P5’s week.

We went out to observe the birds in and around the playground and field, in order to compare numbers from the Autumn.

Also, we did a colour survey, which we are going to use for data handling in Maths.

We have been talking about friendships, our best friends, and positive and negative influences on our lives.

With Mrs Tulloch, we have been learning about magnets.


Last week, we were very busy practising for our assembly and making props! For Halloween, we made Frankenstein and Mummy styled egg boxes.  We created dangly monsters.  We did a Big Maths Beat that Challenge. We worked on alliteration for Halloween words.

This week, we have completed a bird survey outside in the school grounds. We designed a bird feeder.  We worked with a partner to create bird leaflets/fact files on the netbooks.

P5 have made rockets with Mrs Tulloch. P5b have tested their rockets. Lewis’ rocket went the furthest- from the P1 door onto the pitch! P5a are going to do their investigation next week.

We took up the challenge of the Sumdog competition. We had Finlay complete all his questions- Fabulous! We have been finding out about 3D shapes in and around school. P5a have made some 3D shapes from resources outside in the environment. We have looked the nets of 3D shapes.

We have continued working on alliteration and did some work on The Owl Who Was Afraid of the Dark linking in with Bonfire night. We welcomed our parents into our class to see our writing.

P5 organised the collection of the shoe boxes. We had several  parents help us to sort them out. On Thursday, 125 boxes were sent on their way! A BIG THANK YOU to everyone!

P5 🙂



We have been busy creating Halloween Art pictures. We did a colourwash then we used black paper to create witches, wizards, cats and pumpkins, for example, to design our picture.

We have learned our songs for our Assembly next week.

On Thursday night, we went to the Halloween Disco. We enjoyed dressing up. It was great!

We designed Halloween invitations.

P5. 🙂

P5a and P5b

This week, we did the SCOOT challenge, where we needed to find fraction cards and answer the questions individually. For our chilli challenge, we looked at shaded fractions and  fraction number lines.

We brought in storyboxes on Monday and we retold our stories to a partner. On Thursday, P5a joined with the Nursery to tell them their stories. On Tuesday the 26th of September, P5b, are going to join the Nursery then, to do their retelling. We had a range of stories from Harry Potter to The Paper Dolls, with people being very creative, imaginative and inventive.

On Wednesday, we took part in Roald Dahl Day and we made dream jars after getting inspiration from the BFG. We watched a live feed about Roald Dahl and the illustrator of his books, Quentin Blake. Also, an inventor, called Colin Furze, who showed us a flame throwing guitar to represent one of the dangerous monsters in Billy and The Minpins. We tried to find a Phizzwizard but we haven’t caught it yet………..

Please remember that the children are on holiday on Monday and Tuesday 🙂



P2/3 Outdoor Learning

It has been a short, but busy week in P2/3.

In maths, we used surveys to find out information about our classmates. We learned how tally marks can be used to record information. We began to look at how information can be presented in a bar chart.

Last week, we looked at how a three digit number has a hundreds column, tens column and units column. We went outdoors to make numbers, by throwing beanbags into three hoops (representing the hundreds, tens and units).

In literacy, we went outdoors to the outdoor classroom and continued our work on speech marks. We had to add speech marks to an extract of a text, using outdoor objects to represent the speech mark.

On Wednesday, we met the Rangers at the Peel to consolidate our work on seeds, berries and blossom. We learned a seed needs water, sunshine, soil and air to grow.

We discussed the different ways a seed can travel. Then, we collected seeds and blossom on a sticky leaf.

We managed to spot a ladybird!

P2/3’s activities.

Fantastic P.E. lesson outside. The children are using a variety of PE skills and had opportunities to invent their own games.

The children designed their own Easter Egg then worked in pairs. Each pairing had to remember their partner’s design, then, taking it in turns, they went off and hid it along with a surprise.

Some people made it really tricky!

Look at the wonderful Easter Bonnets!




A hair-raising effort was made for Comic Relief!


In Maths, they have been learning about halves and quarters of shapes and numbers.


The children have been making toys from the Victorian times- a jack in the box, a spinner, a jigsaw and a thaumatrope.


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