Category Archives: Class Posts

P2/1 Reflection 17.09.21

Well what a busy week we’ve had!

Primary 1 children have been learning the sounds p and g and impressing Mrs Clyne with their word building skills when using the magnetic boards. We now know the sounds m, a, s, d, t, i, n, p and g, why don’t you try making some words at home with these letters. Primary 2 children have been revising set two sounds with a focus on oo and ar. They have also been practising the common words I, the, of, me, they, want, like, her and she by telling Ted a sentence containing each of the words.

In Numeracy we have been learning about the number sequence to 20 and thinking about the number before and after a given number. We have been learning ordinal numbers from first to tenth and we had fun singing the Days of the Week song to begin thinking about the order of the days. If you would like to have a sing along at home, click here.

On Thursday we had a birthday themed afternoon where we practised our counting skills and developed our fine motor skills by making playdough cupcakes, wrapping presents, exploring texture with jelly and ice-cream (cotton wool balls) and making birthday cards. We also considered the adventures of Curly the Caterpillar who had escaped from the cake box!

For Science we listened to the story A New Calf Arrives during a googlemeet with The Royal Highland Education Trust. This was really interesting and the lady even answered some of our own children’s questions live during the call.

We would like to wish you all a safe and happy holiday weekend and look forward to welcoming the children back to school on Wednesday 22nd September.

Take care,

Miss Whigham & Mrs Clyne

P4 Learning 17.9.21

This week we have been learning about:

We have been comparing numbers as more than and less than. We have begun a block of practice on adding and subtracting and we have been learning about fact families.

It was Roald Dahl Day on Monday, we did describtive writing and learned how to be a better writer.

We have upgraded our library/reading corner – it’s great.






We have been learning about sportsmanship in PE and improving our fitness.

On Friday we tasted some French beans from the garden…

“They taste like leaves!”     “I didn’t like them.”   “Mmm They were nice!”

Please note: Our Home Learning sheet (see below) was given out to be returned by 5th Oct.

P4 home Learning Sept-Oct 2021


Week ending 17th September

Another great week for P5. We have really pushed on with maths and our LVPS 20th birthday project. We welcomed back Madame Moore on Thursday and she taught us some words and phrases we could use to talk about ourselves.

I hope everyone has a great, refreshing holiday over the weekend and I can’t wait to hear all about it on Wednesday when we all return.

Here are some reflections from P5 pupils this week:

Zach – I liked the fitness stations in PE because we have to challenge ourselves to see if you can do more every time.

Holly – I enjoyed doing French with Mme Moore because I liked reading the information to work out who the twins were.

Jaxon – I like the CLIC maths because I like maths and you can get to higher levels that get harder the further you go.

Anya – I like doing free writing because I like sharing my writing with other people.

Calum – I liked doing the PE on Thursday because it was a good team game and the rules were fair.

Sophia – I like ERIC because I really love reading.

Arya – I liked rounding numbers to 100000 because at the start it was hard and now I’m good at it.

Emma – I liked doing the handball in PE because it was fun.

Safia – I liked the book about the genie.

John – I liked rounding numbers to 10000 because it helps you with counting and place value.

Cali – I liked doing the Hit the Button maths because there was different levels and it tells you your score so you know if you are getting better.

Nathan – I liked reading How to Train Your Dragon because I haven’t read it or watched the film before.

James – I liked doing the dribbling in handball.

Maddie – I like ERIC time because I learn new words and get inspiration for Free Writing Friday.

Caleb – I  like ERIC time because I like the Tom Gates books.


P1 Weekly Learning Reflection Week Ending 17/9/21

Good Afternoon. P1 have settled in well to school. This week we have been learning the sounds ‘p’ and ‘g’ and the common word ‘said’. We have played games, made a parrot and a giraffe and taught ted how to write the sounds. In Numeracy we learned all about the number 10 – how to make it, what it looks likes and the different ways to make 10. We have also been learning about one more than and one less than. During our Outdoor learning we have been talking about seeds and planting them this led us to change our house corner into a garden centre. We are loving playing in it and selling seeds and flowers. On Thursday afternoon we spent time with our P7 buddies hunting for flowers with numbers on them to 20. We then created a big numberline. Here are  the children’s highlights of the week:

Finlay – “I enjoyed making a birthday cake out of bricks for the school. I liked making our garden centre.”

