Minibeasts everywhere 🐛🦋🐝

We have been having some lovely weather recently and we thought we would share with you a little idea of something you could be doing outdoors.

Miss Mcmorran and Mrs Brown have been thinking about a little challenge that our children may enjoy at home and something we enjoyed creating and doing when at nursery was looking for mini beasts and creating our own little bug hotel in our nursery garden.


We thought you could be like Responsible Rosie (seen below) and see if you could make your own little home for some minibeasts that may live in your garden or in your local environment.

Here is some ideas below, we would love to see if you could create your own. There’s many ways you could create one all you need is some sticks, leaves or even stones. Bugs love to have a place to climb and sleep.

please share your creations with us through our blog or our twitter page @NurserySimpson






Happy Monday 😀

Good morning,

We hope you all had a lovely weekend and enjoying your time at home.

One of our families have shared an exciting video with us that we would like to share with you. Today at 11:30 there will be a live video all about money sense and how to look after your money. This video is aimed at 5-8 year olds although this may be something our children will enjoy and may even notice some familiar faces.

Here is the link to the video below :




Reading for Primary One

It’s the beginning of a new week and you should all congratulate yourselves at how well you are coping with this major change to life and your routine.

We would like you to continue reading for enjoyment this week and remember to post on Twitter , you reading:  parts of your favourite books or a reading corner you may have set up outdoors or in your house. @ReadSPS.

The children in P1D really enjoyed the story, One Button Benny by Alan Windram. You can hear Alan reading this book below, using  the link.


Here is the link to learn how to dance like a robot too:

This week you could all make your own robots like Benny. He needs to have a button which can only be used in an emergency. You could create your own stories about your robot and tell them to your parents. I’d love to see pictures of your robots.

Scottish Book Trust are also showing a great author, Kes Gray this week. Use the link below;

Keep practising your keywords. Some parents have asked for more to be issued and I will issue more next week. Remember there are activities set on Education City to help you practise these words. Have a go!

I’ve added also some more books from Oxford Owl which are suitable for P1. These books use the words and sounds you have already been taught in class.

To help practise your blending, you may want to use Doorway Online. You can use this link.

Have fun Primary One and share your learning with your teacher.


P2B Home Learning – Week 6

Good  morning, P2B!

I hope that you and your families are all doing well and that you are managing to be creative and enjoy your learning at home.

Attached is this week’s home learning grid for you to have a look at. Please remember: these activities can be adapted and explored however suits you and your parents/ carers. There are suggestions/ guidance of the learning that we would be completing in class as well as some revision.

P2 Home Learning – Week 6

I hope that you have all had chance to watch and sing along to the P1-3 Assembly on the blog.  I really enjoyed it and it was nice to hear all of the familiar voices and songs. If you haven’t had the chance yet, that’s okay! You can find it on the blog and a new assembly will be added every second Friday.

I will be assigning new work and activities on each of our online resources throughout the day. Currently, we’re using: Active Learn, Sumdog, IDL and Education City. Please only do what you can – this work is not mandatory, only a tool to support your learning.

Take care, everyone!

Ms Jenks-Brown 🙂


P2/1 Week 6 Home Learning

Hi P2/1,

I hope you are still working hard at home and learning lots through different play experiences. I want to thank you and your families for all you are doing at this unusual time.

Please continue to let me know what you are doing via Twitter or here on our blog.

I hope you have had the chance to look at the P1-3 assembly which will now be posted on the blog every second Friday.

P1 will continue to receive daily activities from the P1 teachers and P2 will find this weeks home learning grid here – P2 Home Learning – Week 6     (P1 can also complete the ‘across the curriculum’ column on the P2 grid if they wish).

Remember to continue to do a little each day so you do not forget the skills you have learned. Sumdog, Teach your Monster to Read, Education City and IDL can help you revise.

A little reading/listening to a story everyday should be on everyone’s to do list.

Mrs Davies

P3 Week 6 Home Learning

Good morning P3 classes. We hope that you are well. Here are this week’s learning activities.  Just do what you can, and in whatever order you want. Remember we have also published activities on Sumdog, Education City, IDL and Active Learn. It is lovely to see your hard work, so please share by tagging @missblyth1 and @MrsLDee  on Twitter.

Next week there will be some maintenance carried out on Active Learn. From 16 May the site will not remember usernames or passwords, so make sure you have them safe somewhere. When you visit Active Learn for the first time after 16 May, you’ll need to type in your username and passwords. If you have any problems, please contact the school office.

The links for this week’s numeracy activities are on the grid itself.

P3 Week 6 Home Learning Grid

P3 Week 6 Literacy Activities Document

P3-Week 6-Maths

P3 Week 6 RME, Science, Social Science and French

P3-Week 6-Other Curricular Areas

Have a lovely week.  Best wishes from Miss McGregor, Miss Blyth and Mrs Dunsmore.

P2A Home Learning Week 6

Hi P2a, I hope you are all doing well.

Here is your home learning grid for week 6. I want to say a massive well done for your all hard work so far and it is great to see you sharing your learning with me on Twitter.
P2 Home Learning – Week 6

There are new assessments on Sumdog- Addition and Subtraction, Spelling 3a and 3b and Grammar. As usually, group b for spelling is more challenging. These are really useful to have a go at as I get to see how you did in the assessment. The assessments run from Monday-Sunday.

Another few points to make…Friday’s assembly has been uploaded onto the school blog for you to watch. In the assemblies we are doing shout outs for as many pupils as possible who have carried out random acts of kindness. Please share any random acts of kindness with me through Twitter. Also, if you are not already following @WLPENetwork on Twitter please do as they are sharing fun daily PE challenges and ideas. Number Talks will be shared daily on Twitter as usual.

It is great to see all of you are accessing the online resources and completing activities from the home learning grids. Remember it is not expected of you to be replicating the usual school day at home. Children are still learning and developing their skills when doing activities such as jigsaws, baking and playing. If you are finding it hard to concentrate at home try doing shorter intervals of 15-30 minutes and have regular breaks in between them as it can be hard to concrete for lengthier periods of time, especially at home.
I’m missing you all lots. Keep up the good work!

Learning Today…… Leading Tomorrow

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