Category Archives: Class Posts

P1 Weekly Learning Reflection W/E 25th February 2022

Good afternoon,

In Literacy we have been revising our long vowel sounds ay, ee, igh, ow, oo, or, air, ar, ir, ou and oy. We have revised our red words too. We have written words with these sounds, looked for words in stories, played roll and read, snakes and ladders and made the words on our magnetic boards. In writing we completed our superhero stories and look forward to sharing these soon.

In Maths this week we have been exploring halving. We cut and folded shapes to show halves, halved buttons on snowmen, decorated sandcastles by halving the amount of objects and created paper pizzas.

We have been exploring forces and superhero potions in our afternoons. We explored push and pull forces and how things move. The boys were making ramps with the bricks for their toy cars. We painted using cars in the tuff spot too. For Health and Wellbeing, we listened to the My Many Coloured Days by Dr Seuss. We drew pictures to demonstrate our feelings by choosing a colour to suit our emotions. Here are a few of the children’s reflections:

Finlay – “I liked doing PE – we played tig and passed backwards and under with the ball and we collected beanbags. We played in teams it was Fantastic!!”

Leo – “I liked learning about Superheroes.”

David – “I liked playing superhero games with my friends.”

Emma – “I liked drawing pictures of a unicorn.”

Mia – “I was building a brick house with Mitchell.”

Angus – “We were learning oy sounds. I listened to the teacher and to the assembly and I made a snow book with sentences, sounds and red words.”

Lyla – “I like playing in the bricks. I built a candy world for my mummy.”

Ayaat- “I drew my teacher a picture of colours.”

Orlaith – “I liked seeing Mrs Cooper and learning my speed sounds.”

P2-1 Weekly Reflection 25.02.22

This week we have been very busy authors developing our storytelling and writing skills. We have completed our stories to share with you on World Book Day. We have also been learning about the main elements of a story (characters, setting, problem and solution) and practised identifying these when we read Hamish McHaggis and The Lost Prince. In phonics Primary 1 have been revising all Set 2 sounds and Primary 2 have been revising Set 3 sounds. Perhaps you can practise some more at home with the help of the games at

In numeracy P2 have been continuing to develop their understanding of Place Value to 50 and have been using the Base 10 materials to make 2-digit numbers. P1 have been learning about sharing and have engaged in lots of discussion of whether some situations were fair or not.

This week we started to learn about Fairtrade and enjoyed the story Pablo the Super Banana. We learned about the journey a banana takes from the tree to the supermarket and even acted out some of the parts of the journey. We learned more about Fairtrade during Primary 4’s assembly and we made some banana bread. We have set the children a challenge to see how many different products they can find containing the Fairtrade logo while out and about over the next week.

Here’s what the children have said about their learning this week:-

Minny “I didn’t know that Fairtrade Fortnight was even a thing and that you give extra money because the people who make the food don’t get paid a lot.”

Poppy “I didn’t know that Fairtrade Fortnight was something that happened. I think it’s good that it happens because the farmers do a lot of work and it is nice to pay the farmers fairly for their work.” I liked what the P4s did in their assembly. I’ve learned a lot from Fairtrade Fortnight.”

Kade “I learned set 3 words, I feel more confident now.”

Dylan ” I didn’t even know that Fairtrade was even a thing.”

Kaylan “I didn’t know that Fairtrade could be anything.”

Theo “I learned that Fairtrade Fortnight is to help farmers get a good price and that there is a Fairtrade logo.”

Dexter “I learned that Fairtrade Fortnight is the time when farmers get a good price.”

Cooper “I enjoyed learning about Fairtrade Fortnight and I enjoyed P4s assembly.”

Ethan “I liked my brother’s show in the assembly.”

What has been happening in P3

Good afternoon,

I hope that you enjoyed the long weekend at the beginning of this week.

Primary three have been working hard on their writing projects over the past few weeks. They have been making and creating their own mythical creatures using new sketching and drawing skills, and working with clay and paint. They have written their first draft of their information report all about their mythical creatures that they have created. P3 have learned all about the myths and legends of Scottish creatures and have used this information, along with their visit to the Kelpies to produce their own myth.

