P2 Learning Reflection for W/E 18.02.22

Josh – I liked making the boat. We made it for Skipper to sail through his life. We used problem solving skills by letting everybody’s ideas be included.

Ella – I liked doing the gymnastics. We were using working together skills. It means that you work with someone to figure it out!

Oliver – I liked making the boat. We were building it so Skipper could sail through the river.

Arianna –  I liked counting on with numbers. I was counting on in 2.

Nathan – We were spelling words with the nk and ng sounds.

Elyas – I liked talking about the storm. There is a red warning in England it is going to be really windy. In Scotland it will be snowing, we have a yellow warning. The storm is called Storm Eunice!

Rhy-lee – I liked doing gymnastics. We made up a routine. We looked at the cards and used some of the balances. We did rock paper scissors to decide who would pick a move.

Louis – We needed to try and build a bridge so Twitch couldn’t fall. We made a stand at the bottom and made a bridge so Twitch could walk. The stand was so it couldn’t fall down. I asked Nathan to make a stand and I started building the bridge and Alexander did the last piece to make it all. We were solving problems.

Georgia – I liked free play. We are playing schools and I was the teacher. I was reporting back to the parents if the children were being good or not. I had a note book and I had to say who was being good!

Thea – I enjoyed gymnastics. We were doing jumps, two balances and then rocket. We used balance skills to stay straight!

Olivia – I enjoyed gymnastics. Me and Alexander were making a routine. We took turns each to pick a balance. We worked together to make our routine.

Willow – I liked when we done the Twitch thing! We had to build a bridge for Twitch. We used paper to build our bridge. We had to talk and listen to each other to make the bridge.

Alexander – We were building the sides to make a house. We are trying to build a wall to do it but that can’t work. It doesn’t work because it builds at the side but it does not work in the middle. I am trying to do that on Monday!

Kyra – I was in the big bricks group. We made a PlayStation on the bridge so Twitch could play. We also had a little basket so he could bring the nuts back. Our bridge was good then it fell because it wasn’t strong enough. If we put a stand underneath it would be stronger!

Caleb – We did the nk spelling sound. I know think, sink and drink!

Grace – I was on holiday this week. I enjoyed making a pantomime with my cousins it was called Bairns in the Magic Forest!