All posts by Ms King

P2 Learning Reflection W/E 3.9.21

Jack – I like Free Writing Friday! I get to write about anything I want. I wrote about making a paper lantern.

Georgia – I like playing with the dollhouse. I was playing with the little dolls they were tidying the house.

Louis – I like racing with racing cars.

Arianna – At playtime, I was playing with my friend in P2/1. We were just talking about how a real-life unicorn could fly!

Grace – I enjoyed playing with the bricks I built a house and a campervan!

Lily – I was writing about going to the beach.

Kyra – I liked playing out in the garden. We made gloop we made it with some flour and some water. It feels hard when you put your hand into it but once you pick it up it’s all gloopy!

Sebastian – I enjoy having free play. I was playing with my lego model.

Willow – I like counting in 10s and I also like doing Free Writing Friday!

Caleb – I like free play. I am making a lego ship.

Rhy-Lee – I like learning. In maths we were counting in 10’s. We were using the greater than and less than and equals to symbols!

Oliver – I like playing tig with Lauchlan and some more friends!

Josh – I made a South African flag, and a Scotland one and a France one for Zach.

Olivia – I wrote about starting gymnastics.

Thea – I enjoyed making decorations. I was cutting circles and it made a spiral.

Ella – I liked counting in 10’s. I can count forwards and backwards!

Alexander – I liked to play. I was doing a South African flag. It has green, black, yellow and red, blue and white. South Africa is another country.

P1 Learning Reflection for W/E 4.6.21

This week in P1 the children have learned the ‘ur’ and ‘er’ sounds.  The children have been busying using the pan scales to weigh different items around the class. First, they had to predict how heavy each item was then check using cubes. P1 enjoyed hunting for footprints in the garden.  they were very surprised to find an elephant footprint! Please see below for the children’s reflection comments and their magnificent minibeast houses!

Olivia – I liked making the bug house with Lily. We surrounded it with pinecones. We decided to connect two. We made a little bit they could crawl through. We have 3 bugs living in the house, a worm a slug and a snail.

Kaylan – I didn’t even need to count the ten frame. I just saw the patterns for 10.

Minny – I liked building the beastie house. We got pinecones and made a square then we put grass and cosy stuff in the square. Then we put a wall around it and made a door.

Oliver – I enjoyed making the bughouse. Mine has a chimney and some flower pots. It has a sofa. I think a beetle will move it.

Lily – I liked counting on the ten frames. We had to count the coloured squares and write the number.  Then count the blank square and write the number.

Kade – I made a square of pinecones then I got a tub and put some grass in it.

Izaan – I liked doing the relay race. First, you run and the person in the other team runs back up.

Caleb – We had to find footprints in the garden. We matched the animal to the footprint.

Elyas – We learned the ‘er’ sound.

Kyra – I enjoyed making the bughouse. I made a bridge and put moss in it to make it comfy and grass and daisies.

Georgia – We were weighing water bottles and teddies and rulers. We used cubes to see how heavy they were.

Josh – The caterpillars are very fat and they are hanging upside down. They are going to make a chrysalis.

Grace – The caterpillars are starting to build their chrysalis. Then they will turn into a butterfly.

Mohnish – I enjoyed weighing. The water bottle was heavy. The cube was light.

Alexander – We were doing weight. The book was heavy it was 10 cubes. The glue was light it was 4 cubes!

Jack – We saw bear footprints on the tree. We found giraffe footprints on the fence!

Louis – We learned about spiders. They catch flies and beetles.

Aylar – We made bug houses outside.

Ella – I liked making the bughouse. We made it from pinecones and had different sections for each bug. We covered over the top.

Rhy-Lee – The caterpillars are upside down. They are making a chrysalis.

P1 Learning Reflection for W/E 28.5.21

In literacy this week P1 learned the sounds ‘aw’ as in paw and jaw and ‘are’ as in share and care. This week P1 were exploring the capacity of different containers. Some were full, almost full, half full, almost empty and empty. The children discovered that some of the tall thin containers hold less than the sort wide containers. The class are enjoying learning about minibeasts and were excited to receive class caterpillars. We have been watching them get bigger and bigger, they are very hungry. Louis brought in some stick insects for us to study too.  There are 3 little ones and an egg! The children have been finding out what we need to look after them. Please see below for the children’s reflection comments.

Caleb – we learned the ‘aw’ sound paw has the ‘aw’ sound.

Minny – I liked learning the ‘aw’ sound it has ‘a’ and ‘w’.

Oliver – We learned the ‘are’ sound it’s a tri-graph. It has 3 letters. Share has the ‘are’ sound.

