P1a’s weekly news

We have had another very busy week in Primary 1.

In French we revised our numbers to 5, and now count up to 10. We also learnt “Jacques a dit” Simon Says in French. That was a fun game.

We got a surprise today to receive a letter all the way from France. It had “Bonne Annee” “Happy New Year” cards, from our French penpals. They live in Fontenay Le Fleury which is near Paris. They are P2 children who enjoy learning English. Listen to us singing a song to them in French.

In Numeracy this week we started our subtraction journey. We have learnt that there are lots of ways to say subtraction like minus and take away. We know that when we subtract the number gets smaller. Our favourite part was probably when we had to subtract marshmallows from 10…by eating them…we may need some more practise at home !

We also enjoyed playing some subtraction games like subtraction 4 in a row and subtraction smash with the play doh.

We really loved playing this smoothie game which helps us practise our subtraction within 10. When playing this select “subtraction facts for 10”.


We also did a little bit more on time by learning how to tell o’clock times. Mrs Gordon couldn’t believe how quickly we picked this up, we didn’t even get tricked with 6 o’clock. Show us a clock or a watch and see if we can tell you an o’clock time.

In Literacy this week we learnt about digraphs. A digraph is when 2 letters join to make one sound. This week that sound was sh. We learnt about words like ship, shut, mash and fish. We read a story about Sharon the shark and when Mrs Gordon said sh we had to put our fingers to our lips…there were a lot of sh sounds in that story! Our new common words this week are “go” and “we”, look out for them in our reading books.

Happy weekend, Mrs Gordon and P1a


P4B’s first week back in 2020

Happy New Year to Everyone. Hope that you all had a wonderful Christmas and New Year. We have started the way we mean to continue this year and have been working hard. In Literacy we have talked about our New Year’s Resolutions and reflected on 2019. Now we have lots of things to achieve in 2020. We have been entertained by Mrs.Burton attempting to read some of Robert Burn’ Poems and then have translated some of the poems into English, which we really enjoyed. In reflective reading we have learnt about the life of Robert Burns and then filled in missing words from a passage about this.
In Numeracy, we are continuing to work on multiplication to ensure that we know our table facts before progressing onto Division. We have also revised tally marks and now using these to create our tally charts on subjects of our choice. We will use the information gathered to make our own bar charts.
In Art, we have looked at the life and work of Charles Rennie Mackintosh and created our own designs of his work. Some great work and we’re looking forward to displaying them both in the classroom and in the corridor.
French has been a revision of days of the week, months and the seasons and now we will go on to the weather.
We had P.E with Mrs.Reid this week and will continue to have a weekly session with her until the end of the term.She has started off with some circuit training so we all came back rather red faced!!
This week, also saw the start of sessions with Mrs.Curl from N.Y.C.O.S. So we had good fun demonstrating a steady beat.
New routines this term:
Monday and Wednesday P.E
Tuesday am – R.M.E/Science with Mrs.Begarnie
Thursday – N.Y.C.O.S
Date for the Diary – P4B Assembly – Vikings
Have a lovely weekend.
Love from P4B and Mrs.Burton


We are so proud of all the P6s and P7s  for presenting their Scottish Opera  to the whole school.  They have worked extremely hard and it paid off! Well done all of you.  You have made everyone so very proud!

This week we have;

  • Researched facts about life during World War II.
  • Looked into the work of Joan Eardley who is a Scottish  artist.  We will be creating art work influenced by her techniques.
  • Learnt to multiply numbers using mental strategies.  We also learnt formal written methods of multiplication and division.
  • Discussed feelings and opinions about WWII.
  • Some of us used our knowledge of the four operations and used BODMAS for calculating answers.

Next week, we will focus on writing poetry inspired by Robert Burn’s poetry.

Have a lovely week everyone!


Happy New Year from P2B

Happy New Year! We have had a busy first week back at school!

This week we have been exploring winter as a season. On Tuesday afternoon, we read a story called ‘Home in the Snow’ and we looked for clues about cold weather in the pictures. Afterwards we discussed different words to describe ‘snow’ and then using these interesting words, we worked with a partner to create a snow acrostic poem. Our poems are going to be displayed in our infant area.

On Wednesday and Thursday we created our own winter landscapes. We looked at some famous paintings of winter landscapes and  discussed how they made us feel. Miss Harrison showed us how to mix paint to create light and dark shades and then we created our own winter backgrounds. On Thursday (once our backgrounds were dry) we explored how to create lines of varying thickness and length and added detail to our paintings. We were very proud of our winter art work!

This week our new sound was ‘tw’. We made ‘tw’ words on our magnetic boards and used our knowledge of our letter blends to solve jumbled ‘tw’ words. Some of us also learned the sounds ‘pl’ and ‘sl’. Our common words this week were ‘who’, ‘what’ and ‘why’. We were able to create questions using these common words.