In numeracy, we have been working on our times tables. This week we have started looking at our three times table. We have now learned our 2, 4, 8, 5 and 10 times tables.

As it was Random Act of Kindness Day on Thursday, the class discussed acts of kindness and what they could do around the school and at home.

The class are continuing to develop their joining of letters in handwriting.

In PE, we have been learning about badminton and practising bouncing the shuttlecock with the racket, passing to partners and practising various ways to serve.

Have a lovely weekend.

Mrs Love

P1 Weekly Learning Reflection W/E 18th February 2022

What a busy but short week for P1. In Literacy we have learned the ‘oy’ long vowel sound and the red word be. We have written words with ‘oy’, built words on our magnetic boards, played roll and read and connect 5.

In Maths this week we have been exploring sharing and grouping. We looked at and can now explain what is meant by a fair share. We played make it fair, created a fair share picnic for our teddies, completed chilli challenges where we had to sit frogs equally on logs and helped Dan, Dom and Dora the dragons share out their gems fairly.

We have been continuing to think and learn about superheroes. We drew our superheroes, wrote superhero names and phrases on fabric to decorate our superhero den, discussed characteristics of a superhero and made superhero potions. A few of the girls watched a draw a long and drew their own Elsa pictures.  Here are a few of the children’s reflections:

“I liked making our superhero potions in the tuff spot.” Angus

“I enjoyed making superhero potions.” Lyla

“I enjoyed making superhero potions using characteristics such as strong.” Ayaat

“A superhero is strong. I made a potion to make superhero powers.” Orlaith

“I enjoyed thinking about what makes a superhero.” Leo

“Spiderman can shoot webs. He is a superhero.” David

“I learned about sharing equally and making a fair share.” Emma

“I liked mixing the coloured water and making potions.” Gracie

Have a lovely weekend

Miss Maclachlan

P2 Learning Reflection for W/E 18.02.22

Josh – I liked making the boat. We made it for Skipper to sail through his life. We used problem solving skills by letting everybody’s ideas be included.

Ella – I liked doing the gymnastics. We were using working together skills. It means that you work with someone to figure it out!

Oliver – I liked making the boat. We were building it so Skipper could sail through the river.

Arianna –  I liked counting on with numbers. I was counting on in 2.

Nathan – We were spelling words with the nk and ng sounds.

Elyas – I liked talking about the storm. There is a red warning in England it is going to be really windy. In Scotland it will be snowing, we have a yellow warning. The storm is called Storm Eunice!

Rhy-lee – I liked doing gymnastics. We made up a routine. We looked at the cards and used some of the balances. We did rock paper scissors to decide who would pick a move.

Louis – We needed to try and build a bridge so Twitch couldn’t fall. We made a stand at the bottom and made a bridge so Twitch could walk. The stand was so it couldn’t fall down. I asked Nathan to make a stand and I started building the bridge and Alexander did the last piece to make it all. We were solving problems.

Georgia – I liked free play. We are playing schools and I was the teacher. I was reporting back to the parents if the children were being good or not. I had a note book and I had to say who was being good!

Thea – I enjoyed gymnastics. We were doing jumps, two balances and then rocket. We used balance skills to stay straight!

Olivia – I enjoyed gymnastics. Me and Alexander were making a routine. We took turns each to pick a balance. We worked together to make our routine.

Willow – I liked when we done the Twitch thing! We had to build a bridge for Twitch. We used paper to build our bridge. We had to talk and listen to each other to make the bridge.

Alexander – We were building the sides to make a house. We are trying to build a wall to do it but that can’t work. It doesn’t work because it builds at the side but it does not work in the middle. I am trying to do that on Monday!

Kyra – I was in the big bricks group. We made a PlayStation on the bridge so Twitch could play. We also had a little basket so he could bring the nuts back. Our bridge was good then it fell because it wasn’t strong enough. If we put a stand underneath it would be stronger!