Lily – We are learning about caterpillars. We have two big ones and three little ones.

Jack – Caterpillars eat leaves.

Georgia – We have stick insects. There is one brown egg and three stick insects.

Aylar – I did touch your toes five times for the chalk walk.

Ella – We learned that bugs have different numbers of legs. A spider has eight legs.

Elyas – Share has the ‘are’ sound.

Kyra – We made a chalk walk in P.E. I did circles so you could twirl around.

Kaylan – we are learning about bugs. A bee has a little stinger.

Josh – We are learning about minibeasts, there is lots and lots and lots of them. My favourite one is a butterfly they start out as a caterpillar. We have caterpillars they eat leaves.

Izaan – I like when we listened to the Flight of the Bumblebee. It was like bees dancing.

Olivia – We were checking the monster milkshakes and seeing if it was full, half full, nearly full, nearly empty or empty. I put ice cream and sprinkles on top of the full one!

Mohnish – I like painting.

Kade – The empty cup had nothing if the cup was full you had to put a line at the top. If it was half full you put a line in the middle.

Jessica – We learned about stick insects. You need to put ivy leaves in where you are keeping the insects. You need to put in leaves. You spray over the net so they can have a drink.

Rhy-Lee – Caterpillars turn into butterflies. We have some in class.

Louis – We were stitching. I used red thread.

Alexander – We were making stitches. We had to get it through the holes and pull it through and keep on doing it again. I was using yellow.

P1 Learning Reflection W/E 21.5.21

In P1 this week the children have been measuring length and height using non-standard units. In literacy, our sounds focus was o-e and u-e. The children all enjoyed listening for different sounds and making sound stories during outdoor learning.  The children were excited to see that most of the sunflowers have started to grow! Please see below for the children’s reflection comments.

Elyas –We were measuring using cubes the table was 50 cubes long.

Oliver – This week I enjoyed measuring.  We measured the table, bookshelves and chairs using hand spans. The bookshelf was the longest and the chair was the shortest.

Jessica – I liked learning the o-e sound it’s a split digraph with an o and an e. Bone has the o-e sound.

Rhy-Lee – I measured my lunch box using cubes it was shorter than the table.

Caleb – We learned the split up o-e sound.

Georgia – We learned o-e and u-e sound this week, phone has the o-e sound and huge has the u-e sound.

Kyra – We listened to sounds for mindfulness listening in class. I heard people talking and laughing.

Kaylan – I heard the birds in the woods.

Josh – We measured using hand span the bookshelf is seven hand-spans long.

Grace – I enjoyed outdoor learning.  My favourite sound was the holly leaf.  When I was flapping it, it made a loud and soft sound.

Kade – I enjoyed outdoor learning we were doing sounds.  I made a banging sound with sticks.

Jack – I measured the table it was 16 hand-spans long.

Louis – I enjoyed measuring Kade, he is 54 cubes tall.

Mohnish – I enjoyed measuring.  I measured the table it 16 hand spans.

Minny – I enjoyed measuring.  The bookshelf is 51cubes tall.

Ella – I liked the listening activity. We had to listen to the bell ringing and put up our hand when it stopped.  I am really good at hearing.

Izaan – I liked when we played toilet tig outside.

Alexander – We were doing outdoor learning. We were trying to make a noise.

Olivia – I enjoyed outdoor learning. Me and Kyra found big branches from the pine tree. We put our hand underneath and it made soft sounds.

Aylar – I like outdoor learning I was finding sticks.

P1 Learning Reflection for W/E 14.5.21

This week P1 have been learning the split digraphs sounds a-e and i-e. Our numeracy focus this week has been revising time and money. Most of the children can read both digital and analogue for o’clock and some can read them for half past! The children have enjoyed playing shops using coins to buy items to the value of 10p. In science this week P1 enjoyed planting sunflowers with Mrs Whigham, they are checking them each day to see if they have started to grow! Please see below for the children’s learning reflection comments. Have a lovely weekend,  Ms King x

Grace – we learned split digraph a-e and i-e. Make and cake have the a-e sound.  Nice and smile has the i-e sound.

Josh – In number talks we were counting with a rekenrek, it has 5 red beads and 5 white beads on the bottom and top, altogether there are 20.

Olivia – we learned about half past and o’clock. When its o’clock the minute hand is at the 12. When it’s half past the hour hand is between the numbers and the minute hand is at 6.

Rhy-Lee were doing 4 and 1 on a rekenrek, it makes 5.

Kyra – I liked doing number talks I liked adding on the beads.

Lily- We planted sunflowers.  We put soil in the pot. We put a hole in the soil then you put the seed in and cover it up. We poured water on it.

