‘Elephant Angel’ in Kintyre!! (It was a sell out)

Scottish Opera visited Kintyre last week and put on a fabulous show at Campbeltown Grammar. 7 local primaries had encouraged their P7 pupils to embrace the chance of working with SO to help stage the performance. Pupils contributions included: writing original material, graphic design, advertising and marketing, singing and acting, front of house and prop building.

In total 65 pupils were involved all of whom came to the performance with 35 being part of the chorus on stage. SO rehearsed with these 35 pupils for 2 days and the entire company thrilled an audience of 340 with their version of a ‘The Elephant Angel’. Continue reading ‘Elephant Angel’ in Kintyre!! (It was a sell out)

Photoshop Courses

3DMadeEasy are offering a wide range of Photoshop courses between now and the Christmas break.  3DMadeEasy are keen to make these courses accessible to teachers across Scotland, should your school/area have sufficient numbers 3DMadeEasy would be happy to come to you.  To take up this fantastic offer email your location and the course you are interested in to mailto:kim@3DMadeEasy.com  Continue reading Photoshop Courses

Pirates Invade Lochgilphead Primary

On Friday 9th, November pirates invaded Primary 1 and 2/1 at Lochgilphead Primary as we held our Pirate Afternoon to celebrate the end of our pirate interdisciplinary topic.  The afternoon included a treasure hunt, pirate games and crafts, a pirate song and even some pirate grub and grog!  Our parents were encouraged to join in by dressing up and there were some fabulous costumes to be seen.  Photos can be seen on our blog at:


Film G

At the beginning of November, FilmG came to Tobermory High School to work with Gaelic/Gàidhlig students in S2, S4 and S6.  The students had written two different scripts during class time on the theme of ‘Hunger/Desire.’  The FilmG crew spent a week working with the students on filming and editing.  The films will be entered in the FilmG Gaelic Short Films Competition.  A fantastic time was had by all and everyone is looking forward to taking part again next year. Continue reading Film G

John Logie Baird Primary Supermarket Topic

Primary 3/2 at John Logie Baird Primary have been very busy learning about the Supermarket.  They performed very well in front of the whole school and parents at assembly.  The children dressed up and took on roles of various jobs within a Supermarket.  They all described who they were and what their job entailed.  Well done P3/2!!  Thanks also go to Tesco for supplying the school with uniforms and props.

Park Primary Swimming Success!

Park Primary School is celebrating recent success at the Inter School Swimming Competition.  Park won the overall competition for the first time ever, coming home with 23 medals and a shield.  Between the 9 swimmers, 16 gold, 4 silver and 3 bronze medals were awarded from a mixture of individual and relay events which took place throughout the day of Friday 10th November at Atlantis Leisure Centre, Oban.   The prize winners were: Ella P5 – 6 golds, Fergus P6 – 5 golds, Mia P7, 1 gold & 1 silver – Sam P6 – 2 golds, Cara P7 – 1 silver & 1 bronze, Cameron P7 – 1 silver & 1 bronze and Calum P5 – 1 silver & 1 bronze.

Equipment Galore

Last summer the children of Port Charlotte Primary School worked hard in a variety of sponsored events to raise money for athletic and PE equipment.  P1-2 skipped none stop in lots of skipping activities and P3-7 completed an orienteering challenge in the local area.  The two events raised nearly £700.  Only some of the equipment is pictured with the children as we couldn’t fit it all in!  Thank you to everyone who supported the school in this sporting venture.  The children and staff are looking forward to using the new equipment.

Burgh Hall Fun

Tuesday 30th October, saw Dunoon Primary P5 out once again using their investigative and learning skills.  The venue was the Burgh Hall and the event was the “Beach Forum”.  All children had to complete four varied activities.  They especially enjoyed all the hands on tasks.  They became archaelogists with the Kilmartin Group – finding many examples of what life was like through the ages. Continue reading Burgh Hall Fun

Kilninver Time Machine

Our second visitor stepped out of the time Machine this afternoon.  From the clues he gave us we worked out that He was Dr David Livingston.  The story of his visit is on our school website if you click on the link you will be able to read the whole story. http://www.kilninverprimary.com/news_detail.asp?Section=8&Ref=860 

Which famous Scottish character is going to drop in on us next?

