Category Archives: Digital school

Digital Victorian Rugs

This week Primary 6 were learning about the importance of rugs in the Victorian Era.
We learned that the more detailed rug you had, then the more stylish your home was!
We planned our rugs first using a grid, trying to include as much detail as possible.
After that, we recreated our rugs digitally using a mosaic app!

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Coding Club

This afternoon was our very first coding club.

We started our introduction to coding by learning how to code our beebots. We then used the kapla blocks to build a track/maze and coded our beebots to travel through it.





National Numeracy Day

As part of National Numeracy Day on 18th May children from P2/3, P3, P4/5, P6, P7/6 and P7 took part in an Official World Record Attempt for the most participation and views of Rolling Numbers Livestream.  We managed to break the record and 5, 362 schools took part.  Well done!
We also took part in Numbers and dancing with Katya Jones, where we learned dynamite dance moves.  We had to keep count of the steps .  It was great fun.   We ​thought about what we would like to be when we grow up and how we would use numbers in that job.  We created pictures of us doing our dream job or hobby and  how it uses numbers.
We had a great day.

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P4/5 Outdoor Learning

This morning we visited the wooded area of our playground to investigate the biodiversity there. We listed all the living things we found, took lots of photos of them and discussed the conditions that made this a good place for them to live and grow and how theses living things interacted with each other. We also made some tree bark and leaf rubbings.

Did you know to estimate the age of a tree, count the number of rings on the stump, from the centre out?!

We can’t wait to investigate other areas of our playground to see how the biodiversity differs depending on the conditions.

We wonder what we would find if we investigated a river or pond, a beach, a mountain? 🤔

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Toronto’s Virtual Sports Week

Today is Day 3 of Toronto Primary’s Virtual Sport Week!

The challenges for today can be found here:

Remember to post your best attempts for each day’s events on your Class Team/SeeSaw/Online Learning Journal, for your score to be counted.

Get all your house team involved, encourage your team mates to take part to boost your house score. The winning house will be decided by the end of the week!

Teamwork makes the dream work!

Guess Who? Toronto Style! Winners

Toronto Style!

Thank you and well done to everyone who took part in our Guess Who? Toronto Style! bitmoji quiz.

The top 2 scoring pupils from all three blocks were delighted to receive their winners prize today.

Well done to everyone who entered! Certificates will make their way to you soon.
How many of our Toronto staff did you correctly identify? Check your answers here.