P1 Learning Reflection W/E 21.5.21

In P1 this week the children have been measuring length and height using non-standard units. In literacy, our sounds focus was o-e and u-e. The children all enjoyed listening for different sounds and making sound stories during outdoor learning.  The children were excited to see that most of the sunflowers have started to grow! Please see below for the children’s reflection comments.

Elyas –We were measuring using cubes the table was 50 cubes long.

Oliver – This week I enjoyed measuring.  We measured the table, bookshelves and chairs using hand spans. The bookshelf was the longest and the chair was the shortest.

Jessica – I liked learning the o-e sound it’s a split digraph with an o and an e. Bone has the o-e sound.

Rhy-Lee – I measured my lunch box using cubes it was shorter than the table.

Caleb – We learned the split up o-e sound.

Georgia – We learned o-e and u-e sound this week, phone has the o-e sound and huge has the u-e sound.

Kyra – We listened to sounds for mindfulness listening in class. I heard people talking and laughing.

Kaylan – I heard the birds in the woods.

Josh – We measured using hand span the bookshelf is seven hand-spans long.

Grace – I enjoyed outdoor learning.  My favourite sound was the holly leaf.  When I was flapping it, it made a loud and soft sound.

Kade – I enjoyed outdoor learning we were doing sounds.  I made a banging sound with sticks.

Jack – I measured the table it was 16 hand-spans long.

Louis – I enjoyed measuring Kade, he is 54 cubes tall.

Mohnish – I enjoyed measuring.  I measured the table it 16 hand spans.

Minny – I enjoyed measuring.  The bookshelf is 51cubes tall.

Ella – I liked the listening activity. We had to listen to the bell ringing and put up our hand when it stopped.  I am really good at hearing.

Izaan – I liked when we played toilet tig outside.

Alexander – We were doing outdoor learning. We were trying to make a noise.

Olivia – I enjoyed outdoor learning. Me and Kyra found big branches from the pine tree. We put our hand underneath and it made soft sounds.

Aylar – I like outdoor learning I was finding sticks.