Category Archives: P3

3a Wed 27.5.20 Good morning

Good Morning 3a.

Wasn’t it windy earlier in the week! So windy that my whirly gig in the garden blew down and snapped. Obviously, it was a good drying day, so I had a load out to dry and it all ended up on the grass.

I’m looking forward to your emails this week letting me know your news and sharing your learning with me.

Today’s poem to enjoy and share is “Walking With My Iguana” by Brian Moses. This is one we haven’t heard before.

Today’s photo is of Hamish and Alexander. They are my friend’s ponies and she’s put them in my paddock to eat the grass down a bit.

Yet again I’ve got it the wrong way around!

Ms Occardi

P3B Wednesday 27th May

Good morning everyone! I hope you have all had a great start to the week. Remember you can send Mr Brice and me any of the work you have completed. You can even just say hi and tell us what you have been up to.

I have allocated everyone a non-fiction book about tigers on Active Maths. Feel free to have a look at it, it might help anyone doing some research. I never knew Mr Brice had a tiger at home, how cool!!

Everyone in P3B will know my favourite animal is an Orca. Do you remember watching Free Willy together before we finished school? (Don’t tell anyone I nearly cried at the end!!). This week you have been asked to create a fact file about an animals that lives in the ocean, I made my own about Orcas. Have a look..


Here is today’s riddle..


Music Time with Mrs McWhirter

Good morning P3, I hope you are not scared of spiders! 

I see your story today is all about a spider! I know a song about a very special spider from Africa called Anansi .

He is very clever and always tricking other animals and people with his cunning. Listen to his song and try to join in.

What instrument or sound do you think would suit Anansi? Perhaps you can find something at home to play when you sing the song for Anansi or something to play like a drum for the lovely rhythm of the song?

I would love to see some of your pictures of Anansi with his instrument or maybe you could even make up a new verse for his song? Happy singing!

Click here

P3A Tuesday 26th May

Good Morning 3A,

Hello everyone.  Thanks to those who emailed photographs of their work yesterday.  It’s so nice to see what you have been working on at home.  Someone tried out the origami fish activity from last week.  Aren’t these great!


Here’s another ocean themed activity you could try. Make an ocean in a bottle…

Mrs Bell

Never Tickle a Tiger

Hi Primary 3,

This week my story for you is ‘Never Tickle a Tiger’.

And below are the follow on activities you can do. Try to do at least two over the week.

Never Tickle a Tiger Reading Comprehension

  1. How does Izzy paint?
  2. Why was Grandma angry with Izzy?
  3. Which class were on a school trip?
  4. When did Izzy skip past the Aviary?
  5. What did the sloth do to the penguin?
  6. What do you think will happen if she prods the polar bear?

Wonderful Writer Izzy is constantly being told off. Have you ever been in trouble? Write a story real or imaginary about getting into trouble.

Grammar Make a list of 5 nouns, 5 verbs and 5 adjectives in the book.

Book Review Print out the book review and complete (or create your own version)

Dynamic Designer Design a new Tiger enclosure, draw it and label its features.

Word Wizard Find out the dictionary definition of the following words and write them in your own sentence: shuffling, fidgeting, shimmied, walloped, snapped

Artistic Ace Draw a picture to represent part of the story and write at least 2 sentences to describe your drawing.

Question Master Design your own Don’t Tickle the Tiger quiz or a quiz about Tigers.

Rocking Researcher In the book Izzy tickles a tiger. Find out about Tigers draw and write a few facts about them. You could even try making a short video about Tigers.I have provided a fact sheet that could help you.

Check out the webcams at Edinburgh Zoo. Is the tiger out? You can also look for the Pandas, Penguins and Lions.

Here are some files will help you complete your tasks.

Never Tickle A Tiger

Book Review

Never Tickle a Tiger Comprehension



P3A Monday 25th May

Good Morning 3A!

I hope everyone had a relaxing weekend and managed some fun activities despite the horrible weather.  I built a den in the living room with my children!  We moved around the furniture and used a coat stand and blankets to make a big tent.  It was great fun.

I wanted to give a huge congratulations to everyone who joined in with the WL Sumdog challenge.  Also there were 2 children in 3A who finished in the top 50 places.  What an amazing achievement 🙂

As always, you’ll find new games and challenges have been set for you on Heinemann Active and Sumdog.  I hope you are able to give these a go.  The P3 Week 8 grid and resources are ready on LPS website too.

Another pupil recommendation for Oxford Owl has been emailed to me. You might like Project X Big Game Adventure or The Hunt for Nok.

If you are able to email again this week that would be great.  If you can send a photo too, even better.  You work might be featured in Friday’s Celebrating Success.

Mrs Bell

P3b Monday 25th May

Good morning,

First a highlight from my past week: One of my sisters had her 40th this past weekend and she had a surprise zoom meet with friends and family, people from all across the world joined. Here are some of the questions. Do you know any of the answers? Can you find out the answers?

A few Quiz Questions

Remember, I would love to hear about your highlights too.

Please, check out the school website for the P3 resources for home learning this week.

This week my story is ‘Never Tickle a Tiger’, which I will post about separately. Here are this week spellings.







During the week let us know how you are getting on by emailing myself and Miss Ross.

Have a great day,

Mr Brice

3a Fri 22.5.20

Good morning 3a.

Huge congratulations to all who took part in the Sumdog Challenge. There were some great scores from P3a and Mrs Bell and I are really proud of you.

Today’s poem is “Heard It In The Playground” by Allan Ahlberg. You’ll remember this one. It’s HUGE!

Click to access heard-it-in-the-playground-poem-lyrics.pdf

Poor Katie Morag hurt her leg yesterday jumping a fence. She ‘s absolutely fine and zooming around as usual, but I’ll keep an eye on her. Maybe she would like a get well soon card…Please note – today’s photo isn’t upside down. I didn’t do anything differently, so it’s too early to claim I’ve mastered uploading pictures.

Ms Occardi

P3B Friday 22nd May

It’s Friday,

Earlier in the week I told you about a rock I painted. I hid it near the school and I am now aware of at least two people who have spotted it. Here it is again to remind you. Have you seen it?

Apparently, there are painted rocks popping up all around Linlithgow. So, I think a good challenge for the weekend would be to go on a treasure hunt to see if you can find any.

Also I want you to challenge me. Earlier in the week one of you told me about a very long walk they went on to Muiravonside. I took that as a challenge and followed a very similar route for one of my evening jogs. Here is the proof that I made it.

It was a tough run, especially when running up the wooden aqueduct steps and then going over the cobbles on it. The countryside park is a great place to visit.


If you want to challenge me, let me know about somewhere you have visited. I might just need to prove I made it.

Finally, here’s a Maths challenge for you. Can you work out how old the teacher is?