P2B Home Learning- Week 11


Well, Primary 2B – you’ve made it!

Attached is the last of the home learning grids, including some fun activities which we would have be doing in class together this week.

P2B Home Learning Grid – Week 11

I have also updated Sumdog with our last competition and challenge.

I’m so proud of you all and all that you have achieved during these tricky times. Well done!

**Please Remember: I will be at school on Tuesday handing out reports from 1.30pm – 2pm, I would love to see you all there, if you can safely do so.

Take care, everyone!



P1 Science and Technology

Hello P1 – Here are some fun activities for you to try today or on your last week as Primary 1.

Science – Investigating water

·         Ice cube tray (or a plastic cup/holder to freeze water in)

·         Pot/pan/kettle

·         Bath/sink/back garden

·         Jackets made of different materials

·         A cup

Questions to explore
·         What is happening to the water?

·         Why is it happening?

·         What word is the right word for what is happening to the water- is it melting/freezing or boiling?

·         Can you predict what jacket will be best for the job we want?

·         Can you tell me why you think that?

Information you might want to record
·         Put water into an ice cube tray- predict where they will freeze the best…why do you think that? Use the tray, once frozen, ask your child what they can use around the house to defrost each one quickly (maybe leave out some hair dryers/salt items that would work so that your child can easily choose/access) Take a photo of what you use for each cube and write down the time it takes beside it to melt.

·         Take an ice cube out the freezer, is it solid/liquid? Ask an adult to put it into a pot and add heat on the cooker- what is going to happen to it? Does it stay solid? If you keep heating the water, what happens? Can you see anything coming from the pot? What is happening now? Can you draw the process from ice cube-water-steam? Add in the words frozen, melt, boil next to process. (If you don’t want to boil the water in the pot- use a kettle and watch what comes out of the spout as it boils)

·         Create/record a weather report with a difference- you are going to choose the right jacket to wear in different weather- warm and sunny, windy, raining. You can report on what jacket to wear in this weather and why- maybe demonstrate with a small cup of water why you have chosen that jacket for the rain.

·         If you don’t want to make a video- use your camera/phone to take pictures of what happens when you pour a small cup of water onto different materials. Do this is in the sink/bath otherwise you may get other areas in the house soggy!


Technology – Creating animation

Download the app ‘Stop Motion’ and create your own cartoon using toys from your home. Try using lego, dolls house, teddy bears, play dough models etc. I had fun using this app and made the animals in our Sylvanian Family house move and also made our lego superheroes have a running race…. Batman won! I can’t wait to see what types of movies you will be able to create. Remember to share so your teachers and peers can see your wonderful creations.

Have fun.

Preschool Update 😀

Good Afternoon everyone,

If your child is leaving nursery to start primary one this year you should of received a group call this week regarding a little request needing your help.

Below we have attached the letter sent to parents. If you haven’t sent over your child’s photograph don’t worry there is still time to do so.  Please send your child’s photo to



By tomorrow, Friday 19th June.

Thankyou all for the photographs we received so far we look forward to seeing more and celebrating your child’s time spent at nursery the best we can  😀

Please share this with other parents you may know of their child starting primary one this year.


Primary 1- Telling the time

Good morning Primary 1 we hope that you are all safe and well. We have loved seeing all of your hard work on Twitter. It really does make us smile. It is our last week of learning to tell the time. So far we have covered-

Days of the week , months of the year, seasons, calendars and o’clock times.

Today’s challenges are….

To create a sun dial. 

Put the stick or pencil in the ground, or in a large piece of modeling clay, if your space is on a concrete or wooden surface. Observe the stick’s shadow carefully over the course of the day. Add a stone to your sundial for each hour, from sunup to sundown. Mark the exact spot where the shadow falls each hour.

To create your very own watch to tell o’clock times.

Design then create your own watch. Then use your watch to tell different o’clock times through out the day.

Time Challenge- What can yo do in 1 minute?

How many star jumps can you do?

How many knees up can you do?

How many times can you touch your toes?

How many times can you run up and down the garden?

Time is a tricky concept and will take lots and lots of practise so take it a step at a time. We cant wait to see all of your learning. 




Primary 1 – Writing

Good Morning Primary 1!

Can you believe you only have one more week left in Primary 1?

Task 1 – Everyone changes even your Primary 1 teachers. Can you guess which one is your teacher?


Task 2 – Listen to the story ‘When I was a Baby’ and listen and learn ‘The Growing Up’ song.


Task 3 – Start to reflect on some of the changes you’ve made already.

  1. Have a chat with someone at home and think about the things you did as a baby.
  2. Reflect on your first year at school. Think about one thing you can do now that you couldn’t do before you came to school.
  3. Begin to think about next year and something you would like to learn or be able to do.
  4. Have a look at Mrs MacCallum’s Example
  5. Complete your own writing task – Writing 17th June


Task 4 – Watch the animation below and think about what you might like to be when you are older.

This would be a nice thing to draw and write about so you can look back on when you are older. When I grow up…    

Learning Today…… Leading Tomorrow

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