Caleb – We did the nk spelling sound. I know think, sink and drink!

Grace – I was on holiday this week. I enjoyed making a pantomime with my cousins it was called Bairns in the Magic Forest!

P2-1 Weekly Reflection 18.02.22

Well it might have been a quick week but it’s been a busy one!

In Literacy P1 have been learning the sound oy  and had fun playing Connect Five using real and nonsense words. P2 have been learning about nouns and discussed the difference between common nouns and proper nouns. In writing we have been continuing with our special stories ahead of our author’s reveal on World Book Day. We are very excited to share our writing with you.

In numeracy we have been thinking about Place Value to 50 and had great fun using different materials to make groups of ten to make 50. We have been counting forwards and backwards within 50, here’s another Jack Hartmann song to support our learning if you want to listen again at home. We have also been learning to tell the time using half past and have been matching digital and analogue times.

Here are some of the children’s comments about their learning this week:-

Dexter “I liked building trains using the blocks.”

George “I liked doing the frog game.”

Ethan “I like the frog game too.”

Rory “I enjoyed the time game.”

Jack “I liked making 50.”

Georgia “I enjoyed everything.”

Aylar “I enjoyed doing the treasure hunt.”

Kaylan “I liked doing the word hunt when we had to find the pictures and write down the words.”

Kade “I liked doing the treasure hunt. We were trying to find nouns.”

Cara “I liked making 50 and doing the hunt for nouns. A noun is a naming word.”

Hunter “I enjoyed learning with Mrs Clyne.”

Theo “I enjoyed learning about nouns.”

Dylan “I liked doing maths.”

Cooper “I liked learning about counting up to 50 and backwards too.”

Minny “I have enjoyed everything.”

Poppy “I have enjoyed every single thing.”

Kyle “I liked the Connect Five game when I was learning the oy sound.”

P2-1 Weekly Reflection 11.02.22

This week we have enjoyed a number of activities to mark Children’s Mental Health Week 2022. We watched the Place2Be’s virtual assembly on the theme of Growing Together and had a super discussion about the people who help us to grow. We created our own support balloons highlighting the people who help us talked and discussed what makes us happy and the sorts of things we can do to help us feel better when times are not quite so good. We also enjoyed some yoga.


In phonics our focus in P1 has been ir and ou and in P2 we have been learning about suffixes through adding ed and ing to words. We have been practising our sounds and working hard to blend our sounds together to help us read with increased fluency. Thank you for supporting the children with their reading at home.

In numeracy P1 have been learning to tell the time using o’clock and half past times on both analogue and digitial clocks and particularly enjoying this song to support their learning Please keep practising telling the time at home. P2 have been completing their block of learning on addition and subtraction by considering related facts and comparing number sentences. A favourite song this week for the children was , why don’t you have another listen at home!

This week we finished our Charles Rennie MacIntosh inspired roses, I’m sure you’ll agree they look great.

We have had great fun talking about pets this week and some children changed our home role play area into a pet shop with a vet section. The children have engaged in some super conversation during their play in the pet shop and have been developing their literacy and numeracy skills throughout their play.

We are keen to continuing building our pet shop and vet area in the next few weeks and would be very grateful for any donations of soft pets, pet toys, water bowls and small animal beds/cages which you no longer require. If you would like to donate any items please send them in with your child and we will quarantine them before adding them to the pet shop.

Have a lovely weekend and please remember that Monday and Tuesday are holidays for the school children. We look forward to seeing them on Wednesday 16th February.

Here are some the children’s highlights this week:-

Minny “I enjoyed everything.”

Ethan “I enjoyed making the Pets at Home and the vets.”

Cooper “I enjoyed making the support balloons.”

Hunter “I liked doing my maths, no my reading!”

Aylar ” I enjoying doing the pet shop.”

Jack “I liked learning my letters.”

Georgia “I enjoyed learning about everything.”

Kaylan “I enjoyed learning Mental Health Week.”

Cara “I have enjoyed everything.”

Poppy “I’ve liked learning about everything.”

