In P4 This Week…

Hurrah, the Quail chicks hatched on Tuesday and the children were so excited (the staff more so!). P4 had done a great job caring for the eggs, turning them 4 times a day, checking temperature and humidity and taking care not to drop any!  On Tuesday we arrived to find four hatched and two on their way, over the day, another three arrived giving a grand total of 9 chicks.  So, even if Mrs Smith is missing p4 she now has plenty of ‘children’ to be looking after in the holidays!  All the classes had the opportunity to come and see them and watch them hatch on the incubator webcam.

I think you’ll agree they are just so cute.

To finish off the end of term and our flight topic we have been making rockets. On Tuesday we had an experimental lesson where we revisited our knowledge of how things fly and thought about what was important to make the rockets successful. On Friday we took this further and tested the rockets with a pressured rocket launcher!  What great fun trying to get the rockets as far as possible (one or two may still be on the school roof!).

Well done to those children who were brave enough to perform in the talent show, you were fantastic.

Thank you for all your support over the year and I hope you all have a great summer break.