Fantastic Footballers!

Congratulations to Toby, Liam, Sonny and David who had their places at the Inveralmond Academy of Football confirmed today.

The boys were selected after 2 rounds of football trials and an informal interview. The course is not just about improving football skills, it is about developing the whole footballer so sportsmanship and friendship are key attributes. The boys also have to show that they can maintain high standards of work across all other subjects in order to remain on the course.

Really well done boys!

P1K Learning Reflection for W/E 04.05.18

We have had a busy week in P1K. We wrote letters to the Friendly Dragon to let it know that we could help save the Enchanted Forest.  Then we received a treasure chest from the Friendly Dragon with clues to our first fairy-tale. Our focus in maths this week was measuring capacity; the children had lots of fun filling different containers with water, sand and stones. In RME we have been learning about how families prepare for and welcome a new baby. The children were very surprised when they came back from lunch and found a baby sleeping in the classroom!





John – we learned the sound oy it has o and y and it’s a special friend, toy, boy, joy and enjoy have oy

Caleb – I was reading ‘my dog Ned’ I was pointing and Rayyaan was reading then we switched over

Nathan – if you get stuck you sound out a word. We wrote to the dragon and we got a present from the Friendly Dragon. We got some birds, a poisoned apple and a mirror, they were clues it was Snow White

Maddie – We wrote a letter to the Dragon because we want to save fairyland. We have been reading the Snow White book and there was a poison apple and the queen gave it to Snow White, she went to sleep

Andrew – we learned oy and ou its spells ouch, mouse. The baby came into our class and we looked after it


Maizy – I liked learning about the baby, you need nappies, milk and give them good care

Emma C – we made cards for the baby to welcome it

Holly – we made special cards for the baby, we were learning about what babies need, they need a car seat, a high chair, food

Emma Ch – we have been talking about the baby and what it needs. It needs nappies, loads of care and to sleep by mum and dad

Sophia – A baby needs love. We have been measuring liquids the stones made the water go higher and higher. The stones are heavier that the water when me and Maddie put the stones in the water it blasted out


A  – we measured liquid and we needed  it at the top so its full,  I estimated 8 little jugs to fill the big jug and I was right it was 8

Aakruti  – we did half, full and empty in the sand we measure it, it was 19 scoops to fill up the tub

Jamie – when I put the stones in, the water went full because the stones pushed it up

Poppy – in big maths I had 9 + 1, 7 + 3, 5 + 5 they are all friends of ten, I did my Learnit before the timer finished

Rayyaan – in big maths I did doubles




This week in P3…

“We really enjoyed our art lesson this week.  We drew big flowers and then we put glue over all of the pencil lines.  Once it was dry we chose really bright coloured chalk to colour them in.  The glue left a black line that the chalk couldn’t stick to.” – Aydan & Ella

“I liked the art because it was really fun and I now know how to draw big flowers!” -Zara

(Look out for these flowers brightening up our new Quiet Zone soon! – Miss Marnie)

“This week I enjoyed PE because we learned how to do “keepie-upies” and “pizza slices” in Tennis!” – Oliver

“I liked using repeated addition to solve times table sums.” – Jacob C

“I liked Maths with Mr Keast.  We did the 5 times table and we had to solve the word problems.” – Tain

“I enjoyed making a Powerpoint about the Gift of the Nile for our Ancient Egypt topic.” – Euan

“I enjoyed working out the maths sums using different strategies.” – Rebecca C

“I liked sharing the “In the News” part of our April Home Learning.  I liked listening to what people had to say about the news stories.” – Kitty

“I enjoyed doing jigsaws because we worked together.  When we couldn’t do it we just kept on trying!” – Ellie

“I liked playing rounders!” – Aydan

“I liked the April Home Learning because it was really fun and we got to do lots of activities.  My favourite one was “Reading for Enjoyment” and I read Matilda!” – Lola B


*New* May Home Learning:   HL MAY