P3 Learning Reflection

Written by P3

We learned about beat and rhythm in Music with Mrs Murdoch.  We watched a band called Stomp who made music using their feet and brushes and then we had a go.  It was really good fun!  In our topic work this week, we were learning about Egyptian gods and goddesses.  We drew portraits of some of them and it was really tricky.  We can’t tell you anymore about them right now because we will be showcasing this work in our class assembly soon.  It was also challenging learning how to write our names in hieroglyphics but we all managed it!  We started a new Science topic all about germs and diseases.  We have started doing some research about infectious diseases and how to treat and prevent them.

In French we are now excellent at answering the questions: Quelle est la date aujourd’hui?  and Quel temp fait-il aujourd’hui?  

Can you answer these questions?

We did athletics and rounders in PE this week.  It was terrific!


P2 Weekly Update

In Science this week we have been exploring examples of food chains and finding out how animals and plants depend on each other for food.

In numeracy we have been learning how to round numbers to the nearest ten.  Sometimes we want to add numbers in our head but the numbers are a bit tricky.  We can estimate the answer and it is easier if we use numbers that are in 10s.  Rounding means we find the nearest 10.

In PE, we have continued to develop our skills in tennis and handball.

In grammar we have been learning about antonyms.  These are words with opposite meanings and proved a bit tricky for some of us as we kept getting mixed up with synonyms from last week.  We will continue to work on antonyms and synonyms next week.

Hope everyone is enjoying the sunshine and remembering to stay safe – remember your sun cream and hats!

P1K Learning Reflection W/E 18.05.18

Directional language



Sophia -Beebots go backwards, left and right and forwards. If you pressed clear it went the way you wanted if you didn’t it would go the way someone else did it.

Maddie – Beebot does forward, left and right and they go backwards. Our team pressed the clear button, nobody did the same I went to the same place that I wanted to go I was looking to see which way I was needing to go.

Emma – we did left and right turns and we were speaking to our group, it kind of went in a big circle and it went a different way when I forgot to press clear.

Maizy – The Beebots do left and right turns and they go where I want them to go by pressing the directions.

Fairy Den


Holly – We made fairy dens, I liked it because I found a feather for the fairies bed.

Emma – I liked making the castle I liked playing in it, we made it with bricks.

A – Our fairy den had a garden we had grass on it and some flowers it was a bit hard but we made a door with sticks and the sides were leaves.

Science Investigation


Poppy – we were trying to see the best way to grow a beanstalk.  Number 1 is in dark and number 2 had light but no water number 3 has light and water. I said I predict that number 3 is going to grow faster than number one and two because it has water and sun it will grow faster.

John – Two of the beanstalks don’t have water I think number 3 will grow because it has water and a bean

Rayyaan – We planted a beanstalk, pot 1 has no water and in the dark, pot 2 has sunlight and no water,  pot 3 has sunlight and water, pot 3 will grow it has things that plants need.

Nathan – We got a treasure chest form the friendly dragon about a beanstalk and Jack and the Beanstalk had a cow. He sold the cow for some beans she threw the beans out the window and the next morning there was a beanstalk there was a giant at the top.  The dragon wanted us to help Jack grow some bean stalks. We planted them and put pot 1 in the dark drawer, pot two has sun and light and no water, pot 3 has water, soil and sunlight.  I predict pot 3 will grow quickest and the best.

Caleb – We helped the friendly dragon and we planted the beanstalks pot 3 has sunlight and water, it will grow faster than pot 1 or pot 2.

Same sound different spelling


This week we have been focusing on same sound different spelling in particular oy/oi and ee/ea.

Jamie – we learned the new oi sound it has an o and an i , coin has that sound. We learned e and a for ea, tea has that sound.

Aakruit – The new ee sound is ea

P4 Learning Week Ending 18.5.18

This week we had a go at sketching outside, the children were challenged to draw things in the smallest detail. This is a difficult concept for the children as many want to draw landscapes with each picture including the sun and ground level. With encouragement they began to get the idea.

