Children, parents, friends, relatives all worked together to improve the grounds of Rosneath Primary School. Many projects were undertaken (including giving our willow dome a “haircut”, building a hedgehog motel, insect hotel and beetle B & B, planting up some wellies and generally giving the grounds a “facelift”! and everybody pitched in – the “before” and “after” showed just how much hard work went in to the day.

Christmas Carpentry at Sandbank Primary School

Primary 3 (Mainstream and Gaelic) and GM 6/7 from Sandbank Primary School are using their woodwork skills to transform a square of wood into a star with the minimum of wasted material. GM 6/7 have proved themselves to be responsible and trustworthy therefore they are making their stars as an independent mini-topic whenever they have a spare moment of the day. The younger pupils get their instruction during their Friday afternoon activity lessons.

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Sandbank Primary School – Act of Remembrance

On Monday the 11th of November 2013 Sandbank Primary School’s senior pupils in mainstream and Gaelic held an Armistice Service attended by the junior pupils, pre-five unit and staff. The older children had all walked down to the War Memorial at Lazaretto Point the previous week and researched the history behind it. They discovered plaques from both the 1st and 2nd World Wars detailing the names and roles of local men who lost their lives in conflict.

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Technology Exhibition at Cardross

Last week Cardross Primary hosted a ‘Technology Through The Ages’ Exhibition in association with Glasgow Museums. The exhibition was part of a launch day of our very own Space Adventure 2 game. The game was designed and created by the pupils themselves on the school ipads! Many of the pupils acted as Apple expert, in the evening, presenting and showcasing their work to parents and the local community.

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Southend Children In Need

On Friday, pupils and staff from Southend Primary and Pre-5 Unit raised £100.38 for Children in Need by dressing up in their onesies and pyjamas, organising a talent show and setting up a variety of stalls. Headteacher, Mrs Ronald, particularly enjoyed throwing wet sponges at the big boys in her class! The school cook, Mrs Campbell, made us some lovely Pudsey biscuits too. Great fun was had by all. Later on Friday night, Mrs Bannatyne took the school choir to perform at a local charity concert. Well done everyone for such a good effort. Continue reading Southend Children In Need

Terrific Totem poles

The pupils at Strath of Appin Primary have been putting the finishes touches to their Clan Totem Poles – which now look fantastic! The Clans have demonstrated great examples of team-work and co-operation in our Clan Challenge afternoons. So far the clans have designed a clan banner, clan shield and now a clan totem pole. It’s been messy but fun as the children have pulled together their ideas to create a totem pole representing their clan, incorporating the interests of the pupils and the area/environment they live in.

Children in Need – £972.04 raised by Rothesay Primary

Rothesay Primary School and pre-5 Centre dressed in their pyjamas yesterday and sold Pudsey wrist bands and keyrings. The Primary 7 class organised a Bring & Buy Sale, Pudsey Raffle and did Pudsey Face Painting all day and the total we raised for Children in Need was an impressive £972.04! (Some people donated today as we had a few wristbands left!)

We are all very proud and look forward to tuning in tonight 🙂
Continue reading Children in Need – £972.04 raised by Rothesay Primary


S4 pupil Lorna Unkles achieved the amazing feat of climbing Mount Kilimanjaro over the October break. The ascent of just under 6000m took 8 days, with the climb to the summit being completed in a gruelling 15 hours. Accompanied by her dad, Lorna took on the challenge to raise funds for Breast Cancer Care and has so far accumulated the magnificent total of £4,500.00 with contributions still being accepted through her JustGiving page.
Continue reading for lots more news…………………… Continue reading LOCHGILPHEAD JOINT CAMPUS….Latest News!!!

Rockfield Primary visit Oban Lifeboat Station

P2s from Rockfield had a fantastic trip to Oban Lifeboat Station on Friday 8th November. Working in 3 groups, the children got to find out more about the work of the lifeboat, what the crew wear when they are on a rescue and, most importantly, they got to climb aboard the lifeboat for a tour. The children have been learning about People Who Help Us and they were very keen to learn about the work of the RNLI as part of their topic work.

Continue reading Rockfield Primary visit Oban Lifeboat Station

Argyll & Bute Primary Writing Competition Winners Announced!

