P2/3 Outdoor Learning

It has been a short, but busy week in P2/3.

In maths, we used surveys to find out information about our classmates. We learned how tally marks can be used to record information. We began to look at how information can be presented in a bar chart.

Last week, we looked at how a three digit number has a hundreds column, tens column and units column. We went outdoors to make numbers, by throwing beanbags into three hoops (representing the hundreds, tens and units).

In literacy, we went outdoors to the outdoor classroom and continued our work on speech marks. We had to add speech marks to an extract of a text, using outdoor objects to represent the speech mark.

On Wednesday, we met the Rangers at the Peel to consolidate our work on seeds, berries and blossom. We learned a seed needs water, sunshine, soil and air to grow.

We discussed the different ways a seed can travel. Then, we collected seeds and blossom on a sticky leaf.

We managed to spot a ladybird!

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