Week 4 Learning from Home – Sorted!

The creativity and resourcefulness that Primary 4 are demonstrating during Lockdown is quite amazing. Not only are you continuing with your own learning for school, but you are finding so many other ways to occupy your time. It is so lovely to know that lots of you are helping your younger siblings with their learning too. I have seen you apply for jobs, build bug hotels and make all sorts of things. You are finding your own science experiments to do as well. I love it all! You are all brilliant!

Here are some of your comments from this week:

Emma – my weekly reflection for the blog: I enjoyed doing art and writing because art is very relaxing and writing is very imaginative

Ethan – I enjoy the flexibility of homeschooling 😊

Finn – I enjoyed the writing story because it was about sharing and doing something nice for someone.

Rohan – I enjoyed the call. It was good to hear the voices and it was fun to share all the things we’ve done.

Harris – I learned about nature on my walk. I took a checklist to tick off everything on the list.

Blake – I enjoyed this weeks writing task. I wrote a story about a flea who find a new home.

Angus – I have really enjoyed reading books on Epic this week.
Rhys – I liked doing spelling this week.
Luke – Hi I have enjoyed doing my maths with Finn on FaceTime 😀
Lastly, a few photos and videos of what we have been doing.