Good Morning Primary 1, Friday 19th June 2020

Good morning. I can’t believe we are almost on our last week of term.

peaceful walk - Picture of Bentley Wildfowl & Motor Museum, Lewes ...

Wellness Walk

As part of our health fortnight, this weekend why don’t you go for a wellness walk.

                                                     What can you hear?                                                             Can you hear birds, the breeze in the trees, rustling of leaves?

                                                      What can you see?                                                             Do you see flowers, water, buildings, trees?

                                                      What do you feel?                                                             Is there anything you can touch? be careful as some things might be jaggy. What does the grass feel like on your hand or how does it feel to walk on?

                                                    What can you smell?                                                           Do you smell freshly cut grass, or flowers?

Close your eyes and take 5 deep breaths, listen to your breath and be still.  Do you hear anything else? Do your senses change when you close your eyes and relax?


Have a lovely relaxing weekend Primary one.

Mrs ChisholmINQUINTE.CA | TODAY IS: Winnie The Pooh Day

Friday Again! 19.06.2020

The weeks are passing so quickly. I can’t believe that next week is the lasy week of Primary 1. It is not how we thought we would spend it but I am sure you are all looking forward to the holidays and then returning to school in August. I know I am!

Here is one of my favourite quotes:

Have a lovely weekend and next week we will be posting the last weekly learning grid for this year which will continue to think about our Health and Wellbeing as well as moving onto Primary 2.

Mrs Menmuir

Good morning P1! Friday 19th June 2020

Good morning everybody,

I hope you have been having a lovely week.

Have you ever noticed how nice it makes us feel when you think about all the things in your life that you love or that you are thankful for?

It is a great idea to get into the habit of making some time every now and again to stop and think about all the people and things in our lives that are good.

Here is a short video about being grateful – why don’t you sit down somewhere nice and calm to listen to it and follow the instructions. See how it makes you feel. Click here to go to the video!

I hope watching that video made you feel good and made you think about people who love you, about things you like doing, about things that make you smile, and about how unique and special you all are.

Here is a little Scavenger Hunt that you could try today or over the weekend:

I hope that you find lots of nice things that make you focus on all the great things in your life!

Take care and have a lovely weekend when it comes.

From Mrs Jamieson (and Bennie says hello!)

P2A Friday, 19th June

Good morning, everyone.  Today is Friday!




It is the last day of our working week and I hope you are looking forward to the weekend.  I am looking forward to going a cycle with Mr Herbison.  What are you looking forward to?

I am also looking forward to cooking with my family.  If you could cook with a Mr Men or Little Miss character, which one would it be?

I might try to cook these as they look very yummy and healthy.  I think I would like to cook with this Mr Men character.

I’m not sure if I would like to invite this Mr Men character to eat with me as he might eat it all himself!  Can you guess who I am talking about?

Have a lovely weekend.

Mrs Herbison

3a 19.6.20 Good Morning

Good morning, everybody.

We’re getting very close to the end of term. The summer holidays are fast approaching. I think we all need a break from online learning and I know you’re looking forward to getting back to school in August.

One thing I have noticed is that lots families are out walking together. I’m always out and about with the dogs, but it’s great to see so many people enjoying the simple pleasure of taking a walk in nature. I hope that after lockdown  I keep seeing families taking their daily exercise. As you know our focus until the end of term is Health and Wellbeing and country walks are great for my physical and emotional wellbeing. Let me know what helps you keep being positive.

Just for fun…

At last Hetzer was allowed to play with a toy. Usually Katie Morag steals it from him.

Ms Occardi

( Oops – another of my upside down photos.)



Good Morning Primary 2B Friday 19th June 2020 Mrs Boyle

Good Morning Primary 2B,

It is Friday again! Only one more week to go till schools go on holiday and then we will all be back in school again.

We have all been learning about healthy eating this week. Lots of you have made delicious sandwiches which I have loved hearing about.

Here is a link to a lesson about healthy eating with lots of games to help you learn.

Also a story if you time to listen to about a little boy called Oliver who only eats chips! Can his grandad change his mind ?

