Primary 1 – Writing

Good Morning Primary 1!

Can you believe you only have one more week left in Primary 1?

Task 1 – Everyone changes even your Primary 1 teachers. Can you guess which one is your teacher?


Task 2 – Listen to the story ‘When I was a Baby’ and listen and learn ‘The Growing Up’ song.

Task 3 – Start to reflect on some of the changes you’ve made already.

  1. Have a chat with someone at home and think about the things you did as a baby.
  2. Reflect on your first year at school. Think about one thing you can do now that you couldn’t do before you came to school.
  3. Begin to think about next year and something you would like to learn or be able to do.
  4. Have a look at Mrs MacCallum’s Example
  5. Complete your own writing task – Writing 17th June


Task 4 – Watch the animation below and think about what you might like to be when you are older.

This would be a nice thing to draw and write about so you can look back on when you are older. When I grow up…    

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