P2/1 Weekly Learning Reflection W/E 14th May 2021

Good Afternoon. In Literacy, P1 have been learning the a-e and i-e split digraphs. We have been teaching ted how to write a-e words, wrote i-e words underneath pictures and played roll and read. P2 have been learning about adding the suffix ing to words. We wrote spelling sentences and found –ing words in a word search. In writing we wrote a description of our friends. We looked at the structure of a description. A description has a title, introduction, characteristics and evaluation.

In Maths P1 and P2 have been exploring measure. We have been measuring the height and size of different things. We measured dinosaur footprints to see which was the biggest and which was the smallest. We measured lots of different items around the classroom. P1 used non-standard units such as gems, counters etc. P2 used non-standard units then measured with a ruler to see how many centimetres long items were.

For outdoor learning on Tuesday we explored living and non-living things. We made a Venn diagram then we climbed some trees. In Science with Miss Whigham we were planting sunflower seeds. We also looked at road safety and where it is safe to cross.

Here are a few of the children’s reflections:

“I enjoyed measuring.”

“I enjoyed doing my word search.”

“I enjoyed being the most respectful class of the week.”

“I enjoyed getting the award from Miss Hamilton.”

“I enjoyed learning a-e split diagraph.”

“I enjoyed everything.”

“I liked learning about the i-e split diagraph.”

“I enjoyed doing the word search.”