Tag Archives: Family Learning

Book Week Open Morning

P4/5 loved having their families in to share in their Literacy learning. We worked on reciprocal reading skills and were able to teach our adults these skills. It was so lovely to share some ERIC time with them too.

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Guess Who? Toronto Style!

Have you taken part in our Toronto game of Guess Who? yet?

Can you guess our Toronto School staff?
Our staff have created bitmoji’s for our online learning platform.
Follow the link below to guess your staff’s bitmojis. How many can you identify?


*With prizes for our top scorers!


February Homework in P4

Each month P4 enthusiastically take on their home learning grids and enjoy sharing the results of the activities they undertake. A few examples of their tasks are featured below.

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1+2 Languages Family Fun Afternoon

This afternoon was our first 1+2 Languages Family fun session at Toronto. We welcomed lots of children and their families. Our families showed off their super singing voices by learning and performing Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes in French. A definite favourite of the afternoon was the taste testing session, where everyone enjoyed foods from France, Spain and Germany – the croissants and brioche were a big hit.

We rounded off the afternoon with a European trivia quiz. We had 3 clever winning teams and each enjoyed choosing their prizes. A huge well done to all teams who took part, some of those questions were tricky!

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Toronto Nursery Challenges

Hello everyone,  we hope that you’re all lovely and cosy in your homes enjoying watching the snow falling down on us, or maybe you’ve been lucky enough to jump around in the soft fluffy snow making snow angels?  Whatever you’ve been choosing to do today so far we really hope that you’ve had fun!  Now, knowing you all like we do, we thought you might be looking for some more ideas by now so why not have a wee look at the grid and choose a few fun activities to do if you have time?


*Remember that tomorrow is our Big Bedtime Read launch day (hopefully) so pop your jammies on, and no doubt wellies too, grab your teddy bear and head in for a day full of fun!

See you all soon,  The Nursery Team

We’re ready for your story covers Nursery! #BookWeekScot

Looking forward to hearing about all of your favourite stories tomorrow Nursery boys and girls! We have started filling up our bookshelf with some of your lovely home learning stories that you have shared with us already! Looking amazing! We can’t wait to fill it up!! Keep them coming 📚

Scottish Family Learning Challenge

Welcome back everyone and Happy New Year to you all!!  We hope that you have had a very enjoyable Christmas break and from all of the excited faces we were greeted with on Wednesday, we think it is safe to say that everyone is happy to be back into routine!

As you know, before the holidays we issued a wee Scottish family learning challenge which was to build a 3D model of a Scottish landmark with your family.  Some of you have certainly been busy and we have really enjoyed seeing what you have made so far.  Please ensure that your family creations are sent in to school by Monday the 9th of January so that we can have them ready for displaying…and later judging!   Thanks everyone!  Mrs Simpson
