P2 Learning Reflection W/E 20.09.19

P2 have enjoyed a short but busy week. In literacy we have been revising our sounds: ea,ee, oi, oy, a-e, ay, i-e, igh, y. We have been learning about the text structure of a Narrative story and are able to talk about the title, orientation, complication and resolution. The children also sorted the nouns and pronouns they found in the story ‘ The Duck with the Broken Wing’. In numeracy we have been exploring ordinal numbers and have explored addition through the whole part model. The children are really enjoying the Wednesday music workshop with Dave, their comments are below:

Poppy – I liked it when we were going on the train with Dave, we had to put our seat belts on and blow the whistle.

Nicholas – We had to shake the shakers to make loud and small sounds.

Lois – I enjoyed how we were doing the big loud sounds and the quite sounds. You have to shake your shaker fast or slow.

Austin – I liked when he put the music on and we were pretending to be different animals.

James – I liked it when he sang la la la la la and we stood up.

Kaelan – I liked being a big animal.

Sushanth – I liked the rocket song.

Leighton – I liked when we were singing Baby Shark.

Savinc – I liked it when we were pretending to be animals in the jungle.

Subhan – I like it when Dave sings la la la la la to get us to stand up, his voice goes higher.

Roshan – I liked the assembly about being kind.

Lewis – I liked it when we played musical statues.

Ziva – I liked being the different animals in the jungle. The elephant music was slow

Emma – I liked it when he sings up or down to get us to stand up or sit down.

Leo – I liked being a cheetah with a bean bag on my head.

Isaac – I enjoyed it when there was music on and we needed to remember what the animals move like.

Coben – I enjoyed pinching our sounds in the sentence.

Rory – I enjoyed the music that we made on the train, some of it was fast and some of it was slow.

Euan – we played instruments we used the shaker ones.

Welcome Primary 3!

Welcome to Primary 3!

A warm welcome to the parents and children of Primary 3. Apologies that this is my first post and we are a few weeks into the first term. I hope the children are enjoying Primary 3 so far and are excited for the year ahead.

I think the children are off to a fantastic start and I am loving getting to know all of the pupils.

If you missed the ‘Meet the teacher’ presentation and would like to know more about what we will be doing this year, I have the attached the slides for you along with our window into learning for term 1.

If you would like to follow our class twitter page to follow our learning journey and look at what we have been doing in class in the last few weeks, click on the link below.


Mrs Love

Window-into-Learning, term 1 Meet the teacher presentation


P2/1 Weekly Learning Reflections W/E 20th September 2019

We hope you had a lovely long weekend. Although it was a short week P2/1 were very busy. P1 have learned the sounds p and g. We practiced our letter formation on the computers, made words on the smartboard and created a parrot and a giraffe. P2 have been continuing to focus on a-e and i-e. We played a game with the split diagraphs, played roll and read and wrote as many a-e and i-e words as we could. In numeracy P2 have been exploring adding using the part whole model and addition fact families. We played four in a row using our adding skills, spun the number spinner to give us numbers to add together and completed part whole models. P1 have explored the number 10 this week. We wrote the number, counted out 10 and created towers of ten bricks. In health and wellbeing we looked at the eight wellbeing indicators – safe, healthy, achieving, nurtured, active, respected, responsible and included. We had a good discussion about what these mean. We also had music with Dave again. We sang songs and went on an imaginary train journey to the jungle. On Thursday afternoon we had our next resilience assembly with Mrs Mill. This assembly looked at the tool of ‘take a moment.’ This will be explored further in class. Here are a few of the children’s reflections:

Hamish: “I enjoyed learning the g sound and making a giraffe.”

Murdo: “I liked learning about a-e and i-e sounds.”

Ch: “I enjoyed all of my learning.”

Hiba: “I enjoyed all of my learning too.”

Lucia: “I liked learning all about the number 10.”

Lucas: “I enjoyed learning number 10 too.”

Charlotte: “I enjoyed learning about number 9 and 10.”

Sam: “I enjoyed learning about the part whole model and using it to help me add.”

Primary 4’s short week

A short week, but very busy nonetheless.

William – I enjoyed doing the number lines in maths.

Angus – I enjoyed sharing everything we did over the long weekend.

Freya – I liked the assembly with Mr Balaj about the Good Samaritan.

Joe – I liked the assembly about Skipper where we learned about  Taking a  Moment.

Luke N – I liked the PE with the throwing and catching activities.

Remember to bring in your home learning to share with the class on Thursday 26th September. I can’t wait to see what you’ve all chosen.


P1 weekly Reflection 20.09.19

This week has been a short week but we have still learned two sounds,  and  g.  Yesterday we had great fun making pirate hats and reading a story about pirates, the weather was nice so we read our story in the garden.

This week we have been focusing on number 2.

Today the minister was talking to us about being compassionate and he told us the story of The Good Samaritan.  Mrs Clyne then reminded us about the Shoebox Appeal and the children are bringing home leaflets about this today.  If you would like to take part in the Shoebox Appeal, please hand your filled shoebox to the school office by Friday 1st November.

Here are some of the things the children have enjoyed this week:-

Cole “I enjoyed when we made pirate hats.”

Ruby “Making the priate hats was fun!”

Emelia “I liked it when we were making the girl with the curly hair.”

Elise “I liked when I was playing with Emeila and Sahasra in the house corner.”

Felicity “I liked when we read stories in the garden.”

Sophie “I liked going outside with my best friend Eva.”

Nieve “I liked making the girl with nice hair.”

Isla “I liked playing with Elise, Nieve, Eva, Sophie and Lucia in the house.”

Zac “I liked playing with Lochlann and Cole in the building site.”

Lochlann “I liked playing with Zac with the cars and the blocks.”

Penelope “I liked playing with Georgie and Ruby.”

Georgie “I liked playing with Penelope and Ruby outside at break time and lunch time.”

Lucia “I liked playing with my friends.”

I hope everyone has a lovely holiday weekend.