Mindfulness Assembly

Hello everyone,

Today at our Teams assembly we had a shout out to lots of  our children who have  been busy with their learning at home. We also spoke about mindfulness and looked at different techniques to help us feel calm and relaxed. I have attached a copy of the PPT below that was used (although I am still trying to figure out how to record my voice on each slide as it didn’t work last time) and the link to some of the mindfulness techniques.

I hope you all enjoy and have a lovely weekend! 🙂

Mindfulness Assembly

Mrs Stutt 🙂

P1&2 Learning Activities 15-5-20

Daily Overview

Happy Friday. I hope you are all well.

Please find today’s learning activities on links below. They include ReachOut Reporter: Did you know the rhinoceros beetle is one of the strongest animals in the world? Watch the film to find out more!

P2 Learning activities 15-5-20

P1 Learning activities 15-5-20

The Very Hungry Caterpillar play dough recipe and maths activities:


Writing  tasks, can be written in jotters or you can print off templates below.

Me Now


In The Garden