In Numeracy and Mathematics we have started to look at subtraction. At the beginning of the week, we revised our subtraction facts to 10. We also looked at how to solve missing number sums such as ?-2=6 and 9-?=5. To revise our subtraction facts, we played ‘Sten’s Party’ on Education City and discussed subtraction strategies during Number Talks. On Thursday we learned to subtract a single digit from a teens number. We used subtraction facts that we already knew to help us. For example, when calculating 17-4 we used the subtraction fact 7-4. Some of us used cubes and number lines to help us to solve our subtraction sums.

In PE this week we developed our movement and balance skills. We played a game called ‘Zoo Animals’ where we had to move around the hall as different animals! Afterwards we played ‘Frozen’ to develop our balance skills and then we moved around an obstacle course exploring different ways of balancing whilst moving.

Thank you for reading our blog post. We hope that you have a lovely weekend.

P2B and Miss Harrison xxx


Primary 6 – w/e 10th January 2020

This week we have completed our Scottish Opera sessions by spending a day with a team from Scottish Opera, where we were taught actions for our songs and we performed our Opera to the rest of the school. There are videos and photos on twitter!!

In maths we have explored repeating patterns made with shapes and some of us have created equations to explain our patterns.

In Science we have begun to create a game to show our understanding of electrical circuits. When we finish these we will hopefully share them with each other and our P2 Pals.

We have looked at some traditions around the world at New Year and created some resolutions and targets for this session in school.

In literacy we have begun to look at the Robert Burns Poem – Tam ‘O’ Shanter and we have started to translate this into english so we can understand it! We will continue to look at this next week.

Have a great weekend.

Kind regards

Primary 6 and Mrs Kerr

Happy New Year from P1B!

Welcome back and Happy New Year!

Thank you for all of the well wishes following the babybell news. The children have all been very sweet and have given me lots of baby advice.

In Literacy we have been practising sounding out words and writing a sentence. We listened to the story ‘Snow Bear’ and shared all the facts we know about polar bears. Then we used the internet to find out more. We each picked one fact to write as a sentence. We are working hard to remember finger spaces, capital letter at the beginning and a full stop at the end. Here is our super work:

In Numeracy we did some revision of addition to 10. We are very good at finding out the answer by counting how many altogether and using cubes. We need more practise at counting on in our heads. For example, 5+2, some of us are counting 1 2 3 4 5. We know that we can solve the sum quicker if we keep 5 in our head and count on. This is something we could work on verbally at home.

Here’s a video we sing along to that helps us to remember our number bonds to 10:

In Health and well-being we looked at what it means to be resilient. We talked about the things we can do (because we’ve practised them lots) and the things we can’t do…YET. We discussed that everyone has things that they can’t do…yet. Even grown-ups!

New homework and reading books will go home on Monday. As we have learned all our initial sounds, we are getting more confident at sounding out words when we read. Don’t forget to say the word after sounding it out to ensure understanding. Eg, I saw a b-i-g big c-a-t cat. We know that we don’t need to sound out tricky words because we just know them (I, saw, the, to, etc). Any questions about how best to support your child with reading please just ask 🙂

Some photos of our free play fun this week:

Admin/reminders for this term:

  • PE is on Tuesday and Wednesdays – please make sure long hair is tied back
  • Music with Ms Bain on Thursdays
  • Show and Tell (optional) on Thursdays
  • Special toy (optional) on Fridays

Date for the diary:

Friday 6th March at 10am – our class assembly

Have a lovely weekend!

Love P1B and Mrs Bell x

Happy New Year from P2A

We have finished our first week of 2020 in school and have already been working hard.

Look below at what we have been doing in our play based learning…

In Literacy we have all been learning new sounds: ‘tw’, ‘pl’ and ‘sl’ this week. We have enjoyed using the magnetic boards to spell our words and creating our own ones as well. We completed a jumbled words task where we had to unjumble a ‘tw’ word. We were given clues to help us. Some of us even challenged ourselves and didn’t look at the clues. We listened to a story called the ‘Slimy Slug’ which we enjoyed listening to and finding the ‘sl’ words.

In Numeracy and Mathematics we have been subtracting within 10 and 20 this week. We thought of all the words that meant the same as subtraction like take away, minus, less than. We did really well as a class thinking of all these different words. We created a mind map to show our learning which we are proud of and have displayed this on our Maths wall. In Number Talks we have been sharing our strategies for working out subtraction sums. We choose between a Hot or Spicy question, some of us have been choosing the more challenging Spicy question.