Jessica – I enjoyed planting the flowers. First, you get the pot.  You put soil in it then you make a hole. You put the seed in then you cover the seed and water it. It will need sunlight and air to grow into beautiful sunflowers.

Minny – I liked when we were doing the sunflowers. We went over and we got a spoon.  We took a spoonful of soil and filled up to the top. We poked a hole and we dropped our sunflower seed in.  Then we covered it with more soil.  Then we watered it.

Caleb – We learned the split i-e sound. Cake has the a-e sound.

Oliver – I enjoyed learning about the clocks.

Kaylan – I liked being the shopkeeper I had to give people change.

Alexander – I enjoyed number talks.

Izaan – I liked making the sunflowers. We had a cup and we put in the soil.  We had a hole, we put in the seed and we watered it.

Georgia – We put soil in and you do a hole. You put the seed and then you cover it with water.

Kade – We had to put a seed in the pot. There was some dirt in the pot. The flowers will grow when the sun gets up.

Louis – We planted sunflowers. We got a pot and put the mud in, then got a seed and watered it.

Aylar – we planted sunflowers.

Jack – I have enjoyed learning about clocks. When the long hand is at the top and the short hand is at six that means it’s six o’clock.

Ella – We learned about the time. When the little hand is in the middle of two numbers it’s half past, the big hand is at six so that means it’s half past six.

P1 Outdoor PE

Our outdoor PE will take place on Tuesday and Thursday.  Please come to school wearing suitable clothing such as Joggers, t-shirt, sweatshirt, trainers and a jacket. Please make sure you can fasten your footwear independently.


P1 Learning Reflection for W/E 4.12.20

This week the children have been learning the sounds ‘th’ and ‘w’. In numeracy we have been continuing with addition and subtraction within 10. P1 have also enjoyed taking part in the 12 Sways of Christmas challenges. So far they have designed Christmas crackers, carried out a survey of favourite class Christmas snacks and designed glasses suitable for a reindeer. The children have also been learning BSL Christmas songs. On Wednesday the children were out in the garden with Ms Wigham putting up bird feeders, just in time for the snow! The highlight of the week for us all was sitting around the campfire with Mrs Smith and toasting marshmallows to make s’mores, yum, yum!

Reflection Comments:

Oliver – I enjoyed designing reindeer glasses. My glasses have a walkie talkie and also a hood and decorations!

Georgia – I made reindeer glasses with a rainbow.

Lily – We have an elf in the classroom. It’s in a jar because of the virus. We are crossing off the days so it can come out!

Grace – We have an elf in the classroom. We are only allowed to let it out when we have crossed off all the days we have 10 days left.

Rhy-Lee – We made a fire and we put the marshmallows beside it. Then we put the marshmallow on biscuits.

Josh – We learned the ‘th’ sound you need a ‘t’ and a ‘h’!

Kade – We were guessing the reindeer’s name. I guessed Santa Claus!

Alexander – You can open the elf in 10 days!

Jack – We are learning the 12 days of Christmas. We are learning sign language!

Izaan – We went into the back garden. We put some bird things on the trees with bird food.

Ella – We learned sign language for jingle Bells!

12 Sways of Christmas

Feeding our Garden Birds


P1 Learning Reflection W/E 27.11.20

This week in P1 our sound focus was v and y. The children have been busy word building and making sentences using words with y and v sounds. In numeracy the children have been exploring subtracting from 10.  The children enjoyed writing their sums using highlighters then checking the answers using an ultraviolet torch which we borrowed from Miss Greig! Our numbertalks focus is looking at the different number patterns we see in dot patterns.  P1 have been learning to sign The 12 days of Christmas using BSL. They are all very good at it and have managed to learn all the way to five gold rings!


Reflection Comments:

Olivia – We are making stockings. Today I was stitching the sparkly bit onto the stocking.

Jessica – We are learning sign language. You need to be very careful or you might forget one of the signs.

Grace – For Freewriting Friday I drew a Christmas tree!

Jack – I liked playing in the garden, we are building a place to hide penguins.

Kade – We made monkeys for our emotion tree. We put the monkeys on it.  If you are happy you go at the top if you are sad you go at the bottom. My monkey is up, I am happy!

Rhy-Lee – We learned the ‘v’ sound, you go down the line and up the line. Van has the ‘v’ sound.

Kyra – I liked colouring in the monkeys too. We put them on the emotion tree. It shows if we feel happy or sad. My monkey is on a high branch because I am happy.

Weronika – We learned the ‘y’ sound!

Louis – We learned the ‘v’ sound!