What a great time we had at the Flight Museum and the sunshine meant we had lunch outside too. The children had a work shop where they explored the forces of gravity, lift and thrust. As scientists they learnt to repeat experiments to check that things really did work or to make changes and try again. They had a go at making simple rockets and paper planes.
After lunch, they children went in groups around the museum exploring the Fantastic Forces ‘play’ zone and some of the other planes on display including Concorde.


My favourite things about the trip:

CL, AS, MS, – gift shop,
AM, AP, OC, KF – going in the planes,
EH, NS, AB, PM, – the Fantastic forces zone,
LM – all of it,
GS, LRB, AR, MV – Concorde

I learned:

EH, GS – how to make a rocket
PM, CW – about Concorde the fast plane
NS – that planes need to be made carefully or it could all go wrong!
PH – there are so many interesting planes

I want to know:

LM, OC, PH, KF, – more about Concorde
MV – what was the first passenger plane?
NS – can we go again next Thursday?

I didn’t like:

The bus journey was too long.
I would have like to sit in the cockpit of a plane.
That it was spread out and we had a two minute walk between buildings!
I would like it to have been bigger

It doesn’t need to be better – I loved


Another hectic week for P7!

P7 have hardly stood still this week. Some pupils have had a successful sports transition day at high school, making lots of new friends already even though they were nervous at the start. The formal transition process is building up pace next week for pupils who will be attending Inveralmond CHS as they will be spending 3 days there  – don’t forget to download the Google Expedition app before you go!

Several pupils had a great new experience at the West Lothian Triathlon yesterday. They enjoyed it very much even if cycling in a dripping wet swimming costume was a bit weird!

In class, pupils have continued to learn about area in maths, pilgrimages in RME – focussing on the Western Wall in Jerusalem this week, and ways to generate electricity in science. Pupils have been working on functional writing and using their experiences of building wind machines to write instructions.

Primary 5 highlights of the week…

Another busy week in P5!

This week we held our debate with our guest audience from Primary 6. I was delighted at the confidence shown by the children as they delivered their points with such conviction, using lots of persuasive language to sway the audience. Hayley B felt “that it was a really good experience as you got to practice how MP’s may speak when delivering their talks”. Callan thought that “it was really helpful for teamwork, and I liked that the parents got to be involved as well with the questionnaire.”

We also had some very sporty children compete in the West Lothian Schools Triathalon. They went off feeling a little bit apprehensive but they returned with the biggest smiles and an impressive medal around their necks! Well done to Charlie, Callan, Zoe, Katy, Logan F, Jamie, Cade and Calum W.

To finish off the week the children had some Royal Wedding based maths problem solving. Helping Megan and Harry solve some tricky issues including organsing wedding guest seating, the amount of petals in the flower girls baskets and calculating the total number of presents left for the happy couple on each table…I think the Royal Couple should have employed P5 to solve their wedding issues, as they were awesome problem solvers!!

Enjoy the holiday weekend everyone, see you on Tuesday!


Mrs T x

P1M Learning Reflection W/E 18th May

This week we have learned ‘ea’ and ‘oi’ diagraphs. We used these sounds to word build. In writing we were describing the friendly dragon using wow words. We also did our hold a sentence. In numeracy and maths we have been learning and using positional language such as forwards to describe where something was or to direct BeeBot to a certain place. In science we are carrying out an experiment. We have planted magic beans in three pots. The first pot is in sun and has had a drink of water. The second pot is in the sun but with no water and the last pot is in the dark with no water. We are going to find out the best growing conditions so we can grow a beanstalk. With Mr Stewart on Tuesday we were practicing for sports day.  Here are a few of the children’s reflections:

Aiden: I enjoyed all my learning this week.

Pola: I found pinching the new sounds in words and during hold a sentence tricky.

Mathew:I found hold a sentence tricky this week.

Anya; I enjoyed science and thinking about what plants need to grow.

Alanice: I enjoyed science and predict that the pot in the dark will only grow a tiny bit.

James: I enjoyed all my learning. I really enjoyed practicing for sports day.