Author Archives: Laura Harkins

Ceilidh Collaboration

Primary 5 and Primary 5/4 have worked together very effectively to plan, organise and lead a number of Ceilidhs for other classes this week,  in celebration of Scottish traditions.

Here they are dancing with P1 and P2/1, showing that they are excellent role models and enjoying dance.

Scottie Dugs Sewing

Primary 6 continued the celebration of all things Scots in Art and Design with Mrs Fox this week by creating some wonderful and wacky Scottie dugs.

The children chose their favourite patterned fabric with a plain coordinating colour.  Then using a template, they pinned and cut the material.  Finally they used an over-stitch to attach both pieces together.

Next steps will be:

  • To stuff the dugs and add a ribbon so they can be displayed.
  • Personalise the design by adding our own choice of embellishments.

So many skills squeezed into one learning opportunity!

Fundraising Coffee Morning – Friday 17th November

Fundraising events help us to demonstrate what it means to be a good citizen.  We know we are raising money to help others and provide valuable resources for communities.   Tomorrow we are supporting Children in Need and Breast Cancer Awareness.

We thank all our families for their very generous donations, there is a lovely range of home baking to be enjoyed with a cup of tea or coffee.  We look forward to giving all our visitors a very warm Toronto welcome.