P2/1 Home Learning Reflection Week Ending 5th June 2020

Good afternoon Primary 2/1. I can’t believe that another week is over. Well done for your continued hard work. You are all stars. I have heard and seen this week of butterfly houses, making ham sandwiches, making brownies, making bird feeders, creating video stories about plastic pollution, making posters, exploring capacity of containers and exploring position and direction.

P1’s Literacy learning has been focused around the ‘ire’ sound and the tricky word ‘other’. For literacy we have been using a torch to flash write our spelling words, making our spelling words from objects around the house like Lego and playing roll and read.

In Numeracy and Maths the focus for this week was on measuring capacity using non-standard units. We have been drawing containers and predicting which one would hold the most, looking at potions and saying whether the bottles were full, nearly full or empty, creating capacity quizzes of our own and filling containers and ordering them from smallest to largest.

P2’s focus in Literacy this week has been on the ‘u-e’ spelling pattern, writing super sentences, finding 5 interesting words in our books, writing these down, finding the meaning of each word and using them in a sentence and using our senses to complete activities 1 and 2 from our observation alphabet outdoor learning booklets.

In Numeracy and Maths the focus this week was on position and movement. We have been learning about and identifying full, half and quarter turns, clockwise and anticlockwise turns and describing where something is. We have completed worksheets, played games and answered true or false questions.

We explored plastic pollution and its impact on the environment. We wrote a story about plastic pollution and created posters to encourage people to recycle and protect our planet.

For science this week we have been exploring the life cycle of a frog. We listened to a song, wrote about the stages of the life cycle and created a frog headband.

Have a lovely weekend. Stay safe.

Miss Maclachlan x

💜💓💛💙❤️ ELC

Good Morning ELC we hope you are all well and looking forward to the weekend ?
This morning on my walk I found these keys I am not sure who they belong to or what door they might fit ! Maybe you can help me find the owner of the keys ? Do you have any ideas ?
Maybe you could draw a picture or find a story that would give us clues to finding the door they fit ?

Please share you ideas pictures and stories on your learning journals  and we can see who to return the keys to !
Have Fun 💜💙❤️💓💛

Space X satellite launch footage

Good morning P3,

I thought I would share with you this amazing footage of Space X’s launch of 60 satellites into space from Florida on Wednesday night. It is absolutely amazing! I cannot grasp how they can pinpoint exact locations for the landing of debris onto ships on the ocean and they land perfectly. The debris is then reused and recycled. It is incredible.  Well done to Space X and NASA!



Mrs Love

P3 – Friday 5th June

Good morning Primary 3,

I hope you had a good day yesterday. Today is Friday. Can you remember how to say Friday in French?

Here is today’s Maths sheet:


Answer sheet for a grown up to compare answers too:


Today’s work is a bit harder than yesterday as it is 3D shapes. Here is a helpful reminder for 3D shapes that we have learnt about so far if you need it:


Have a fantastic weekend when it comes.

Take care.

Mrs Love


P3 04.06.2020

Good morning Primary 3,

I hope you are all enjoying learning about the space station this week from the tasks on the weekly grid. Space X were to launch 60 satellites in a rocket up into space overnight from Cape Canaveral in Florida.  I am sure that footage will be available to watch on the main news channels or on Newsround later today.

Today in Maths we will be continuing with 2D shapes, but today we will be working on creating patterns and finishing sequences of patterns. Remember, you must read the questions on the worksheet properly before answering.


Answers for an adult to compare work against:


Have a great day,

Mrs Love

P3 Home Learning Wednesday 3.6.20

Good morning Primary 3. I hope you are all well and having a good week.

Here are your home learning activities and resources for today. There are lots of activities to keep you busy. You can record the the answers to the learning tasks in your jotter or on the sheets listed if you are able to print them.

Maths – We are continuing our learning about capacity. Remember capacity is the amount that a container can hold. Today we are learning about litres and millilitres. We use litres to measure larger capacities and millilitres to measure very small capacities (1000 millilitres = 1 litre).

Literacy –  Have a look at the power point to revise last week’s lesson about speech marks and complete the activities on the slides. You will need your jotter or a piece of paper for this task.

RME – Kindness handprint heart. This is a nice activity that you can do with your family.

French – Today we are learning how to say what we like to eat and don’t like to eat in French. Use the power point below to help you to complete the activity sheet.

Take care

Miss Whigham

Capacity power point

Investigating capacity activity

Speech Marks Presentation

Kindness handprint heart craft instructions

French Food Presentation

French Food worksheet