Strone Primary’s Kilmun Pageant

On Thursday the 31st of October, Halloween, Strone Primary’s p5 to 7s took part in a pageant in partnership with Argyll Mausoleum. We were taking part in this Pageant so that people buried in Kilmun graveyard would be remembered.
Leading up to the Pageant, Ann Galliard and Fiona Lochhead came and talked to us about interesting people who are buried in the graveyard. We all had to think of well known people from the past and research their life stories. It was interesting to find out about the famous people in the graveyard.

There were lots of people to choose from. Some of us chose to be Lords or Ladies, Dukes or Duchesses, or even humble travellers. Thanks to Mrs Daw we all had astounding costumes, all of us felt as if we were from the past. We referred to the Pageant as ‘a blast from the past’.

On the day of the pageant everyone was nervous. As soon as we set off from the school to the local post office for juice and biscuits everyone was feeling a lot better. After the refreshments we marched to Graham’s Point to meet the piper, Scott Wilson. Scott piped us around Graham’s Point once, then the weather turned for the worse. We ran to the bus shelter and squeezed in, we were going to walk the rest of the way but the rain got heavier and heavier. We waited for five minutes then we got lifts to the hall by car or van with our parents. When we were seated everyone had more nerves than ever. After our performance everyone was so happy that it all went well, we had a mini celebration.

In the end, the day went very well, I think everyone enjoyed themselves. Afterwards we sang our song ‘Bonnie George Campbell’ with our ukulele orchestra. We changed out of our period costumes then most of us changed into Hallowe’en costumes and we had a Hallowe’en party arranged by the Mausoleum Committee. I think the day was a complete success. We would like to thank everyone who helped us.
By Abbie Stone P7

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