Aaron –“I enjoyed making a giraffe and meeting my buddies.”

Emily – “I liked counting with my buddy and ordering the flowers.”

Emma –“It was fun making our garden centre”

Matthew –“I liked seeing my buddies in the garden.”

Lyla – “I loved seeing my buddy.”

Leo – “I enjoyed making a birthday cake and card.”

Isha – “I liked making a card copying writing and balloons.”

Angus –“I enjoyed P.E and making a birthday card for the school.”

Jessica –“I enjoy playing games at P.E “

Gracie – “I enjoyed playing tig during P.E and spending time with my P7 buddy looking for and ordering numbers.”

Orla – “I enjoyed hunting the numbers in the garden with my buddies.”

Mitchell – “I liked making the garden centre.”

Mia – “I enjoyed helping set up our garden centre.”

Have a lovely weekend

Miss Maclachlan

P3 Home Learning and Learning This Week

Good afternoon,

I have uploaded an electronic copy of this term’s home learning grid onto Seesaw and I will attach a copy on to this post as well. A paper copy will be given to the learners next Wednesday when we return from the long weekend.

P3 Term 1 Home Learning

This week’s learning:

On Monday to celebrate Roald Dahl Day we had an exciting day of Numeracy, Science and Outdoor Learning. We read an extract from ‘George’s Marvellous Medicine’ and created potions from items collected in a jar during outdoor learning and added water, food colouring and essence.  From ‘The BFG’, we made dream jars with water, oil, glitter and an effervescent tablet to make the mixture move around the jars. Inspired by ‘Charlie and the Chocolate Factory’, we did the skittles experiment using varied types of skittles. We used the skill of prediction, observation and variables for future experiments.

Numeracy – This week we were finishing our focus on place value, we answered worded questions on addition and subtraction and we were looking at skip counting in 2’s.

In Maths, we were looking at quarter past and quarter to and the digital times for these as well.

Literacy – In handwriting this week we had a re-focus on b and d as this is often reversed. In writing we wrote a procedure piece of writing about our potions that we made in outdoor learning on Monday.

In HWB, we painted our own dream jars from ‘The BFG’ and wrote our dreams and aspirations for the future in the jars.

In IDL, we have been working on our group projects for our 20 year task this week and are starting to finish off our models.

In PE, we have been working on ball skills. Investigating and discussing the similarities and differences of various balls. Dribbling in different ways and learning various passing skills (bounce pass, over arm and under arm).

In RME, we looked at our local church and discussed what it looks like and what it might be used for.

I hope you all have a wonderful long weekend, and I will see P3 on Wednesday.

Mrs Love

Learning Reflection for W/E 17/09/21

This week in P2 we have been revising words with the ‘oo’ and ‘ar’ sounds. Our common sight words were: like, her, said.

The class enjoyed ‘Talking for Writing’ to describe, The New Boy and The Witches. They followed the structure of descriptive writing to give their talking text a title, introduction, characteristics and an evaluation. They all worked well together to work out their parts and to build their characters descriptions.

For numeracy P2 have been using number lines and continuing with greater than and smaller than. The children have been skip counting in 10’s and 2’s. The Number Talks focus this week has been sharing strategies to solve number sentences.

Highlight of the Week

Sebastian – I played with the engineering set I was building a fishing rod.

Celeb – I enjoyed working with the wood. I was getting screws in. I used a screwdriver and a hammer. I managed to get one and a quarter in. You have to twist the screwdriver around.

Louis – I enjoyed playing in the garden. I was playing dinosaurs with Alexander, Sebastian and Grace.

Jack – I enjoyed playing in the garden. I was playing tig. We were hiding in the bush to make sure it was our den and nobody claimed it!

Alexander – I enjoyed PE. We were playing with the parachute.

Ella – I was playing in the house corner. I was selling food.

Willow – I like reading.

Lily – I liked painting flowers.

Nathan – I made a witch with a bald head and some arms. My witch has no toes and no shoes.

Kyra – I liked reading Sam Sit. Sam didn’t sit on the magic carpet he almost fell in the river. If I had a magic carpet I would go to Disney Land!

