Norwegian Study Visit to Colgrain

On 28th October 2013 Colgrain Primary School was selected by Nick Morgan from Education Scotland to host nineteen Norwegian teachers on a study visit to Scotland. The Norwegian visitors had a particular interest in Assessment is for Learning and in the Early level concept of Curriculum for Excellence. Colgrain Primary has a very successful approach to formative assessment and the Norwegian visitors were particularly interested in our communication with home and our celebration of pupil’s wider achievement.

The Norwegian visitors were also very interested in Colgrain Primary’s Nursery and Primary 1 free flow sessions where pupils in the nursery learn alongside primary one pupils as part of their early level transition. All Norwegian teachers were given the opportunity to glean information and practice from all stages of the school. Colgrain assessment and communication resources were shared and the Norwegian visitors left with lots of ideas which will positively impact on their future practice.

Our visitors were welcomed by the pupils at Colgrain and were given the opportunity to observe classes, listen to assembly, stroll in our Eco Garden and to meet the chairperson of our Parent Council, Janet Frame. Mrs Frame gave a valuable overview regarding the support available for Children and Families and the Open Door Policy at Colgrain. The culmination of the visit was a question and answer session during which the Head teacher and Deputy Head teacher answered educational queries regarding assessment approaches. The visitors gained a valuable insight into the differences between the Norwegian education system and Scottish education system.

During the study visit the Norwegian teachers remarked positively regarding the pupil’s ability to talk about their learning and next steps as well as self and peer assessment strategies. They complimented the manners and maturity of all Colgrain children. The visitors were also happy to receive Scottish Hospitality; tasting Scotch Broth and our very own home made tablet as well as hearing our fiddle group playing ‘Over the Sea to Skye.’ They even requested the lyrics and music for ‘Ye Cannae Shove yer Granny aff a bus!’

Both Mrs McClelland (Head teacher) and Miss Curson (Depute) would like to thank all support staff; teachers and pupils for making this study visit such a resounding success.

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