Kyle “Everything.”

Dylan “I liked building the pet shop.”

Kade “I liked learning the words.”

George “Doing the numbers.”

Dexter “I liked building my train rushes.”


Blog 7th-11th February

Blog 6th-11th of February


This week have had French and Spanish which we really enjoyed. In Spanish we learned about colours and got to ask each other what colour was our favourite.


We have also been continuing to work on our Author’s Journey story writing. Mr Stephenson from ICHS came to listen to our Authors Chair and he gave us feedback. It was really good to get feedback from him as he is an author too as well as a teacher!


This week has also been Children’s Mental Health Week so we watched the Place2Be Assembly and then spoke about connecting with others and cheering them on. We wrote on pieces of paper on each other’s backs about what we really liked about them. It was nice to see so many nice things written about me.

Maths was looking at symmetry and also problems solving. Its fun trying to do problem solving as Mrs Taylor was giving us House Points for finding lots of ways to find the same answer.

This week it was P6 who did assembly. They spoke about Mental Health and how to stay connected and remember to speak to Trusted Adults.

Miss Quinn came to visit from ICHS to talk about High School. She asked us to write about the things we liked and gave us a chocolate too. We got to ask lots of questions about what High School might be like.

It’s been another busy week in P7!

Children’s Mental Health Week Reflection for P5

Here are some of our thoughts about the week we have just had. It was a great week!

I hope you all have a great long weekend. See you next Wednesday.

Maizy – I liked when we did football with Davie. I liked the matches.

Caleb – I liked it when we were doing dividing in maths. I am getting much better at it now.

Holly – I enjoyed doing the writing about Mary Queen of Scots. I love writing.

Mathew – I really like the maths this week because I like working with the Teejay books. The maths really helps me with some of the video games at home.

Emma – I liked doing the French with Mme Moore. I enjoyed learning about snacks and fruits and the fruit festivals. I liked learning what they have for breakfast in France.

Zach – The extra football practice with Davie has helped me improve my skills.

Elena – I have been having fun learning French. I like learning how to say I like or don’t like different types of food.

Amelia – I am happy because I have improved in maths.

Anya – Doing the Health and Wellbeing check in was good because I got to think about who is my trusted adult.

Lewis – I liked doing gymnastics because I was finally able to do the crab.

Safia – I liked gymnastics because I got the chance to lead the class when they were doing their stretching.

Pola – I really enjoyed practising division. It is getting more fun because I’m getting better at it.

P1 Weekly Learning Reflection W/E 11th February 2022

In Literacy we have learned the ‘ir’ and ‘ou’ long vowel sounds and the red word call. We have written words with ‘ir’ and ‘ou’, built words on our magnetic boards, played roll and read and sorted real and nonsense words. In writing we wrote an adventure story featuring our superhero.

In Maths this week we have explored reading and writing half past times on an analogue and digital clock. We wrote o’clock and half past times on a digital clock, read half past times on a digital and analogue clock and in words to complete jigsaws, played an o’clock and half past board game and bingo.

For Children’s Mental Health week we listened to the story The Dot. We discussed our strengths and drew pictures of these on dots. We also watched the short film Boundin’ and explored times when we have felt up and times when we have felt down. We created hot air balloons to show the times when we have felt up.  Here are a few of the children’s reflections:

Angus – “We have been learning about ou words. I was good at my sentences and I had fun playing my llama game in gym today.”

David “I liked eating my snack and lunch.”

Leo – “I liked building a flying saucer with the bricks”

Lyla- “I loved playing in the story corner and reading.”

Aaron- “Playing Star Wars with baby Yoda. I was Learning how to write a sentence.”

Finlay – “I liked playing with Aaron and I learned how to write things that I didn’t know how to write, by sounding them out.”

Emma “We learned about writing words today. I made a sentence.”

Mia – “We were learning the sounds ir and writing words.”

Jessica- “I liked the parachute game today for gym.”

Ayaat – “I liked writing the letters and words.”

Have a lovely long weekend.

Miss Maclachlan