In P4 This Week…

Hurrah, the Quail chicks hatched on Tuesday and the children were so excited (the staff more so!). P4 had done a great job caring for the eggs, turning them 4 times a day, checking temperature and humidity and taking care not to drop any!  On Tuesday we arrived to find four hatched and two on their way, over the day, another three arrived giving a grand total of 9 chicks.  So, even if Mrs Smith is missing p4 she now has plenty of ‘children’ to be looking after in the holidays!  All the classes had the opportunity to come and see them and watch them hatch on the incubator webcam.

I think you’ll agree they are just so cute.

To finish off the end of term and our flight topic we have been making rockets. On Tuesday we had an experimental lesson where we revisited our knowledge of how things fly and thought about what was important to make the rockets successful. On Friday we took this further and tested the rockets with a pressured rocket launcher!  What great fun trying to get the rockets as far as possible (one or two may still be on the school roof!).

Well done to those children who were brave enough to perform in the talent show, you were fantastic.

Thank you for all your support over the year and I hope you all have a great summer break.

This week in P4

We have been hearing the last of our class talks, some independently prepared power point presentations and auditions for the class show.  What enthusiastic and busy children we have in P4!  Fitness fortnight has been great fun so far , we have had some training in Basketball, football and a fun run (well some were running) too.   Our pyjama day was relaxing and was great way to enjoy our sports assembly and  golden ticket movie award.

We are looking forward to Monday when our eggs are due to hatch…

Golden Time Disco for P2 and P3

Lots of fun was had by everyone at our recent Fun Day and we were delighted the sun shone for us.  Some children were lucky enough to win prizes in the Children’s Raffle.  In Primary 2 Joe won dress down for a day and Emma M won a disco for Golden Time.  We were able to enjoy both these prizes on Friday and joined up with Primary 3 who also won a Golden Time disco.  Here are some photos of our dancing fun.

Primary 2 Museums Handling Visit

Primary 2 enjoyed a super workshop from West Lothian Council Museums. We were transported back in time to a hundred years ago to find out how people lived in the past. Here are a few of the children’s reflections on their learning:

Jarrad: I enjoyed looking at the old photos.

Finn: It was loud when Mrs Liddell sounded the old fashioned car horn.

Anna: Children were not allowed to play on a Sunday.

Lakshya: I liked dressing up like children from 100 years ago.

Darcy: Lots of toys were made from wood and metal.

Emma F: A hot water bottle was called a piggy.

2 weeks of P7 left!

Another hectic week this week, and that’s how it will be for the last 2 weeks too.

Another raffle prize was claimed today so we had a pyjama day. I wish I could do this all the time!

Lots of pupils visited JYHS this week for transition and they didn’t want to come back to LVPS.

“It was really good to make new friends.” – Holly

“The best bit was making new friends. I was a bit worried about that before but it was OK.” – Briony

“We got to light bunsen burners in science and we mixed liquids so they changed colour then we put them in a filter and the liquid came out clear and the yellow was left on the paper. It was so good.” – Eilidh

Don’t forget P7 have their leavers’ assembly on Friday morning at 9:15 – they think you should bring your hankies!

P2 Weekly Learning Reflection 15.6.18

In Maths, we have been learning to divide and making links with fractions.  We learned that finding a half means divide by two and finding a quarter means divide by 4.  We also learned that fractions are equal parts of a whole.

In Health and Wellbeing we talked about emotional health and how our actions and behaviour affects other people.  We talked about how our behaviour can affect others in a positive way or a negative way and Mrs Clyne left us with a question to think about ‘Are we working together as a class to ensure everyone is happy?’.

On Thursday we worked in our House teams to complete the House Challenge.  We had to solve clues to find ten different envelopes hidden in the school grounds.  We then had to work together to solve the maths problems to find a final answer.  It was tricky trying to solve the problems but everyone showed perseverance and determination.  Well done to the winners, Almondell!

We finished working with the Beebots by challenging our peers to move the Beebot from one place on the mat to another.  We had to think carefully about the directions before we programmed him.  It was not as easy as some of us thought it would be!

This Week in P4

This week we have been listening to our class talks. The children have impressed me with their confidence to stand up and speak out.  They have all spoken clearly and have made good choices in their flight linked topic. I am much better informed about Concorde and pleased to hear that it might be bought back in the future. Most children have made good use of the resources they have created, some have shared power points, others posters, 3D models, and even items to illustrate their talk such as feathers and kites. I am looking forward to hearing the rest of the class next week.

All the children have made a Swiss roll this week with Mrs Findlay, even sharing a sample with Mrs Mill and Mr McCallum-McKay who were very appreciative of their hard work and learning. By the look of the sticky faces they all loved it!

The children have been taking turns to turn the eggs in the incubator and cross off the days, one more full week to go…


What a busy couple of weeks P1M have had!!!

We have had a couple of very busy weeks recently in Primary 1. We had a busy week preparing and practicing for our assembly on the Life Cycle of a Butterfly. We had our trip to Mill Farm which was fantastic. Photos to follow later. Last week we were learning about i and o magic e sounds. We made words such as bike and home. In writing we wrote about our trip to Mill Farm. In Maths we have been exploring money. We have been taking part in various activities such as count up where we have been counting with money and coin exchange where we have been making values such as 3p which don’t have their own coins. In IDL, We were set a challenge by the friendly dragon. He asked us to build a 3D model of what we thought he looked liked. We could use Lego, play dough or the bricks. On Tuesday we had outdoor learning with Mrs Murdoch. Here are a few of the children’s reflections on their learning:

Lewis: It was quite challenging to make a dragon out of Lego.

Aiden: I found learning the magic e sounds easy.

Alanice: It was easy to learn o magic e.

Jan: I learned why magic e is magical.

Calum: It was easy to work together to make a dragon.

Anya: I liked working with Mrs Murdoch. We were putting objects on a map.