Category Archives: P6 Miss Skelton

P6 Cross Country

Primary 6 enjoyed taking part in the Inveralmond Cluster Cross Country – all the pupils did an amazing job completing a large lap of Howden Park. The pupils demonstrated great sportsmanship and stamina throughout.
Toronto took first place in the girls race and our joint girls team claimed the top spot out of all the schools competing.
A massive well done to everyone who took part, you all did Toronto proud!

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P6 Successful Learners

Primary 6 enjoyed watching their introduction to their science topic: Solids, Liquids and Gases. The scientists on YouTube have asked the pupils to investigate a variety of science based questions.
The pupils began creating their own experiments to change the state of a solid. We are excited to see our results when we conduct our experiments next week.

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We also participated in West Lothian’s Euro Qui, with some of our pupils representing our class. They did an amazing job competing against other schools in West Lothian.

Lots of Learning in P6

P6 have created and made their own analogue clocks. We have been learning to tell the time, using our own clocks as support.

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P6 have enjoyed learning about the Romans. This week we explored the Roman army uniform, we were surprised at how heavy and uncomfortable it was to wear! We each chose an item of clothing to investigate further, using our research skills to help us.

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posted by Fin Stevenson (digital leader)