Primary 1 Home Learning Grid Week beginning 27th April 2020

Good Morning Primary 1

We hope you had a lovely weekend. Please find attached the weekly learning grid and activity sheets. The grid and activity sheets can be printed off if you wish or you can view them online and talk through the activity with an adult. We can’t wait to share in your learning again this week.

Have a good week

Miss Maclachlan, Mrs Clyne and Mrs Smith

P1 Learning-Grid-week-beg.-27th-April



Reading ‘er’ Words Card Game



Primary 3 Window into Learning

Good morning,

Here is the window into learning for this term.

Window-into-Learning, term 4

This has all the things I will cover this term. I will of course provide you with all the resources that you need for home learning.

I also just want to add that I am aware that it is difficult for families just now in these uncertain times. Working from home, parenting and supporting your child’s home learning is hard to juggle all at once. I will supply you with the resources for learning each week. Please try to support your child where and when you possibly can.

You and your families health is the most important thing at the moment.

Thank you for all of your amazing work so far.

Stay safe and look after yourselves,

Mrs Love

P3 Weekly learning w.c. 27.04.2020

Good morning Primary 3,

Bonjour ma classe.

I hope you all had a wonderful weekend.

Here is the learning grid for this week. Could you please read the letter from me on the grid. Thank you.

P3 Home learning – Summer term Week 2

For our maths today we will be looking at the equivalence of one half and two quarters. Here is the link to the worksheet and the answer sheet:


Y2-Spring-Block-4-ANS10-Equivalence-of-half-and-two-quarters-2019 – Answers.

Also as an extra maths activity today if you have time, RBS money sense are doing an online lesson on Facebook at 11:30 – 12, all about money – notes and coins. The link is:

It would be great to do, to revise recognition of money for Primary 3. I have also found a good tip for this is to have a price list for snacks for your child to use daily, using real coins to pay for them. I have been doing this with my own child and it has really helped with his coin recognition.

Please find links to activities below:

pdf – Neil Armstrong comprehension link.


Other activities:

Those who made a paper aeroplane last week, or would like to make one this week. I have a page for you to complete with your findings:


Here is also some isolation outdoor activites:

10 nature activities self isolation (1)

Stay safe and I look forward to seeing what you have all been up to.

Mrs Love