Tag Archives: Maths

National Numeracy Day

As part of National Numeracy Day on 18th May children from P2/3, P3, P4/5, P6, P7/6 and P7 took part in an Official World Record Attempt for the most participation and views of Rolling Numbers Livestream.  We managed to break the record and 5, 362 schools took part.  Well done!
We also took part in Numbers and dancing with Katya Jones, where we learned dynamite dance moves.  We had to keep count of the steps .  It was great fun.   We ​thought about what we would like to be when we grow up and how we would use numbers in that job.  We created pictures of us doing our dream job or hobby and  how it uses numbers.
We had a great day.

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Busy, Busy, Busy in P6/7!

P6/7 have been busy!
We have been rehearsing for our performance of Joseph and The Amazing Technicolour Dreamcoat.
In maths, we have been interpreting data from bar, line and pie charts.
We have been focussing on discussion writing and thinking of arguments for and against as well as our own opinion.
We planted our potatoes this week and will be watching them grow and adding more compost as soon as we see the green leaves appear. We are hoping to grow lots.

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P6 took part in the Inveralmond cluster cross country and one of our girls won 1st place.  We are so proud of her.  Our girls team also came top in the competition, They will go on to represent us in the next stage of the competition in September. Fantastic!

A Busy Time in P6/7

P6/7 have been working hard converting fractions and decimals to percentages, as well as finding percentages of numbers.  We were looking at real life examples and found some percentages on our milk and snack packaging.  We have also been finding fractions of different amounts.

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We have been taking part in the Languagenut Competition and have been doing both French and Spanish.  We have been asked to join Sumdog’s Avatar Testing Panel to offer our thoughts and opinions about the new avatars they are creating.

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Some of the P6 children have been working hard revising for the Euroquiz which will take part on the 17th March.  We will be competing with other schools from West Lothian.

Lots of Learning in P6

P6 have created and made their own analogue clocks. We have been learning to tell the time, using our own clocks as support.

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P6 have enjoyed learning about the Romans. This week we explored the Roman army uniform, we were surprised at how heavy and uncomfortable it was to wear! We each chose an item of clothing to investigate further, using our research skills to help us.

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posted by Fin Stevenson (digital leader)

February Homework in P4

Each month P4 enthusiastically take on their home learning grids and enjoy sharing the results of the activities they undertake. A few examples of their tasks are featured below.

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Pancake Day in P4

P4 have been celebrating some different events over the last month.

One favourite in particular was Shrove Tuesday. As well as learning about Shrove Tuesday through RME, we were also able to incorporate Pancake Day into our Health, Maths and Literacy activities. We enjoyed investigating our favourite toppings for our pancakes, our favourites being syrup and strawberries. We collected information on favourite toppings, displayed this information in a graph and used the graph to identify most/least popular toppings. We included Pancake day in our Literacy activities through writing shopping lists for making pancakes with our favourite toppings and instructions on how to make pancakes.

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Outdoor Maths

Happy New Year!

P4 are back and ready to learn. Today we have made the most of our outdoors and have taken our maths out to the sandpit and been practising our subtraction knowledge. We built sandcastles and had fun taking them away to give our answers, using tyres to take away and we worked with bigger numbers and negative numbers by writing sums in the sand.

We loved this different approach to our maths and incorporating the outdoors.

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P4 Home Learning

Primary 4 have been enjoying working on our homework grids over the last few months. Some children have been creative and made models, others have photographed the changing moon and others have been spreading kindness and Christmas cheer. Many of us have confidently shared our activities and are very proud of our learning.

Here are some examples of what we have done.

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