Author Archives: Laura Harkins

Rotary Quiz Winners!

Congratulations to our P7 team who took part in the Rotary Quiz this week.  They successfully answered a wide variety of questions beating off their opponents to win this round of the competition.  Here they are pictured with the winning trophy and certificate which we will display with pride.

As a result of their win, the team has qualified to go through to the next round which will take place at Murrayfield PS on Thursday 2nd May.

Wishing you all the best of luck!

The Voice of Toronto – Glee

Glee Club were completely overwhelmed on Friday morning when they had a surprise visitor join their rehearsal! The lovely Amy Hawthorn stopped by to watch their performance and give Glee Club some words of encouragement.

For anyone who missed it, here’s Amy’s recent audition on The Voice…

And the moment Glee Club realised she was here… in our school…to see them!

Amy sang for the Glee Club, encouraging them to sing along and then she joined in their performance of The Greatest by Sia. She just about managed to keep up with their dance moves 🙂

Special thanks to Amy for making time to come and inspire our youngsters who are so passionate about music.  You are truly one in a million and everyone at Toronto wishes you all the very best for a successful musical career!


It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas in our school library.
We have cosy reading nooks by the fireplace and twinkling lights on the tree.
It feels magical!

Do you have a favourite book that you love to read at Christmas?

Where do you love to curl up and read when it’s cold outside?

We love to celebrate reading at every time of year!

Why not send us a photo of you reading in a cosy place
and we’ll add it to our Christmas library display?

Our Junior Road Safety Officers ask that you…


It has come to the attention of our Junior Road Safety Officers (JRSOs) that drivers are parking on the access strip when dropping off or collecting their children from school.  This is the grassy area to the right of the drop off bay in front of the new gym hall.

This is very dangerous because to get to this spot, the cars have to be driven OVER the path where children might be walking! 

Toronto is very lucky to have streets all around our school where it is possible to park safely.  Our role as JRSOs is to promote road safety so we politely ask that you use one of these areas to park and walk the short distance to the school.  If you see someone parking on the access strip, it might be that they haven’t seen our message so please share it with them!

Our next job is to design banners for the railings in front of the bays reminding drivers that it is a drop off zone.  We will be asking taxi drivers not to park there.   Watch that space…they’ll be coming soon!

Thank you for helping us to keep the children of Toronto safe.

From the Junior Road Safety Team

Pupil Leadership Roles – The Interviews!

Introducing two of Inveralmond’s finest – Jack and Neve (Depute Head Boy and Girl) who assisted with interviews for Toronto’s pupil leadership roles (Head Boy and Girl) this morning.

Jack and Neve were very impressed by the quality of all applicants and admired the confidence our P7 pupils have.  The interview questions were based on our school values and each of the candidates shone.   Jack and Neve both agreed it was a hard decision to make!  We thank them for their valuable contribution to this process and look forward to working with them again over the coming year.

Our P7 pupil leadership roles will be announced on Friday during assembly!