During story and milk this week we read a story called ‘The Gruffalo’s Child’. It is about the Gruffalo’s Child having an adventure in the wintery wood to find a big, bad mouse which the Gruffalo has told her all about. She goes out to find this mouse but…we won’t tell you the end in case you want to read it! In the book the Gruffalo’s Child wants to eat the mouse for a midnight feast so we were set the task of writing our own midnight feast menus for the Gruffalo’s Child. We discussed what a menu looks like and we got very excited telling the class where we have seen menus before. There were many ideas we thought of, from rat cake to snow topped acorns. We had lots of fun creating them and hopefully the Gruffalo’s Child will like them too.

On Thursday afternoon we watched P6/7 perform their Scottish Opera performance. It was great. We can’t believe they sung a whole story. The songs were really catchy!

We hope you have an enjoyable weekend.

P2A and Miss Muir 🙂

Christmas Fun in P7b

This week we have been working on creating winter silhouette  painting.  We learnt to blend shades of blue.  We also learnt to gradate colours in our painting to show light and dark contrast.

We enjoyed a STEM challenge as we created origami Christmas trees.  Many of us demonstrated resilience by never giving up.  Some us had to make 3 or more attempts to perfect the tree.


We had a great time at our disco.  We played party games and Mr Wells showed us a magic trick!  What a good way to end the term.  There were lots of laughter and fun this week.


Merry Christmas everyone and a Happy new year!!

P7b class and Mrs Durano




P3B Week commencing 16th December

In the last week before we break for the Christmas holidays we have been keeping ourselves very busy in P3B.  We have been using our numeracy skills to complete Christmas Maths challenges using our knowledge of place value, addition, the one hundred square and symmetry.  We also took part in a Christmas maths challenge where we worked in teams to solve problems which were written in a context.  We found some of the questions very challenging!

In Technology we took part in a team building challenge where we had to use newspaper, glue and cello tape to build the tallest tower we could.  The tower had to stand on its own for at least 12 seconds and support the weight of a small tigger toy.  We had to work together as a team, listen to each other and work efficiently as the challenge was set against the clock.  We had 15 minutes to complete the challenge.  Some of the towers were not strong enough but the winning tower managed to stand on its own to support the tigger toy and was 22cm tall.  We then discussed how well we performed as a team, what went well and what we would do differently the next time.  One of the most important lessons we learned was not to rush into the task but to come up with a plan before starting the challenge.  We then put these ideas into practice when we took part in the second challenge to design and make a pair of shoes for the class Christmas elf.  The shoes had to fit a member of the team and be able to come off and on.  The shoes had to be strong enough to walk around the classroom without falling apart and meet the design brief written by the elf.  We all had great fun designing, making the shoes and learning valuable team skills.

On Tuesday we had our Christmas party with the P4’s.  We all had a great time dancing, singing and taking part in all the different games.  Mr Wells was the DJ and he kept us all amused with his singing and jokes.   We were all quite exhausted after the party!

This week we also learned how to plant bulbs which were kindly donated to the school.  We put three bulbs in our pots and have taken them home to look after them.  We hope they will grow and produce a beautiful display in the spring.

Today we performed our song “Frosty the Snowman” at the Carols around the Christmas tree concert.  We gave a tiggerrific performance and also showed off some of our amazing snowmen designs during the performance.

We are now all looking forward to our holidays and wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

From Mr Ritchie and the tiggerrific P3B’s.

P4A Blog Week Ending 20.12.19

P4A Blog Week Ending 20.12.19


Literacy and English

In literacy this week, we have been focusing on writing a thank you letter to a relative for a Christmas present we are hoping to receive if we are on the ‘nice list’. In grammar we were learning to use commas to show a breath in a sentence and also in a list. In handwriting we did a check up on our spelling, so far this year and wrote a poem by Lewis Caroll who wrote ‘Alice in Wonderland’. We also answered questions on Aesop’s fables ‘ The Tortoise and the Hare’ The moral lesson of the story is that you can be more successful by doing things slowly and steadily than by acting quickly and carelessly.

Numeracy and Mathematics

In Numeracy and Mathematics we have been learning to extend, create and explain the rules for repeating patterns involving shapes, pictures, symbols and number sequences. We created tiling patterns with different 2D shapes. We found lots of examples from our garden patios, bathrooms, kitchens and floors of shops.


Learning across the Curriculum

We have been enjoying lots of Christmas activities this week including our Christmas party on Tuesday which was great fun! We were very proud at the Christmas church service of our choir singers for their beautiful singing and for our reader who read in a loud clear voice. We enjoyed singing along with them and listening to the readings. We loved singing our Christmas carol around the Christmas tree, “All I want for Christmas is you!”

Have a great Christmas holiday!

P4A and Ms McAlpine

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