We hope you had a lovely long weekend. Although it was a short week P2/1 were very busy. P1 have learned the sounds p and g. We practiced our letter formation on the computers, made words on the smartboard and created a parrot and a giraffe. P2 have been continuing to focus on a-e and i-e. We played a game with the split diagraphs, played roll and read and wrote as many a-e and i-e words as we could. In numeracy P2 have been exploring adding using the part whole model and addition fact families. We played four in a row using our adding skills, spun the number spinner to give us numbers to add together and completed part whole models. P1 have explored the number 10 this week. We wrote the number, counted out 10 and created towers of ten bricks. In health and wellbeing we looked at the eight wellbeing indicators – safe, healthy, achieving, nurtured, active, respected, responsible and included. We had a good discussion about what these mean. We also had music with Dave again. We sang songs and went on an imaginary train journey to the jungle. On Thursday afternoon we had our next resilience assembly with Mrs Mill. This assembly looked at the tool of ‘take a moment.’ This will be explored further in class. Here are a few of the children’s reflections:
Hamish: “I enjoyed learning the g sound and making a giraffe.”
Murdo: “I liked learning about a-e and i-e sounds.”
Ch: “I enjoyed all of my learning.”
Hiba: “I enjoyed all of my learning too.”
Lucia: “I liked learning all about the number 10.”
Lucas: “I enjoyed learning number 10 too.”
Charlotte: “I enjoyed learning about number 9 and 10.”
Sam: “I enjoyed learning about the part whole model and using it to help me add.”