from two artists to help with their topic work. As part of their Beyond the Panda topic, a member of the local Art Club gave up her time to help the children to make Chinese bowls out of papier mache, clay pandas, and a wall hanging with cherry blossom and Chinese calligraphy.

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The annual Presentation Evening for Argyll and Bute Young Enterprise Companies was held on 1 May at the Argyll Hotel, Inveraray. Five companies were involved this year – 2 from Oban High School, one from Lochgilphead and 2 from Dunoon Grammar School. The judges – Donald Melville, Adviser from Business Gateway and Alex Emslie, retired Business Adviser had previously received copies of Company Reports to allow time to look them over and allocate marks for this part of the process.


Oliver’ Performance at Park Primary

Staff, pupils, and parents were treated to a very enjoyable musical performance by Mrs Lind’s P5 class during their recent production of “Oliver’. The class had been studying ‘The Victorians’, and had spent several weeks working very hard to learn their songs and lines. Several children sang solo parts and were highly praised for their lovely singing voices – some stars of the future we think!

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Hedgehog House at Garelochhead Primary School

P1 in Garelochhead Primary School have been extending the accommodation in the Anniversary Garden to include a Hedgehog House. Some distance from the newly opened hotel, in a corner so as not to upset the guests, they constructed a home for Hedgehogs. Using materials found in the garden and some recycled waterproof resources the children set to work enthusiastically, so much so that we now have two houses.
Look out birds, you will be next.

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Owl Magic

On Wednesday the 7th May Sandbank Primary School, Nursery, Gaelic Medium Unit and Sgoil Araich were visited by Owl Magic from Kilmarnock. Nine different owls from all over the world spent the day with us, as each class learned about birds of prey and how to handle them carefully and safely. The owls ranged from a large eagle owl from Afghanistan called Bailey down to a pygmy owl called Titch.

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PSP Launch at St Joseph’s Family Learning Centre

One of only two new Family Learning Centres in Argyll and Bute, St Joseph’s Primary School’s Family Leaning Centre played host to ‘Children First’ as they launched their new PSP (Public Social partnership) initiative in Helensburgh today. A number of local dignitaries including MSP Jackie Bailey and Council Lead for Education, Aileen Morton attended the launch as Bryan Evans (Children First Assistant Director) presented information on the new initiative. Continue reading PSP Launch at St Joseph’s Family Learning Centre