Swimming Success

Calum made us all very proud today when he scooped the silver medal for the boys 50m backstroke at the Oban schools swimming Gala.  He is only in P5 and is chuffed to bits with his achievement because there were lots of P7 boys in the race.  He knows this is his strongest stroke and puts his success down to the fact that his goggles fit really well and that he has lots of stamina so can keep going for ages and ages when lots of other people have given up.

Well done Calum! – Kilninver Primary School

Snakes and Lizards

On Wednesday 31st October, Lynn and Andrew Stirling very kindly brought in some reptilian pets for the children of Innellan Primary to see – two Bearded Dragons and two snakes.  The snakes are different breeds.  One is a Royal Python named Monty and the other is an Argentinean Rainbow Boa called Melgaia.  The children were amazed to see these exotic creatures.  Some of the staff did their best to be brave and the children were delighted to welcome such fascinating visitors. Continue reading Snakes and Lizards

Keeping Fit at Campbeltown Nursery

The children at Campbeltown Nursery are keeping fit this November.  They are going swimming  at Aqualibrium, the local leisure centre, and using up a lot of energy in the soft play and ball pool.  Many are returning to nursery in the late afternoon to take part in a Yogabugs club, where they are acting out stories by stretching their bodies in different postures.  They are learning all about building their strength and stamina and improving their flexibility. Continue reading Keeping Fit at Campbeltown Nursery

We Are Vikings

As part of Bowmore Primary’s P4/5 Viking project they were given a very interesting homework task –to make their own Viking costumes to wear at their very own Viking feast.  All worked hard to create the costumes, using items found in their homes, and on Tuesday 6th November brought their masterpieces into school.  The morning was spent preparing the food, including making their own butter, and in the afternoon P4/5 put on their fabulous costumes to enjoy the feast.  The food was delicious and all costumes looked absolutely fantastic!

Craignish Primary School’s 2p Build Up Event

The children of Craignish Primary School have been working with the Craignish Church Restoration Action Group (CCRAG), and members of the community.  The main aims of this co-operative working are to:

Alzheimer Scotland’s visit to Colgrain Primary

On the 25th of September 2012, all the Primary seven pupils from Colgrain Primary had a visit from Alzheimer Scotland.
They explained what dementia was and what it does to you. All the children enjoyed it. The ladies told everyone how we could help lessen the symptoms of dementia by looking after ourselves. Continue reading Alzheimer Scotland’s visit to Colgrain Primary

Tarbert Academy Moral Conference

Senior pupils in Tarbert Academy took part in a Moral Conference at the end of October. This ‘Question Time’ style event found pupils asking questions about Scotland’s future, footballers’ wages, the issues surrounding foreign aid at a time of recession and current debates on marriage. Pupils achieved highly in setting questions, taking part in debate and listening sensitively to a wide variety of views. Anne Paterson praised the pupils highly – as did the panel members. Pupil feedback is highly positive regarding our Moral Conference. Continue reading Tarbert Academy Moral Conference

Luing Primary Pumpkins

All of the pupils at Luing Primary had a fun filled Halloween week. Each child was matched with their own individual pumpkin, which was then used for pumpkin maths, sorting all the pumpkins into order by size, generating lots of discussion about the criteria they chose. Followed by estimating and measuring the weight and circumference of each pumpkin. The children then had great fun carving their pumpkins. Scary night skies were painted and collage witches made. On Wednesday they all came dressed up. They went into the garden and hunted for unusual ingredients to put into their magic potions. Everyone had a fabulous time. Continue reading Luing Primary Pumpkins