Thank you to all who entered the 2013 writing competition. It has been the most difficult year to judge so far due to the high number of excellent pieces from many, many schools. We wish we could award prizes to every entrant but had to choose 3 pieces which reflected the competition theme, showed imagination and were well crafted for their age.
CAST is delighted to announce the 2013 winners are: Continue reading Argyll & Bute Primary Writing Competition Winners Announced!

Norwegian Study Visit to Colgrain

On 28th October 2013 Colgrain Primary School was selected by Nick Morgan from Education Scotland to host nineteen Norwegian teachers on a study visit to Scotland. The Norwegian visitors had a particular interest in Assessment is for Learning and in the Early level concept of Curriculum for Excellence. Colgrain Primary has a very successful approach to formative assessment and the Norwegian visitors were particularly interested in our communication with home and our celebration of pupil’s wider achievement.

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Strone Primary’s Kilmun Pageant

On Thursday the 31st of October, Halloween, Strone Primary’s p5 to 7s took part in a pageant in partnership with Argyll Mausoleum. We were taking part in this Pageant so that people buried in Kilmun graveyard would be remembered.
Leading up to the Pageant, Ann Galliard and Fiona Lochhead came and talked to us about interesting people who are buried in the graveyard. We all had to think of well known people from the past and research their life stories. It was interesting to find out about the famous people in the graveyard.

Continue reading Strone Primary’s Kilmun Pageant

Eco Week at Luss Primary

The pupils at Luss Primary have recently had their Eco Week. During the week the children took part in many activities which all the pupils thoroughly enjoyed. The activities ranged from finding out about beavers, making dams, taking cuttings from plants, having an eco picnic and going into the local woods. One of the activities they did in the woods was to use materials around them such as moss, leaves, grass, etc. to build a home for a mouse that would keep as much heat in as possible.

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Pre-5 and P7 work together at Appin

‘The Primary 7 and pre-5 pupils at Strath of Appin school have been busy foraging berries along the local cycle track, learning about what berries you can eat and those that can be used to make jellies. Their efforts resulted in a sale of jellies that were made from the fruits picked. There were a variety of jellies such as rowan, hedgerow and bramble. £43.28 was raised and has been placed in school funds for future use. This project has developed from a pilot scheme where the P7’s meet with the pre 5 children every week, encouraging learning, developing good friendships, mentoring and building confidence all round.’

Continue reading Pre-5 and P7 work together at Appin

Peace Assembly at Colgrain Primary School

The Primary 6 and 7 pupils at Colgrain Primary School presented a beautiful assembly to coincide with Remembrance Day. The pupils talked about the Scottish Poppy Appeal with great knowledge and told the stories of service men and women who have been an inspiration to them. Many pupils at Colgrain are children of Service men and women and know first-hand what it is like to have family members in areas of the world where there is conflict. The pupils spoke very confidently about the history of the Scottish Poppy Appeal and encouraged the children in the school to donate and wear a Poppy with pride.

OHS S4 Pupil wins national design competition

GIRFEC National Competition Winner is Oban High School S4 Student Niamh Macauley
Oban High School S5 pupil Niamh Macauley’s beautifully drawn poster was the winning entry from among hundreds of submissions in the national GIRFEC student competition. Sponsored by the Scottish government’s programme known as Getting It Right For Every Child, the topic for the design competition was “What does well being mean to you?”
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The Green Man at North Bute

Primary 4/5 have been busy working on a science topic of plants. As part of that topic, we went on Thinking Walks, copying the idea from Charles Darwin. He went on these walks regularly to think about his discoveries. We did this too and collected specimens and pressed them to study them more. On one of our walks, we collected leaves that had fallen from the trees and that were beautiful autumn colours.
Continue reading The Green Man at North Bute

Dalintober PS Make ‘Guy’ for Community Bonfire.

Primary 6 pupils were very busy in the lead up to Guy Fawkes night when they were asked to make the Guy Fawkes effigy for the annual community bonfire and fireworks display which is organised by the Dalintober and Milknowe Tenants Association. The children took ‘Guy’ on a tour of the school before he was collected by members of the fire brigade and taken to be placed on top of the bonfire before the event on Tuesday 5th November.

world of work day at port ellen

Wonderful World Of Work

As part of their topic ‘Going For Gold’, P4/5 in Port Ellen Primary School organised a ‘wonderful world of work’ event to help them to develop their knowledge of different jobs. The children brainstormed people in the community who they thought had interesting jobs and sent out invitations. They were delighted when eighteen people from a wide variety of working backgrounds agreed to come along. Continue reading world of work day at port ellen