Olivia – I enjoyed painting. We were mixing lots of different colours to see what colours we made. When we mixed the blue and red it made purple. Yellow and red made orange and yellow and blue made green.  Red and white made pink!

Thea – I painted nice flowers and nice love hearts.

Oliver – I liked playing at the bench area. Me and Jack found out two pieces connected with a screw.

Josh – we were having races at playtime. Caleb was the referee; he was the one who says who wins!

Georgia – For free play, I was painting. I was painting flowers with a smiley face.

Reflection of P5 So Far…

P5 have had an amazing start to the year. They have been working hard on all sorts of things. Here are the highlights for everyone so far. Well done!

Nathan – I have like CLIC maths because it set for the level you are good at.

Maizy – I like doing indoor PE because I didn’t like going outside on cold days.

Arya – I like doing Partitioning in maths because I like separating numbers.

Calum – I am enjoying working on the 20th birthday project.

Emma – I like doing maths on the whiteboards.

Holly – I enjoy doing the imaginative writing because I like writing that kind of story.

Rayyaan – I like free writing because you can write about anything.

Safia – I like ERIC time. I am reading Oor Wullie just now.

Poppy – I like reading Christophe’s Story because it is interesting seeing what happened in Rwanda.

Aakruti – I like doing place value  because I like knowing how the numbers are made up.

Caleb – I like doing handwriting with Mrs Fraser because we are learning how to do joined up writing.

Anya – I like maths because it levels up my brain.

Maddie – I enjoy free writing because I like to write a lot. I write a lot of stories at home.

Sophia – I like doing science with Mr Keast because I am enjoying learning about all the famous scientists.

Pola – I like doing PE because it is fun and keeps us fit.

Alanice – I like doing PE because I enjoy it and it gets my heart rate up.

Aiden – I find dividing hard so I still need to do lots more practise.

John –  I enjoyed doing rounding in maths because it helps you estimate your answers.

Amelia – I enjoyed colouring the stars for the welcome to P5 display.

Mathew – I enjoyed PE and I like handball and I am looking forward to learn more about it.

Elena – I have enjoyed working with Mrs Fraser because I like doing spelling.

James – I like doing handball. I like doing the dribbling skils.

Lewis – I like learning about coin multiplication because it helps you multiply big numbers.

Zach – I liked PE because I like learning new skills like for handball.

Ruiyang – I like writing and I like the story I wrote about Star Wars.

Jaxon – I like doing free writing Friday and I am working on illustrating my story. I am writing a chapter book.

Weekly Reflection – 6th – 10th of September 2021


In P3 this week, we have been working on:

Numeracy and Maths:

Place Value – Working within 100 and extending this to 1000.

Maths- Time – Digital time – O’clock and half past being :00 and :30


Literacy :

Spelling – ‘e’ sound and ‘o-e’ sound spelling words using various strategies.

Handwriting – Formation of letters in Uppercase.

Writing – Description writing – We have been writing about our group project for the school’s 20 year project.

Weekend News.

Free-writing – Giving learners the freedom to use their imaginations.

Reading – Learners read their reading books with me twice this week, along with the enjoyment of ERIC time after lunchtimes.


IDL/Art/DYW – We have been working in groups collaborating on our 20 year projects. This week we worked with the recycling materials that you kindly donated from home and built models of our ideas.


French – We have been developing our skills of conversation by saying “Hello, how are you?” and answering how we are feeling which links to our emotion chart in class.


Outdoor Learning – Mrs Fraser took the class outside to look at Tree’s and their characteristics.


HWB/PE – We have been working on our fitness skills and team building.


Here is what the class have to say about this weeks learning:

Isla – I liked doing the 20th anniversary team work model because I liked working as a team and i like doing art.

Elise – I liked learning Maths and French this week. I enjoy having conversations in other languages.

Georgie – I enjoyed doing fitness bingo in PE because it is fun and it is active.

Albert – I enjoyed art because I created a masterpiece.

Hollie – I enjoyed writing because it was fun.

Charlotte – I like to get moving and working out in PE.

Lochlann – I liked doing art because I liked working as a team and I got to use my imagination.

Connie – I loved doing my handwriting this week and practising my letter formation.

Ruby – I enjoyed learning about digital time.

Piotr – I liked making my model with my team for the 20 year project.


Well done P3!

Mrs Love