P1 Sharing The Learning 22.5.20

It has been a See-Saw week this week with lots of ups and down, weather wise, emotions wise and news wise.  However, our families are continuing to be Home Heroes  keeping busy and keeping learning.

Some of our families have shared their learning and some photos they want to show their friends.  They have done some creative work this week. Even the ordinary things like reading can be fun when done somewhere different, or measuring exciting when you are baking.

What are you proud of?  What was the highlight of your week?












What was the funniest or best thing that you did?


























What was challenging and made you think?
































What and where have you been reading this week?

Wow, well done. Another 25 book read this week, Epic!

P6 This week 18.5.20

P6 have continued to complete activities with enthusiasm for learning this week! Some wonderful images have been created using dye from flower petals. Fabulous photographs have been taken of the river and burns around the village. Progress has been made with learning about time, money and algebra and we continue to learn about the characters and developing plot in our class novel; Millions.

We have come to the end of our learning about Ramadan with many super pieces of work being submitted!

Well done to Milly, who was our class winner in the Sumdog competition! She answered more than 1000 questions. Well done also goes to Daniel and Robert, who answered almost as many questions and got most of them correct! All 3, earned extra coins.

Play Park Reminder

A reminder that our public parks can be used for exercise as long as the national government rules on social distancing are adhered to. Please avoid, where possible, touching potentially contaminated surfaces in public parks including play equipment, outdoor gym equipment, park furniture, handrails, gates, and signage etc. Children’s play areas, ball courts, skate parks, and outdoor gyms remain closed until further notice. Please do not use them, even if no-one else is present.


It’s also important that those exercising should, at all times, continue to do so alone or with members of their household.


Any resident witnessing an issue that causes a public safety concern regarding people ignoring the national government rules on social distancing, can report such incidences to the police on 101.’

P2/1 Home Learning Reflection Week Ending 22nd May 2020

Good afternoon Primary 2/1. How can it be Friday already!  Lots of fantastic learning has been taking place again this week.  I have seen and heard of minibeasts being created, dinosaur footprints being measured, coins being counted, sea creature food chains been discussed, planting flowers, building dens for Beavers plus lots more.

P1’s Literacy learning has been focused around the ‘ew’ sound and the tricky word ‘watch’. For literacy we have been looking for our spelling words on a postcard, writing a postcard using our spelling words, sorting treasure into real and nonsense words, making our words with playdoh and playing a game.

In Numeracy and Maths the focus for this week was on measuring length using nonstandard units. We measured the length of objects found around our house, wrote sentences about what we found out, measured dinosaur footprints using everyday objects and drew around our shadows and family’s shadows to find out who was the biggest or smallest.


P2’s focus in Literacy this week has been on the ‘i-e’ spelling pattern, putting capital letters in the correct place, using adjectives to describe a monster and counting in French.

In Numeracy and Maths the focus this week was exploring money. We have been identifying notes and their values, counting in coins and playing shops and giving change.

For our Under the Sea topic this week we have been creating factfiles about sea creatures, exploring food chains and drawing an orca or a shark using only 3 colours. In science this week we had to create our own minibeasts. We created some fantastic minibeasts.

Here are a selection of photos of the learning this week.

Have a lovely weekend.

Miss Maclachlan x

Wonderful Week 7 of Learning from Home

The variety of things you are all doing to keep learning and practise existing skills is quite amazing. With an amazing day of weather on Wednesday I am not surprised to hear that paddling pools, water guns and garden hoses were popular. It makes me so happy to know that there are good things about lockdown and that it’s not all sad and boring.

Here are some of your reflections from this week and some photos too.

Olly – This week I enjoyed the West Lothian maths challenge and the problem solving.

Sophie – I enjoyed the clue dough puzzles and the times tables maths because I liked working them out.

Lakshya – I liked the flashback cards because of the variety of questions.

Luke – I enjoyed the flashback cards because they’re really fun.

Finn – I baked a carrot cake with my mum.  My mum and dad love it.

Blake – I liked making the African djembe drum. Making the paper mache was really messy but really fun. The orange one is the drum and the yellow one is a rice shaker.

Ethan – I enjoyed reading my new books (Tom Gates stories) and the Sumdog contest.

Kaitlyn – I enjoyed hearing a book on epic called Goosebumps it was three hours long it was funny yet scary.

P3 Home learning

Good morning,

I just want to take this opportunity to thank everyone who has sent in photos to me of P3 learning at home in all aspects, not just work set out by me. These are  just wonderful and I am so proud if you all!

I have included collages of home learning, show and tell and flat Mrs Love adventures so far…


Mrs Love