Tag Archives: learning culture

Book Week Open Morning

P4/5 loved having their families in to share in their Literacy learning. We worked on reciprocal reading skills and were able to teach our adults these skills. It was so lovely to share some ERIC time with them too.

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P1 Have Their Say!

Primary 1 have had the opportunity to take advantage of the area which they have had a hand in designing. We asked the pupils what they would like to play with and have, where ever possible, tried to accommodate their ideas (the swimming pool, bouncy castle and flat screen tv were a little beyond us though!).

P5 Continuing to Develop Their Reading Culture

Primary 5’s celebrated World Book Day and then continued to develop their reading culture in class by creating their very own ‘Starbooks’ café.

Most of us brought our favourite books in from home to read and some of us borrowed a book from the Starbook’s menu. We enjoyed a sweet treat and a nice drink as we read our books. Miss Roscilli put on café background noises, which made us feel like we were in a real reading café.

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A Busy Time in P6/7

P6/7 have been working hard converting fractions and decimals to percentages, as well as finding percentages of numbers.  We were looking at real life examples and found some percentages on our milk and snack packaging.  We have also been finding fractions of different amounts.

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We have been taking part in the Languagenut Competition and have been doing both French and Spanish.  We have been asked to join Sumdog’s Avatar Testing Panel to offer our thoughts and opinions about the new avatars they are creating.

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Some of the P6 children have been working hard revising for the Euroquiz which will take part on the 17th March.  We will be competing with other schools from West Lothian.

February Homework in P4

Each month P4 enthusiastically take on their home learning grids and enjoy sharing the results of the activities they undertake. A few examples of their tasks are featured below.

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P4 Home Learning

Primary 4 have been enjoying working on our homework grids over the last few months. Some children have been creative and made models, others have photographed the changing moon and others have been spreading kindness and Christmas cheer. Many of us have confidently shared our activities and are very proud of our learning.

Here are some examples of what we have done.

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Belmont Fun

Yesterday and today has been all about making new friends and learning new challenges at camp!  Everyone slept really well last night.  Miss Lawton was pampering the girls by braiding their hair whilst over in the boys dorm Miss Watson was enjoying listening to Harry Potter and the Philospher’s Stone but the boys zonked before the end of chapter 2!  Fresh air works wonders!  A tasty full breakfast for everyone this morning and another full day ahead today followed by disco fun tonight!  I think these smiles are even bigger than the ones from yesterday 🙂

Terrific Toronto Teachers

Our Toronto staff have been taking part in a variety of sessions, including online learning, to develop their knowledge and skills in using some of our digital resources.

In our latest session they have been refreshing their knowledge of Education City. This website is an active and engaging resource we use in class to support our pupils’ learning.

Toronto’s Digital Leaders also attended this learning session and are confident in supporting our pupils, and our staff, in the use of this fab resource. What super team work at Toronto!

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Sharing Learning in Primary 5/6

Primary 5/6 have been working hard over the last couple of weeks and have been sharing their learning in a variety of ways.

More pupils this week shared their homework on Scotland. Their task was to bring something Scottish to share and talk about with the class. The children have enjoyed the opportunity to be creative with this homework task and have shared lots of new things. This week we had some facts about a Scottish artist, a tartan hat (Stewart Tartan), Scottish music and gigs, a Saltire flag and even some tablet to try!

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During our Literacy sessions, Primary 5/6 have been making the most of the little bit of good weather we have had and taken their Spelling tasks outdoors. The pupils used chalk to practice their spelling words in the playground. This is a definite new favourite activity!

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