Have a great weekend

Mrs boyle

P3B Friday 19th June

Good Morning P3B,

Thank you to those of you who have sent myself and Miss Ross an email this week. I hope you have a fabulous weekend. One of next weeks tasks is to make up your own at home sports day. I wonder what you will come up with. I’m going to have a go too.

Here’s a little game that my daughters like to play sometimes. It’s great fun for all the family and you may want to have a go. It’s called ‘Stop the Bus’. Each person needs to make a sheet like the one below. One person chooses a letter and then think of an item for each category as quickly as you can. When somebody has something for every category shout ‘Stop the Bus’ and everyone has to put their pens down. You can give children an extra 30 seconds after an adult has called stop the bus.

You score 10 points for any unique answers and 5 if someone else has your answer. You can play as many rounds as you want. If you want play with different categories. At home, the Brice’s have even played it with family in England over Zoom. Have fun!

Best Wishes, Mr Brice


P2/1 – Friday 19th June

Hello everyone,

Friday at last!

Here is the link to the last Story Time From Home for this week. It isn’t really about keeping healthy today but more about something lots of you have been mentioning in your messages – wobbly teeth!

The P2 teachers have told me they have been getting lots of messages about wobbly teeth too.  Cleaning and looking and after your teeth is a very important part of keeping healthy. Mrs Boyle shared this funny video with her class earlier in the week about how to clean your teeth properly. It has a super song that I think you might like too.  Click on the link below to see it.

There will be lots more health and fitness ideas on our home learning plan for next week that will get you being active so make sure that you have a nice, restful weekend!

As it’s Friday, please remember to check Twitter later on today for this week’s Awesome Achievers.

Miss McDermott 


P2A Thursday, 18.06.20

Good morning, everyone.

I hope you are all well and are having lots of outdoor fun.

I know many of you recently enjoyed mixing paints to create lots of different colours to create some fabulous Kandinsky artwork.  I thought you would like to watch this short video about Mr Men and Little Miss street art.

Many of you have been creating and inventing lots of fantastic creations at home.  I wonder what you would invent for Mr Bump?  Watch this short video to see some children’s inventions.

Here is Mr Bump .  What do you think he needs?

Have a lovely and bump free day!

Mrs Herbison

3a 18.6.20 Good Morning

Good morning,  3a.

The days seem to start off cloudy and late in the afternoon the sun comes out. That suits me fine. After I log off  from school, I  can go garden visiting.

This is a new activity for me. I go and visit friends in their gardens and make sure I leave before it rains, or I need to go to the loo.

Remember our focus this week is Health and Wellbeing. I hope you’re enjoying some of the activities we have suggested.

Just for fun….

Hetzer likes to sit on one dog bed and hold on to the other, leaving poor Katie Morag with no where to lie down. I think he looks very guilty in today’s photo.

Ms Occardi



P3B Thursday 18th June

Morning everyone! I hope you have all had a good week. I can’t believe its Thursday already.

This week we are looking at healthy eating. Have a look at Tesco’s ‘Eat Happy Project’ on their YouTube channel. They have lots of great videos to choose from.

Here is the Cookie Monster singing about eating healthy.

We have also been looking at sun safety. Here is Sammy the seagull’s summer safety story beware there might be some singing throughout the story just like super cats road safety rap that we done in class! You can make up your own tune and actions for it.

t-tp-1259-sammy-seagulls-summer-safety-story-powerpoint_ver_4 (1)

Have a great day everyone! Remember to keep in touch by e-mailing myself or Mr Brice.

Miss Ross 😀



Good Morning Primary 2B Thursday 18th June 2020 Mrs Boyle

Good Morning Primary 2B,

I hope you are all well. I hope you enjoyed learning about teeth yesterday.

I have had lots of messages about losing teeth and all the visits you have had from the tooth fairy.

Here is a story about the tooth fairy you might want to listen to.

I hope you are managing to brush your teeth every day. I have sent a link to show you how to brush your teeth properly.

Keep healthy

Mrs Boyle