P1 Weekly Learning Reflection W/E 18th February 2022

What a busy but short week for P1. In Literacy we have learned the ‘oy’ long vowel sound and the red word be. We have written words with ‘oy’, built words on our magnetic boards, played roll and read and connect 5.

In Maths this week we have been exploring sharing and grouping. We looked at and can now explain what is meant by a fair share. We played make it fair, created a fair share picnic for our teddies, completed chilli challenges where we had to sit frogs equally on logs and helped Dan, Dom and Dora the dragons share out their gems fairly.

We have been continuing to think and learn about superheroes. We drew our superheroes, wrote superhero names and phrases on fabric to decorate our superhero den, discussed characteristics of a superhero and made superhero potions. A few of the girls watched a draw a long and drew their own Elsa pictures.  Here are a few of the children’s reflections:

“I liked making our superhero potions in the tuff spot.” Angus

“I enjoyed making superhero potions.” Lyla

“I enjoyed making superhero potions using characteristics such as strong.” Ayaat

“A superhero is strong. I made a potion to make superhero powers.” Orlaith

“I enjoyed thinking about what makes a superhero.” Leo

“Spiderman can shoot webs. He is a superhero.” David

“I learned about sharing equally and making a fair share.” Emma

“I liked mixing the coloured water and making potions.” Gracie

Have a lovely weekend

Miss Maclachlan